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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Chie Kajiuras vocals (well, all the fire bomber songs really) were about the only thing I really enjoyed about Mac7. Of the entire franchise, I felt her vocals were strongest behind Iijimas stuff.
  2. A while back, me and one other guy from this site (I can no longer remember his name, this was back around 2002) had a pair of macross fan fictions we were writing.... his was called "Macross: Victory Skies" I think... Mine was simply "Skull Leader VFX", both centered around small, independent-action VFX squadrons. Our stories even crossed over at one point where a pair of VB-6 pilots from his story saved the team in my story during an extraction. I wish I still had all that somewhere, I'd repost it again. I'll have to look on some of my old external hard drives and see if I squirreled anything away.
  3. Just finished watching this, I'm pretty bowled over! The dub team did an excellent job for the most part (I had issues with Roy... it sounded really forced, but otherwise well done!) I loved it! A few constructive comments: -The voice audio track is considerably louder than the background noise/music/SFX track... there were one or two points where I had to adjust the volume dependent upon whether or not someone was speaking (usually involving Roy early on) -The new voice tracks don't always jive with where the characters are.... (no reverb effect based on the size of the room they were standing in, etc), they kind of sound removed from what's going on around them -The new SFX added fit perfectly! You did an incredible job with this. I *really* wish I had it on disc, but I can stream youtube through my PS3 onto my HD tv, which is almost as good. Thanks for all your hard work!
  4. That's what I was thinking... A bootleg with Chinese and english subtitles is bound to appear eventually. I just wanted something that I knew would have a good translation
  5. Ok, so I'm old enough (membership wise) to know better... but nothing came up when I searched "DYRL 30th annversary blu ray subtitles", and a few pages of searching haven't turned up what I'm after.... so at the risk of ridicule from my peers, I'm gonna claim internet defeat and ask: has anyone put together a subbed version of the DYRL 30th anniversary blu ray? If so, is there any way to acquire it without having to burn it ones self? (I don't have a blu-ray burner). I'd really like to own the original for the video quality, but the prohibitive price and lack of subtitles are a major no-go for me (I speak Japanese like a 3-year old) please tell me I'm not stuck with my perfect-edition knockoff DVD... the video quality is nice enough, but the subtitles are wretched!
  6. As much video as they re-did for that game, they may as well do the entire series (please?) That footage is effin' incredible.
  7. I've been waffling back and forth on whether or not I want to get this.... sounds like I need to bite the bullet and order
  8. My bad, I've been out of the loop for a while.
  9. Not to mention time consuming, though I don't think any of us deny that properly hand-drawn and animated valkyries would be anything less than gorgeous (see: DYRL). The whole reason I threw in "computer animated" is because it is easier to design and animate a consistently detailed model so you don't run into things like screwed up paintjobs in certain animation frames, or suddenly sprouting a new weapon appendage, etc that lead to confusion. One of the biggest single gripes I had about SDFM over DYRL was the inconsistency of the animefriend-animated episodes. Everything looked under-detailed, out of proportion, the list goes on... By comparison, the episodes that Studio Nue took the time to do themselves (the aforementioned episode 18, or the first 2 episodes for example) where the characters and valkyries were beautifully drawn and consistently animated (well, moreso than their animefriend counterparts anyhow) are absolutely gorgeous animation. While I admit that computer animation takes some of the "warmness" (for lack of a better word) out of the whole process, it provides these results consistently, which is ultimately more desirable to me. Changing directions for a moment: Upon some reflection on the matter, I decided that if I had one reservation about my previous idea of an 08th MS Team-style story, It's the anime nation's propensity for changing details of the history with each retelling. It is the rare anime series that doesn't have it's continuity chopped to pieces when prequels or side stories are added to it
  10. I remember back in the heyday of this bulletin board, Keith, Myself, and a few others used to regularly butt heads on this issue. Some of us (myself included... Exo might've been another, it's been years, so I can't remember) seemed to think it was a viable story option to tell, even if it seemed likely that it could come to no good end. Keith and a few others (Kawamori himself could be counted among this number too, as I recall... he showed little interest in persuing the idea) posited that that particular story arc was "done" and little more could be said. They rode off into the proverbial sunset and that was that. I'm still holding out hope for more of a Macross analog to the "08th MS Team" idea. That is to say, a SpaceWar I Story arc featuring an average joe squadron. Not the ultimate heroes of the war, but rather "the little guys" as it were. Properly computer-animated VF-1s would be the cats-ass, and there's plenty of story potential there. Just my two cents... back to ultra-lurker mode.
  11. Honestly? I don't think he will now. My point is were being a real jackass to him and all he was trying to do was translate something for you guys. You're acting all upset because he's butted in on your turf or something. As far as I'm concerned, there's enough to go around. As for demanding thanks from EVERYONE? I don't think so. It sounds like you blow your own horn enough that I'm sure you have no issue getting praise when YOU think you deserve it. I don't praise douchebags. I'm done with this. It was people like you that drove me to be just a lurker around here to begin with... but then, if lording your translation skills around an internet bulletin board is the best you can get out of life, knock yourself out man.
  12. He's a forum member with the exact same standing as you, thats who. As for what he deserves? Well, I didn't see YOU posting up the translated book... this discussion isn't about the chronicles, it's about the VF-1 techincal book.
  13. yeah, well... acting like a know-it-all and determining for everyone else what is canon and what is not doesn't help your disposition either, slugger. Only two parties have the right to determine what is canon and what is not. Those are Shoji Kawamori and Big West.... and you, my little bottle of sunshine, are NEITHER. [edit:] Ok, to a lesser degree, Studio Nue has some say-so as well. The bottom line is this: People have brought this book to us because no one else saw the need to. It's perfect for fans in almost every way and covers details that any aircraft enthusiast would readily want to know about their favorite jet. WHO CARES if it's canon or not? Big West hasn't shown any interest in releasing an "official" guide to refute it, and no one's forcing you to buy the book. Project Phoenix has gone through the trouble of donating his time to go through and translate some of what this book says (for those of us who speak very little japanese and read a damned sight less of it). Instead of shooting the messenger like you have, Sketchley, you could at least thank him for donating his time. -Jeremy (who can't believe he logged in just to jump into an internet argument)
  14. "Right Now, the Tomcat does not currently come with a rag-top"
  15. The mods have been at this for a while... I trust their judgement. (going back to lurking mode)
  16. I'll drink to that. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of my DS, and 90% of it was from playing old-school SNES stuff.
  17. Definately best experienced in subbed japanese. The american voice actors need to be lined up and shot.
  18. I'm impressed. Can't wait to see more!
  19. ... you question the short skirt? NEVER question the short skirt
  20. My local best buy had 3 60gb units on-shelf yesterday. They're getting more in sooner than they thought, evidently.
  21. Yes, the Indian Air Force version of the Su-30. One of the few aircraft the USAF/USN respects enough to fear. Also, the only Su-37 in existence ceased being a 37 (it was converted back to Su-35 standards) before it crashed.
  22. It's a rare moment when I agree with something Keith says, but this is one of those times. I don't see that there's really any need to tell any further story. If there were to be something else, I'd want it to be the end-all-be-all finale to leave Macross fans laying sweaty in bed smoking cigarettes (or so good your NEIGHBORS need a cigarette). I could be perfectly happy knowing nothing else macross related was going to be made though. It's made it's impact... it's had it's time in the sun, and bowing out while it's still on top of the game could very much be a good thing. I disagree on the concept of new blood being a bad thing for Macross though. Fresh ideas could be a very good thing for the series if they were employed in the proper way. "AU garbage" is hardly a guaranteed end-result from new writers.
  23. Development began in the late 1970s. Maiden flight was in 1980 or 1981 I believe
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