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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Skull Leader


    ummm, where did you find that picture??? It's not out of Macross-designworks is it?? It looks rather Fan-made. Most of your information looks like it was intended for Robotech, which has nothing to do with Macross. The VF-1B is never shown in the animation. and besides, it has a full-S head on it. I gather the information from this website is purely fan-derived.... a "VF-1E"???? sorry, it was never called anything but the VEFR-1 "Funny Chineese" Valkyrie. the VF-1R (at least as it is classified here) is nothing more than an animation error. Any and all data is purely Robotech nonsense and has no base in the canon Macross world. There *is* a VF-1R kai which is seen in the Macross Super-CD games, but even that is not a part of the canon universe (although not official, it is widely considered to be a part of the Macross II universe) The picture you see of the VF-1J holding the strange gunpod was a prototype picture and not official. That was before Kawamori finalized the Howard GU-11 gunpod design.
  2. I have this coloring book packed away with all of the others from my childhood. It's total crap. The scenes are pretty pathetic, but as a little kid, I suppose it didn't matter much....
  3. well, given that Weyland-Yutani had been firmly established for quite some time by the time "Aliens" rolls around, and given the fact that one of the guys in the movie helped found the company, it's highly probable that it would come before the others....
  4. Stop the press...... Max was able to adjust the wings on his VF-22 during the fight with the Varuta...the ability wasnt' just exclusive to teh YF-21
  5. Your idea is a good one... I can find only one flaw that I would argue against with. Yamato has very limited production facilities (I'm guessing one factory tops).. and so while you COULD produce an item in many different scales, it is far more efficient, economical, and faster to produce more of ONE scale. When you consider the downtime it takes to first conceptualize 3 different scale prototypes, produce a run of one, RE-tool, produce another, wash-rinse-repeat.... does that make any sense? I truely think Yamato would do something like this if they could, however I would argue that they lack the resources for such an undertaking and thus are trying to get the most proverbial "bang for their buck" You are right though... us outside of the Japanese market have provided no small amount of chump change to line Yamato's pockets with... I'd certainly say we deserve some consideration.
  6. oh ho, it ain't over yet either! My money's on another delay after this one....
  7. I don't know about others, but the F-14 has a recovery drum for spent shell-casings. Since the gun is situated pretty much directly in front of the air-intakes, it's the best method available.
  8. We tried this once and couldn't get one going.
  9. *gasp* when did you take that picture of me!??!? Gawd, I look terrible! I think your camera makes me look fat..... ...... and then I woke up.....
  10. Yes, even the 1/48 scale is not entirely show-accurate. There is a drawn diagram floating around that shows the method of leg deployment. Hydraulic arms rotate the legs into position, where they are attached to the hips. The arms then retract and are not seen.
  11. Damn... is it too much to ask for to have a company produce an accurate D model tomcat???? I guess with my meager modelling skills if I want one done right, I'll have to build an A or a B model....
  12. lol.. not only do you want a valkyrie Yamato will never make in 1/48 scale, you want it in a limited edition paint scheme?????? Might as well ask for the Dark blue VF seen for a brief second on the deck of the prometheus in one episode or the other.....
  13. The mandarin dress and breasts that could feed an entire orphanage are what make it look like a G-taste kit. I seem to recall there being a character in G-taste that wore a similar dress (although, she wore her hair very long.)
  14. I think I need a cigarette........ Suddenly my meager F-14 knowledge seems feeble and unworthy...... I wouldn't know the difference between an F-14A,B, or D unless the kit box told me so
  15. let's just get the 1/60 out... THEN we can start worrying about the possibilities of a 1/48
  16. Still officially dead in the water, at least so far as I know. We still need a re-caster.
  17. They're no longer being produced, if that's what you mean. If you're lucky you'll be able to find someone willing to part with their set though.
  18. Jeez... you mean there's MORE to your review????? wow.....
  19. It's kind of a rigged question that you ask. the GBP armor set obviously packs far more destructive power than the Super/Strike set. I don't think the strike cannon is all that much better than the mini-missile pack, just a different form of firepower to bring to the fore. I'd say these two pretty much have the same amount of destructive power. The difference is in the payload delivery.
  20. Jesus, David You need to slow down and have a beer or two, or else your head will explode! I swear you must know F-14s like I know Bass Trombones.... and THAT'S saying something....
  21. Damn! That's a whole lot of Club-M up in your room......
  22. I voted "yes". While I want the dialogue completely untouched (similar to Keith, only changes to add MORE). So long as there are no distortions in the story, I think it could benefit from today's technology. I believe this argument is undertaken with the idea in mind that it would not take away from any macross developments that take place in the future...
  23. No problems with mine. The common problems with the first run being: -Loose flaps -Loose nosecone -uneven skull insignias the Hikaru VF-1S has none of those.
  24. Looks more like a G-taste kit that has been repainted to look like Milia. Interesting though.
  25. Bah... these are far and away easier to find than the coveted VF-1S SuperValkyrie giftset... and typically sell for a lot less. Nevertheless, it is a really great find! I'd hold on to it.
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