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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. I'll be joining you guys on Unicorn server as soon as I finish downloading the update.. 10+ hours to go!?!? how much have they changed since the beginning??? I guess having a 56k is a SERIOUS issue, but sadly one I cannot fix. Maybe I'll be on sometime tomorrow night. I've got PlayOnline up and running though... my handle is Lancer.
  2. LoI DOES rock... the only downfall I find is with the camera control... sometimes hard to see what's coming towards you. the SNES port of Dracula X- Rondo of Blood (entitled Dracula XX) was a SERIOUSLY watered-down version of the PC engine game (those of us with the ROM and a Magic Engine emu can verify that). Dracula X comes in second only after SOTN, which was the best one ever, IMHO. LoI comes in third, it's got a kick-ass soundtrack and the game-action is really smooth and easy to control, just the camera control can make things difficult sometimes. I had heard rumors of a port of Dracula X, but no one seemed to know for sure if it would happen and what platform it would be on. those wanting more info on the Castlevania series should visit: The Castlevania Dungeon for ROMS and more info (but don't look for the Dracula X ROM... Konami won't allow that one out and good luck finding someone willing to part with it or make a copy of that (practically had to beg and plead for my own... I really don't need my first-born child anyway, right?)
  3. Wow, you guys were so CLOSE! The specter of Tukayyid was Star Colonel Kael Pershaw, due to his appearance and the fact that he seemed to appear and dissapear without anyone ever really knowing if he was there or not. It was mentioned in "Falcon Guard" at some point.. I think right before the Falcon Guard drops onto the Prezno plains. Ironically, he also flies in a "specter" scout aircraft for the duration of the mission.
  4. ahhh, but let us hear from him if things do not work out.... when you do things like this over long distances there could be any number of problems... not all of them necessarilly his fault. I feel for those who have been (at least temporarily) shafted... let's hope there's a logical explination for it all.
  5. LOL, "Fastback?" When did Ford start making Thunderbolts? I believe the term you're looking for is "Fast Pack" just thought it was cute.... not picking on anyone..
  6. 1.= still up for grabs 2. yes, they were a matched pair of griffins. For a while, Victor Davion had A Crusader and a Maurader. Galen Cox's crusader was decked out in Kell Hound colors and the Maurauder was done in the colors of the 1st Kathil Uhlans. 3. Morgan Hasek-Davion and General Ariana Winston (Morgan was assasinated and if I remember correctly, Winston died in combat) 4. Arthur Luvon sired Melissa Steiner 5. Quintin company on Al-na'ir was the second manufacturing facility to produce the AS7K/J
  7. LOL, Valkyrie collecting is a stern mistress that demands more of your display space and finances than any other hobby ever will. She is brutal and if you ignore her then she just issues the next 1/48 release without you and keeps on going..... ... but we love her anyway!
  8. Like others with a tight budget, I had to pick and choose one that I wanted (and I was glad I did.... really small haul for christmas this year) and get it myself. Although it is tempting to go back and buy the others, this one shall serve as the centerpiece of my collection for now. Maybe at some point in the future I will get another, but I'm getting fast pack armor before that. You're definately missing out! Pick one up! For Example: You *KNOW* these are hot items when people don't want to part with their damaged ones! I was willing (and advertised) for AGES that I would buy anyone's damaged 1/48 if there was something they didn't like about it...... few people were willing to do it and those that offered wanted near-brand new prices on them. Should give you some idea!
  9. Ok, next quiz... these should be easy. #1. Who was the "Specter of Tukkayyid?" #2. What 2 mechs traditionally stand at the side of the throne on Tharkad in the FC/LA? #3. What two Generals died during operation: "Serpent"? #4. Who was Melissa Steiner's father? #5. The Atlas battlemech was originally produced by Defiance Industries on Hesperus II, what company picked up the design to double production after the Clan invasion started?
  10. I don't keep up with these sort of things very often, so I'll ask those in the know, was the 1/48 anywhere in the running?
  11. Well, the Low-vis *is* a limited edition, it's gonna sell for higher than the others for that reason alone. The newer 1/48s retail anywhere from $120-160 depending on who you buy it from, so re-issue Roy VF-1S 1/48s sounds about right...
  12. I have 4 or 5 sprues full just laying around somewhere that I'd GIVE away if it didn't take effort to mail them, just isn't worth it to me. Both jetfires I got when I was young (about a 2 year difference between the two... one was a Matsushiro, the other was not) had missiles with them.
  13. I stand corrected then
  14. AgentONE's method of pillow talk: "One good turn deserves another...."
  15. would the squadron spend more time in the atmosphere or space? What's their primary role? These might affect a color scheme
  16. nah, all Jetfires had them.. if you didn't get them, your box was missing something. I HAD to email him about it... I couldn't take it anymore....
  17. Yes it was... a shame that version never came stateside... or that the REAL Metal Gear 2 (probably the best in the series so far) never made it here either. ROMS and translations can be found online though.
  18. This has nothing to do with politics. I mentioned no nation and pointed the blame on the individual, not his beliefs or nationality. I could care less who shot the footage, nationality does not matter.... even if it were my neighbor, I'd still put my size 14 (shoe) in his butt.
  19. I think it has more to do with the fact that any "decent" human being would've done what they could to foil the missile launch.... that reporter KNEW people might die and he did nothing anyway ("hmm.... if I get really good footage of those people dying and the people that did it to them, maybe I'll get a lot of money!"), true journalism or no, I find those to be the worst cases of human beings alive. I hope somebody kicks his ass. I'll raise a beer to the skill of that pilot. I'd say his talents are wasted in Civillian service, but then again, I guess they're not You kick ass man..... and I'm sure everyone that was on board agrees.
  20. tut tut tut..... he only HALO's in the american version of the game. In the original Japanese version he enters the same way he does in all of the others, by water. The two games are similar, but have differences. American version: -Enters by parachute -Dual gunners on top of building #2 -WTF is General "Vernon Kataffy"?!?!?!? (sounds like a devious bad guy to me...) <_< -You fight an evil.......... super computer??? It puts up SUCH a hard fight... <_< -Password protected (really friggin LONG and annoying.. how many times in my youth did I copy a code down incorrectly?) Japanese version -Enters VIA water, like all other official metal gear games (so far) -Hind D helecopter on top of building #2 -Transciever screen has an image of Solid Snake -You fight Metal Gear itself, which DOES fight back.... -Save-game capable The maps of the two games are similar but a couple of areas are different (don't really care to mention them here, but if you've played both, you'll know what I mean). The one area where the american version has an advantage is the color pallete. The Japanese version is done completely in dark, drab colors, where the US version has a little more depth and detail (sprites look the same, just different colors)
  21. Yeah, the layering of conspiracy theories kinda got annoying, but I loved the game other than that... ... It won't be solidus, but Big Boss in the third game.
  22. Well, unlike more pessimistic members here I am rather looking forward to the next installment of the series... I've loved every one I've played so far (except for the american-made BS Metal Gear 2: "Snakes Revenge", which isn't Canon anyway). I might remind the congregation that Metal Gear *IS* Kojima's creation...there likely won't be a true metal gear that he doesn't work on.
  23. Having possessed both at some point (I used to own the 1/60 strike and now I have the 1/48) I can say that both are good choices.. but I never thought the 1/48 would be as cool as it is until I finally laid a hand on one. Both make great display pieces and my 1/60 wasn't even really that floppy, but if you get one and one only (or just want your first piece of Macross to be a memorable one) get a 1/48. Problems people talk about are sparse (my Hikaru 1/48 has no problems at all). I WOULD reccomend getting a newer one (Hikaru, Roy re-ish, 1J) and avoid the older A models which may be more problematic (or not, people love those too) Go order from Kevin at Valkyrie Exchange (or one of the many other reliable dealers here)... They'll get it to you fast and safe. Join us.... come into the light... buy a valkyrie and feel like a kid all over again!
  24. mine just rolled in (thanks Kevin!) and the pictures do not begin to give it justice.... these things ROCK......
  25. Having finally handled my own, I was suprised at the durability (more than a 1/60 by far). Having said that, I think of it as a display piece (a very posable one!) I do handle it and transform it, but if I were to ever take it to a friends house, it'll be in the box. As for 10 year olds? The first 10 year old that touches it will be shot..... survivors will be shot again I've got $5 knockoffs and superposables for the younger relatives that have a desire to play with them. In either case, I'm out less than $5 if something on them breaks.
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