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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. They've already begun phasing them out. I spoke with a "stinkbug" pilot at Nellis this past weekend, he says they're looking at sending their last ones "to the hangar" (these won't be stored at Davis-Monthan, at least not outside) by the end of next year or early 2008. Those frames they've already retired this year (about 10 I think is what he said) will stay at Holloman as parts cows until the rest are retired.
  2. This is already doccumented (in english, WITH pictures) in the "games" section of Macrossworld
  3. Rumors are true. The Key West det of the VFC-12 "Fighting Omars" is standing up as their own squadron, VFC-111 "Sundowners". The sunburst on F-5 tails? I guess we'll see!
  4. I picked up on the star-wars similarities pretty quickly (you forgot to mention the presence of a "cloud-city", lol) I agree though, it's not over done. I'm thoroughly enjoying this one so far... they even have the presence of mind to tell you when you're saving that it may be a bit before you get back to a free-roaming time again, which is good to save on a second slot (until you complete that section) LOL, to be fair, blitz-ball was one of the few things I actually enjoyed about FFX (you know it's bad when you play FFX more for the blitz ball than just about anything else)
  5. yeah, the squadron is the VF-103 Jolly Rogers (Now VFA-103 since they converted to the Super Hornet). That picture was taken on their 2003 mediterranian cruise, I believe the two MiG-21s are croatian, but I cannot remember for certain.
  6. give it a few years and all those regs will be reduced or withdrawn completely. A guy I know who was in VF-84 when they transitioned from F-4Ns to F-14s told me they had some restrictions in place about what they could and could not paint on also. An example of this was the fact that originally, all squadrons had to paint their jets control surfaces white... however by the time VF-84 transitioned, they were already starting to ease up on that (hence the all-black tails) he went on to say that by the very late 1970s, those regs were already being turned a blind eye to, which is, I believe why the white dissapeared from gull grey paintschemes all together. It happened again in the very early 1980s when they began to make the switch to low-visability paintschemes. There was a year or two in there where NO color-birds were allowed in the squadron, this was, of course eventually backed off of. I guess it's just a cycle!
  7. ... that's a good idea! Never thought about that one...
  8. that is one huge mother#$cker....
  9. I don't think there's been a really "set and defined" character in FF since FFIV. Starting with FFV, some or most abilities are entirely interchangable between characters. (FFVI tried to fight this by giving each character specific unique abilities, but all of the characters (except for Umaro) could still carry ALL of the espers and learn ALL of the magic... by the time I reached Kefka for the final battle, I had literally every character slinging "Ultima" like it was cheap magic... this totally broke the game, as the fight was over in no time) Ever since, it's been up to the player to define the character roles. I guess that could either be a good or bad thing. I choose to look at it in a good light, because I think it provides a great degree of flexibility and a considerable amount of replay value. However I can also somewhat see Duke's point, it does kind of homogenize the characters (unless you set your own goal to keep each character with certain capabilities only). It also takes away some of the challenge. In this particular case, beyond the fact that some characters come and go, play-wise there is nothing to distinguish one from another (MAYBE that they start with different stuff on their license board...). I can see it being a small sticking point to some, it doesn't really bother me though.
  10. Surprisingly, I had a chance to talk to the XO of VX-9 during the Black Lions Bash/Key West night at the O-club on that thursday. I asked him the very same question. He mentioned that a few of the higher ups would like to see another all-black jet, but evidently those with the power of "yes/no" were not in favor of it. They were also very upset to see that the Vandy-one F-14D (now a gate guard there at Oceana) was repainted from it's all black paintscheme. (When it was first set on display, it wore VF-143 Pukin dogs markings, now it bears VF-31 markings on one side and VFA-211 markings on the other) VFA-31 Superhornets already exist in the form of VFA-22's F/A-18Es. They're getting 22s E models while VFA-22 is transitioning to F/A-18F models. Myself and two friends are going out to Nellis AFB for the airshow next week, and one of those friends is taking a side-flight to NAS Lemoore to see if any of 22's F models have been delivered yet or if any of 22's E models have already been repainted in VFA-31 colors. (I don't believe the squadron has been officially re-designated yet though)
  11. LOL, got your phone message, I was actually out with my buddy in the USAF at McConnell AFB skulking about the flightline... a pair of VFA-32 Super Hornets stopped in for fuel and dinner (we took them out to eat some local BBQ). It sucked that I didn't have my camera with me! There were a ton of camera guys there at Oceana... I'm not sure I could pick out any one specifically from the History Channel though. Most of them were up on top of the hangars. During the ceremony itself, while most of the talking was done, I was standing almost directly behind the band. (which, in turn, was almost directly behind the static F-14 with all the weaponry arrayed around it. I loved this because I was well forward of the crowd line, and no one seemed inclined to tell me to move. During the warm-up of Bandwagon 102, I was sitting underneath the nose of the new VFA-213 Black Lions Super hornet. After the taxi-out, I moved out next to the rear of the VX-9 Super Hornet. This is where I stayed during the flyby.
  12. Since I already have the "Modern Marvels" on DVD and I was actually there for the sunset, I saw no need to watch this one. It is definately worth watching if you've never seen it though!
  13. "since the days of the harrier"? It's still in prominent use today, lol.
  14. Murphy, if you've at all played FFXI, the travel system is similar to that in many respects (in that you can travel from one area to another), I haven't gotten to a point yet where I move from one large area to another, so I don't know about that yet.
  15. I'm already a couple of hours in and I'm loving just about everything about the game. It operates a lot like Final Fantasy XI (only without annoying and impatient players that sometimes don't even speak your language), taking a lot from the graphics/gameplay engine. The new battle system is pretty cool, it takes a little of the rampant button-pushing out of it (basically, your players will continue to do what you tell them to do until you tell them to do something different). Seeing all the enemies on the map already (another thing they pulled from FFXI) is also cool. I can kind of see the "license" method providing the means for a lot of replay value, since you can basically tailor all of your characters in different ways (IE, all balanced in every field, or specialists in combat, magic, etc). That's just an initial observation though... hopefully after playing through the game it will continue to hold true though. The graphics and music have been excellent too. The environments are completely flushed out with detail, and the amount of people running around towns gives you a serious MMORPG feel. The cutscenes are pretty much on par with "Advent Children" (ok, MAYBE a notch down, but still really good). The music fits the mood, nothing has seemed out of character so far! All of my initial impressions have been really good. It could be that this is the game that revives the Final Fantasy series amongst hardcore RPGers (instead of being just incredibly good eye-candy with weak or non-existent story and game play)... the potential is certainly there, at least. I'm cautiously optimistic, as I haven't fully enjoyed a Final Fantasy game since FFVI (others since had their good points, but lacked a great deal in some or many areas). Here's to hoping I continue to be impressed as the game wears on! I know some of you have probably jumped all over the Japanese release (seeing as how they got it way back in march), but for many of us, the US release is the first we really see or hear of it. Did anyone else gear up for the midnight release? "Project Phoenix" and I stood outside in the freezing wind while the costumed "freaks, geeks, and weirdos" got to go in a full 20 minutes before us... we both got what we were after though, since we pre-ordered (mine was fully paid already, I just had to pick it up) Both of us got the Special Edition of the game, He also got the special edition of the strategy guide with the art book in it, I settled for the regular strategy guide... almost second guessing that one though!
  16. ... and no one to tell them that they couldn't "fertilize" the deck when they vent fuel in the overhead break, lol. A good friend of mine that served in "crash" on the USS Independence and later the Kitty Hawk said many a deck crew would look to the sky and tell the overhead Tomcats that "they were number one" as the Tomcats would break into the landing pattern while dumping fuel over the carrier deck... In all fairness, evidently the Hornet community did it some too, but the Tomcats did it much more often... or so I am told.
  17. I really disliked it at first, but since I helped put together a decal sheet with the squadrons new jets (through Hobbydecal), they've really started to grow on me. The Super Hornet as a whole is starting to grow on me. It's certainly no Tomcat, and the argument is very much up in the air to if it's "Mr. Right", but it is without question "Mr. Right Now", so we might as well make the best of it! It's been hard (as a fan) to come to grips with the fact that there are no longer any flying Tomcats in the US (I stop at the word "flyable", because the plane I care for in the museum is very much complete and could be flown with about a weeks worth of hardcore maintenance). Wanna see flying Tomcats now, you'll need to move to Tehran... and to be fair, Iran's F-14As wear a pretty kick-ass blue cammo scheme that isn't too far removed from something you'd see on a flanker.
  18. Won't be at Edwards, but I WILL be at Nellis in a few weeks....
  19. Great photos, Richard... Did the VFA-122 F/A-18E do the demo? Usually they use an F model for the actual flying! Would've figured SOMEONE would've had something to say about the stuff we posted... I guess no one is interested.
  20. ... at the risk of asking an overly obvious question... ... even Rick Hunter? LOL
  21. This thread seems to indicate a policy change on animated avatars... unless I mis-read somehow?
  22. I went and read the spoiler/plot thread... I get the distinct impression from the article that with the original Robotech series they kinda painted themselves into a corner and now they're trying to hop their way back out (and stumbling unsuccessfully) and delays continue? I have no doubt that SOMETHING now exists in film format, but to my logic the project will continue to be vaporware until it hits store shelves. I stick by my logic that it will continue to be pushed back until it is lost in project oblivion.
  23. ...the most wicked of sick. I demand more.
  24. I pre-ordered that book a long while back. They released a special edition limited print (one print for each tomcat ever made), so I got the one that had the BuNo of the Tomcat I take care of (161598)... painfully expensive, but it IS a good book.
  25. You're kidding, right? The Thunderbolt was a slow-as-hell heat trap that could only soak up damage, not really deal it out. All throughout my paper and pencil days of Battletech (Battletech/Citytech/Battleforce/Mechwarrior, etc.. I played them all... still would if I knew people who played) any time someone in one of MY generated units rolled a Thunderbolt for his mech, I promptly replaced it! Same with the shadowhawk... looked like a nice, balanced mech on paper, but did nothing but blow up pretty from ammunition explosions every time it got hit...
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