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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. more likely we will see the VF-X (which is little more than a non-transformable VF-1) or the VF-X1, which was the first transformable VF-1.
  2. Of course something bad's gonna happen Thus the final conflict of the series will probably start (and hence be resolved in episode #5)
  3. The average day: There are only 24 hours in it. Graham no doubt has plenty to do with his life without worrying about satisfying some fanboy urge for a review on a toy that has been out for a couple of weeks now and already been "unofficially" reviewed by a couple of other members here. I don't want to speak for him or put words in his mouth, but I'm sure it's somewhere on his "to do" list. We shouldn't "expect" what he offers freely in his spare time.
  4. we debated this a while back. It was determined that the Macross was still within the stratosphere when Cmdr. Focker made it back. The VF-1 Valkyrie is NOT transatmospheric. Although I do not know for certain (actually, just conjecture on my part), I believe the VF-1X plus valkyries were only just barely able to reach orbit.
  5. depending on the cost, I would probably go for a couple...
  6. Talk about a system with some staying power! The Neo-Geo was actually my second to last system to aquire (I bought it about a month before I got my PS2) and I actually play it more! Neo-Geo has hung in there far longer than any other gaming system has, with very few modifications to the actual system itself. Although cart and system prices are damn near astronomical, many would argue the price is well worth it. Get one of these while you still can, they're worth every penny!
  7. wasn't Shin Massunaga the pilot of that high-maneuverability zaku? (the Black/grey/white one)?
  8. pretty pointless argument, but I'm bored so I'll indulge you. It's pretty simple. If a group of 4 Macross cannons fire and are able to destory %60 percent of an invading fleet in a single volley, a star destroyer or the like from Star wars would merely be a drop in the bucket by comparison.... the zentraedi and Marduk were using ships much larger and probably designed to take a heavier pounding.
  9. damn.... those things were ass-expensive... even back then! No no.... if you want a zippo, then get a ZIPPO.... accept no substitutes! I bought my first zippo (for the purpose of causing mischief, I don't smoke, other than the once-in-a-blue-moon cigar with the boys) when I was 9 and I still use it today! (I'm 25 now). I have 3 now, but my first was still my favorite.
  10. eek.... the girls on the logos need work... BAD.... but the rest of the art is pretty cool!
  11. lol, neither is Agent ONE!
  12. Yeah, a Macross R-34 (or even the R-32 Godzilla!) would be the bomb.... screw this hippy-honda pocket-car bullshit (lol, no offense to Honda owners!)... give me a nissan skyline that'll wipe the floor with just about any honda you put up against it
  13. Here we go! Lat: N35-16-56 Long W-93-7-2 Should show up in the mid-northeast quadrant of Arkansas (or somewhere thereabouts)
  14. No hurry or pressing need, Neova.... just keep me in mind if one comes up!
  15. Neova, do you still have any pilots available? I'd like to find a DYRL one, but a TV max or hikaru will do also....
  16. sounds to me like you guys are best off switching heads and repainting the bodies....
  17. "You know, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole in your head...." "It would've worked if you hadn't stopped me...." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Veikmann (sp?) get a sample..." "Somebody blows their nose and you wanna keep it..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ok! She barks, she drools, she sleeps above her covers..... *FOUR* *FEET* above her covers...." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fascinating... I'll have to pick these up and see how it is. I only recall one episode of the cartoon tying in with the movie. There was an episode that consisted of a flashback of the aftermath of the Gozer incident, and Egan told Peter to burn their old jumpsuits because of all the paranormal energy that was attached to them (remember, they were basically covered in stay-puft marshmellow when it was all said and done). Peter didn't do it and the Paranormal energy within the suits assumed doppelganger forms of each of the ghostbusters, which they wound up fighting. Indirectly, it explained why the ghostbusters of the cartoon wound up with different colored jumpsuits. I don't mind this change.... I thought the cartoon characters looked pretty pathetic, and only Peter looked even remotely similar to his Movie counterpart. You just can't capture Ray Stantz's personality without Dan Akroyd (sp?)
  18. It's really a shame to hear people having these problems... my 1/48 Hikaru S-type is pretty much flawless as near as I can tell... but then, I don't exactly go over it with a fine tooth comb....
  19. nevermind, I won't get into this in front of everyone.... APU, you have PM.
  20. oh boy.... talk about "opening a can of worms" There is a comprehensive "Toy" section available on the Home page of Macrossworld Here is the link ... I reccomend you check that out for pictures. But I'll give you a lowdown to get you started. And now for a crash course in Macross toy history. Basically, there are 3 lines of MACROSS toys and 1 line of ROBOTECH toys. *MOST* people on this website consider the Robotech line of toys to be tragically inferior to the others, and so will be discussed last. Macross toys: Takatoku- The oldest Macross-Valkyrie toys available. These are sturdy and are in 1/55 scale. They've stood the test of time and many that are in original condition are as good a quality now as they were 20 years ago. Highly collectable and VERY rare. The VF-1S Super Valkyrie set that they made is considered the "Holy Grail" of Macross toy collectables. Bandai- Also available in 1/55 scale. These molds are near identical to the Takatoku line, but are slightly newer. In the past few years, they have reissued several of the original Takatoku valkyries. These things are probably the most sturdy of all Valkyrie toys available. Decals are all painted on and will probably still be in excellent shape well into the 2030s.... a solid buy! in the mid 1980s, they also produced a 1/72 "High Complete" version. Before the advent of Yamato valkyries, these were considered the most well-detailed versions available (if a bit small) NOTE: Bandai and Takatoku Valkyries look very similar, as Bandai bought Takatoku's molds when the company folded. Not quite as accurate as Yamato's, but most people don't seem to mind. Yamato- The new kid on the block. These guys provide excellent detail on valkyrie products in 2 different scales. 1/60 and 1/48. Quality *can* be spotty on some of their products, but by and large most people that buy a Yamato are happy with it. the 1/48 scale Yamato VF-1 line is considered the "king" of Macross toys at the moment.... but it is also among the most expensive contemporary toy available. Overview: Takatoku- High Quality, High Value, Hard to find, Not-so-accurate design Bandai- Highest Quality, Reissues of originals that were hard to find, again.. not so accurate design Yamato- Highest detail, Best design... probably the lowest quality of the three (not BAD... just not as good as Takatoku or Bandai), only company CURRENTLY producing Macross valkyries. Often high-priced, but most consider it worth the price. Now if you insist on having a "Robotech" labelled toy, there is one option. a line called "Toynami" produces a "Masterpiece" VF-1 "Veritech" line that is also available in 1/55 scale. These are considered to have the lowest quality of a large-scale Valkyrie toy so far. They are no longer in production (so far as I know) and were supposed to be a "limited" run (which turned out being not-so-limited). ONLY get one of these if you insist on having a Robotech-labelled toy.... otherwise, get a Bandai or Yamato. The quality is many times better and the prices are comparable. Only a few people on this website have been happy with their "Masterpiece" VF-1 toys.. If you're going to get one and ONLY one Valkyrie toy.... DEFINATELY go for the Yamato 1/48 scale VF-1 line. These things are huge, they have lots of detail, they're pretty well constructed.
  21. You can find cells of "nobodys" from Macross for not so much.... if you want one of the main characters though, you can easily spend over $300.... and if you want one of Minmay (granted you could FIND one...) prepare to spend even more than that... and a good STUDIO NUE-drawn cell of a Valkyrie in action? Even more than THAT..... Very expensive, and there really isn't that much demand. It's a very select market.
  22. I'd be wary of the "Son-May" version.... (a)It's a bootleg, and (b)the quality is spotty and you're taking a chance that the copy you get may not be in the best condition. I'd say get it if you can't find the Victor-Records (the original) version, but be careful... there's every chance you won't be getting what you pay for.
  23. *Before I launch into my own explination, I would like to point out that the vast majority of Macrossworld members who want to debate this are standing over a VERY dead horse with a large shovel in their hands... having said that, I will now proceed to beat the corpse that lies before me!* Exo, I would argue that the V in "VF" actually refers to "Variable"... not "Valkyrie". It's pretty plain to see that the VF-1D COULD be used as a trainer, but there is screenshot proof that they exsisted as standard service valkyries (a.k.a. "Bye Bye Mars", and "Wedding Bells"). Referring to the paint-scheme is a pretty weak argument, because it seems that a wide variety of paintjobs were employed by Valkyrie squadrons in Macross (hell, Max flies a dark blue valkyrie while Milia flies a bright red one...hardly less outlandish than the VF-1D). I am not going so far as to say that the Tan/Orange paintscheme is an as-yet unknown squadron-specific... merely that the color scheme in question clearly does NOT imply that a new pilot would be the only one flying it. As near as I can tell, when the Macross "canon" universe is looked at as a whole, BOTH the VT-1, and the VF-1D existed together. As such, it would make sense that a pilot would start his VF training on the VT-1 and in later stages move to the VF-1D. The VF-1D could also serve as a 2-seater active-service fighter.... no doubt the presence of a second pilot would make things much easier in some respects. Either to serve as RIO or whatever. I can't provide technical proof like some of the aircraft-gurus around here, but I think this is a pretty solid argument. (I would, however, invite anyone who thinks they can to prove me wrong.... after all that's why we're here... right?)
  24. DAMN! Paid $59.00 for it back in the day.
  25. I know this is old, but I think it's time for a new tally, since several more yamatos have been bought since the last
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