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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. despite what it all says, I just don't buy it. there would have HAD to be more... if we say there were around 150,000 survivors, it would've taken cloning on a scale that beggars belief to repopulate the species. I don't think it was quite the WCS... 60%-70% seems more likely.
  2. lol, you'd need to be EXTREMELY high-level to think such thoughts and not die for them... ahhh tales from teh dark-side, I am SO looking forward to my time based out of Jeuno.... (not?)..
  3. For the moment (because he happens to have everything I've wanted so far) I order exclusively from Kevin, and I always will pending he has what I need. I have never had a problem with any packing... my 1/48 AND the armor arrived pristine in their boxes (hell, I was afraid to touch the packing job because it was so nicely done ) I think you really had a one-in-a-million-chance accident with your 1/48, I hope this won't deter you from ordering from Kevin in the future... he's a fan and he does this for other fans, so he knows how to treat us right! I certainly won't turn you away from other dealers though... we're blessed to have as many people "working the corner" as we do... or else some of us might have to wait longer to get our valkyrie fix! Of all our mainstream dealers, I've never heard of one of them rubbing somebody wrong, so no matter who you go with, you're in good hands! (of course, the first time they jack somebody around is the last time they do business with us, as has been demonstrated!)
  4. The higher up in level you get, the harder it becomes to find a functional party... especially where you happen to be. Shigashi, as you get higher, there are fewer places you really "want" to be, so it becomes only slightly easier (and people are still hard to find) Bear in mind, it's not impossible, you just don't get picked up for parties like the lv.15-18s do in the Valkurm dunes. You sometimes have to wait and/or engage in other tasks until space or a party becomes available.
  5. Welcome to the ranks of the Macross elite (although, I no longer own mine, and it was much further from MIB than yours is...) Despite the advances in technology represented in the Yamato molds, the Takatoku line has a certain aesthetic quality that cannot be recaptured by anything made today. All the more so when it's still in the box. Still, if you decide to break the set, or even just wanna sell your grey, lemme know, I'd love to replace what I never should've let go!
  6. I hope somebody freeze-dries your favorite pair of underwear [133+ dork mode]Macross 7 r0x0rs [/133+ dork mode]
  7. lol, I'll trade you my right underfin if you'll trade me your left..... I know exactly how you feel!
  8. Here's a prelim. run on my submission. I don't have a "VB-6" logo on there yet (still working on it) and I'm looking for a UN Spacy logo, but I'm having a hard time finding one I can use. I will soon have all the panels and even the bottom worked out, but here is a brief taste. The Animeigo DVDs kinda gave me the idea. This is my first time to ever attempt anything like this... I've had Adobe photoshop for ages, but I've never worked with it before, looks like my competition is pretty tough!
  9. working on an entry even as we speak... what's the deadline??
  10. I don't understand why people put it up to everyone else to figure out what valkyrie they should get.... pick your favorite DYRL type and get that one (or get the Hikaru 1J, or wait a bit and get the Max or Milia), none of us can help you with that decision.
  11. I got this WAY back in the mid-late 80's when my grandparents still lived on the Little Rock Airforce Base (home of the hercules, yeah!) Although it was a 1D kit, it came with a strike cannon, and it also had a 1A head in the box... strange. I still have it, and I still have the unused decal sheet from it, crazy huh?
  12. Note that the head unit and the canopies are different on the 22-production variant than they were on the YF-21. Hasegawa makes a VF-22 kit, doesn't it? or was that one a YF-kit also? (although fighter mode would be easier to convert anyway)
  13. These little 1/144 Bandai kits are fun to build. They require very little effort to assemble and offer about the same level of posability as some Gundam HGUC kits. Like the rest of the Macross7 kit lineup, the VF-11MAXL kit is actually 2 kits in one. It contains parts to build one battroid mode and one fighter mode. Both kits are snap-together, using polyjoints to preserve posability with the arms, legs, and head (in the battroid). I believe it was Tect that put out several custom kits, providing parts for Gerwalk mode, or soundbooster kits for all the 1/144 lineup, but here I only have the basic kit. Assembly: This kit came together pretty fast. It's a snap-together job, but obviously you may want to glue at least some pieces (the antennae around the head of the battroid and the thruster nozzles of the fighter come to mind) for stability. The kit is far from complex and a competent 7yr old could assemble this I think. The Battroid has the option of having the chest speakers (okay, OKAY... they're boobs...) being built open or closed.. it's a matter of selecting which one you want to use. My only regret about the fighter mode is that you have to build it with the landing gears down unless you wanna do some cutting/customizing. There IS a pilot for the cockpit though! Score: 8/10 for it's straightforwardness.... it loses points for not being a challenge though. Painting: Most of the kit comes casted in the correct colors... although to be accurate to the show, some pieces have to be painted. The chestpiece (both of them) came casted in pink, when the majority of it is supposed to be white. It comes with decals to deal with this, but it's a poor alternative at best (the decals were shiny!?). Again.. true modellers will want to paint the whole thing, but a weekend builder could paint select areas and be done with it, and it will be fine (which is what I did). Score: 8/10 Very little of this kit is hard to access, so painting is pretty easy. With only select portions of the kit "Needing" to be painted, it gets points for the quick fix. Posability: The Battroid has a surprising amount of posability to it. Ball joint wrists, hips and ankles always make for better action poses, and this kit provides. The head rests on a ball joint also, but the antennae limit forward movement a little. The fighter, of course, is little more than a static model, but what do you expect? Score: 9/10 It offers a wide degree of movement possibilities for a 1/144 kit. Older models in this scale might offer less. The lack of open hands limits gun poses, but that's to be expected. Overall: These kits are a good way to thoroughly kill an evening or two. Given the size, I'm very happy with what the Bandai 1/144 VF-11Kai MAXL kit offers. Detail is kept to a minimum, but I feel with a stylized valkyrie such as this, that might not be such a bad thing. On the downside, the kits are NOT proportioned to one another. While the fighter mode looks pretty good, I think the arms on the battroid might be a little large. I'll leave that for others to draw their conclusions on though. Score (Overall) 8.5/10 An excellent kit for the average price, since you essentially get two kits in one. It loses points for questionable proportions and a forced grounded pose for the fighter, but those can be overlooked (especially since it's the only VF-11MAXL kit there is commonly available!) Pics:
  14. last one! I didn't spend much time on the kit, but input is always accepted.
  15. number 4
  16. number 3
  17. number 2
  18. I put this kit together a while back.. I was bored so I figured I'd throw a couple of pics up. I'll be adding this to the model-review section with a review added to it (waits for Vostok to add his own personal touch to this thread... and he KNOWS what I'm talking about....)
  19. that video kicks ass! I thought it was such an excellent blend of two different animations together (there are points when it is easy to think that Spike starred in an episode of Trigun or Vash in an episode of Cowboy Bebop!) Others not so good, but still fun to watch nonetheless. I have this on my computer, and the resolution at full-screen is pretty good, but I'm not sure how good.
  20. Bravestarr kicked ass pretty hard (I always wanted to see the movie, but I never was able to) What you may NOT know is that Bravestarr is what filmation ORIGINALLY wanted He-Man to be. Evidently they thought the concept wouldn't fly at the time and it got shelved until a few years later. Thirty-Thirty (the horse/humanoid) had that sweet-ass shotgun called "Sarah-Jane" that could shoot through just about anything... I remember that bionic-demon bull named "Stampede" scaring the living hell out of me when I was a little kid. They were short on voice actors for that one, I remember the guy that did Marshall Bravestarr's voice also doing a couple of other characters... (he also did "thunderstick" and I think one other). They had one female voice actor for all the female parts (not just the Judge), but it was surprisingly well done. I always loved the bgm... and if I ever find it(the background music), I'll download the hell out of it! C.O.P.S. also kicked ass... I always wanted that bazooka that Mace carried. Those toys kicked ass, but the figures had some messed up proportions... and the cap-guns that came with them looked all F-ed up. Oh well, the show rocked.
  21. many here seem to forget that more than one member on this board runs a shop or small business out of the Hong Kong area..... if you're still looking for one of the older runs, put it up in the "wanted" section.. you might find someone still packing (although, the low-viz seems like a pretty dried up well at the moment)
  22. I remember the Gobots/Rocklords movie.... I actually had some of those after the movie came out..... ... who woulda thought kids would buy toys that turn from robots..... INTO ROCKS!?!?!?
  23. I've been here since late 1998 or early 1999 when the website forums were only once page and really consisted of nothing more than people looking for old Bandais and Takatokus (or wondering if Kevin still had any Joon's valkyries for sale). I lurked at Alt.fan.macross, but I never posted there. There was one guy on there for the longest time who was having his name abused by someone else (you had to input your name manually every time you posted), and no one ended up believing him over anything anymore... my god that was a long time ago..... once we switched to the first "real" board, I was one of the first dozen or so registered members... (I remember Apollo Leader and myself musing how we needed an "Angel Leader" to complete our triumvirate!) Hey Shawn, I know you're busy, but do you still have any screengrabs of the site from it's earlier days? I know you used to, 'cause you'd put one up every once in a great while..... it would be neat to see those again.
  24. The firestorm of speculation comes because no one was for certain (and many hoped it did not) if HG's license extended to DYRL or not. Plus, when HG released the original Macross superposables, other than the box they were shipped in, there was no difference at all, yet they were sold at something like four times the cost of the R-tech superposables when they first came out.
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