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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Sorry Convoy, you must be confused. No 1/55 line Bandai or Takatoku (or yamato for that matter) featured a diecast metal nose.
  2. Oh, they're worlds-away better than the ARII. As I said, if it weren't for the shoulders and the wings, it would be perfect. But they wanted a better action pose-looking valkyrie, and so that's how they made it
  3. ....... he's just a monkey
  4. Skull Leader

    Bootleg SDF-1

    Lol, a bootleg that's actually better (looking) than the Bandai/Robotech version! After all, at least it includes the small valkyries and ghosts... I think we can assume it has springloaded arms and guns then.
  5. I placed a full review down in the model-review section, complete with closeup pictures. The kit has no scale listed, but after some comparisons, I found it to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 1/160-165
  6. After I built this Kaiyodo super valkyrie (review in the model-review section), I was still impressed by it's tiny size... I had to post a comparison next to my 1/48....
  7. that's probably the best I've ever heard it explained... don't know why I didn't think of that comparison. Perhaps because it isn't employed in the same fashion (and seems to take a great deal more effort to achieve)
  8. nothing worse than party suckage..... coming back from my break, I gotta find a crew to tackle that black dragon in windy... good crews are hard to come by for that on my server....
  9. just coming back from taking a 3 week break from it. Name: Darklancer Race: Hume Levl. lv21 WAR/ Lv10 MNK Nation: Bastok Server: Pandemonium
  10. More of AgentONE........ wow... I don't think my monitor could handle the overload! We would hear too much of him now and remember too much of him later..... Seriously though, 80X80 would be cool .... although the first n00b that climbs in here and begs for pics in sigs should be castrated. (If that party is in fact, female, then they shall be forced to stare at A1's manboobage for a period not to last less than 3 weeks....and embrace the horror!)
  11. Last one. Here is the comparison shot with the 1/170 ARII Battroid.... these things are friggin TINY....
  12. the VF-1 Kit was the first in the "Robot Museum" series Kaiyodo did.... I have the VF-19S kit that is #12 in that same series. I'm curious as to what other Macross kits may be in the series. Anyone have a list? If you do, please PM me or lemme know here, I'd love to pick them up. I'm looking forward to doing my VF-19 kit, which is genuine Kaiyodo, not a recast.
  13. It may be difficult to see, but the wings are horridly out of proportion... this was my one and only beef with the kit itself.
  14. I haven't finished detailing it yet, but it's more or less complete.
  15. I decided to do my first one up as a 1A Kakizaki. He never gets any model love and I thought it would be fun.
  16. I recently picked up a pair of recasts of the Kaiyodo "Robot Museum Series" VF-1A/S Battroid Valkyrie kit from our very own "Valkyrie." This one: Before you go asking, the recasts weren't his, he picked them up in a trade elsewhere and has no intentions of recsting them (after all, they're in my posession now). That said, the recasts were God-awful. Parts twisted and bent, sometimes parts so thin you can see right through them. HAVING SAID THAT.... the first one I put together (the worst of the two, as near as I could tell) came together surprisingly well. I had to snap the gun in two, sand down the broken edges and glue it back together, the gun was so insanely bent. I think I accidentally snapped the headlaser off 3 times before I finally got it to stay on. The kit itself comes with around 20 parts or so and gives you the option of making a VF-1S or a VF-1A, and then you have the option of building it as either a super or strike valkyrie. (but not as a standard type... but then, it would only take a little bit of puttying and sanding to make it that way!). Despite the poorness of the recasts, the level of detail really shines through. The shoulders and other areas of exposed machinery SHOULD have a nice level of detail to them (mine would be better, if the recast wasn't so wretched). The kit is a fixed-pose statue and seems to strive for an ideal-proportion Battroid and not transformation accurate. The shoulders stick out quite a bit and the wings are WAY too small. The kit is "unscaled", but it seems to be right around 1/160-165 scale. I stood it next to a 1/170 ARII VF-1D battroid and it was only slightly larger. Overall, I rather enjoyed building this kit, despite the TLC I had to pack into it. I only paid $5 for the pair of kits, and I'd say I got my moneys worth out of them. Kit overall: 8/10 (It would recieve higher marks if it was show-accurate) Recast: 6/10 (whoever recasted this kit was either a monkey, drunk, blind, or some combination thereof) (pics to follow)
  17. if HG *DID* in fact make a deal with BW, it would be all over the boards now, surely. Stuff like that couldn't be kept away from the fans for very long. They would've wasted no time in delivering the "good/bad news"
  18. I would argue that this thread is starting to go wayyyy off base. c'mon guys..
  19. But they're not backing up their claims. They didn't last time they did this, they skirted the issue. There was already a court statement that all they had was SDF-Macross, I thought we've been through this already...
  20. you know... a G-Macross might have some promise if it was done right..... All the valkyrie variants would have to be variants on pre-exsisting valkyrie models (none of the stupidly gay-tacular variants seen in G-gundam though... just wicked-tricked out high-end Valkyries) If you added the "corrupt faction of UN spacy" element, you know... supplying certain pilots with illegal, super-powerful hardware and mix in the conspiracy factor... it would be rather cookie-cutter, but by my low standards I'd probably find it entertaining.
  21. I think this will be the end of the 1/48 line (at least, for the VF-1 series), and that's perfectly fine by me. Go back to a scale I can regularly afford! They have enough items to keep them busy for at least a year, so I don't anticipate hearing anything radically new (this excludes VF-0 variants, which will no doubt be announced by mid to late summer) until at LEAST next january... in which I hope they announce ANOTHER new VF of some sort (4, 17, etc) If production ceases? I'm gonna laugh while I watch prices SOAR on all Macross Valkyries again.......
  22. Damn guys.... if you don't like it.. BUILD A BETTER ONE.... For the love of God, we don't even have the thing in hand yet and people are already writing it off. Starting to sound like a bunch of damn Robotech fans or something....
  23. I don't have any kids, but I do have 2 younger cousins (as of now, 8 and 13) who have been around my collection. They both learned really quick that if they messed with my collection, I would rip their arms off and beat them to death with them. I have a pair of $5 bootlegs I dish out when they feel the need to play with them (which isn't often, one's a DBZ nut and the other doesn't much care for anime, he'd rather watch something called "spongebob"??? What kind of gayness is that??)
  24. Jesus, not again...... I keep waiting for Big West's legal team to go through Harmony Gold like a doper through china white... this is friggin SICK.... Cry wolf, toynami.... no one's listening...
  25. Skull Leader


    cute, but hardly authentic. Thanks for the photoshop work though.
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