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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. I've played numerous RPGs.. I did Mechwarrior for a while (in conjunction with Battletech for the mech combat), Robotech, Macross II, Rifts, some AD&D, some Shadowrun, and then I discovered the joy that was Cyberpunk by R. Talsorian games (like Shadowrun, but without the magic/fantasy elements)... God that game kicked so much ass... I misplaced my copy of the rulebook and now I'm sad... even after we were done RPing for the most part, I always loved just flipping through the rulebook and reading the stories... I'd give a lot to have that book again! BESM is great for intra-personal RPGing.... but their rules for Mecha-Combat were in SERIOUS need of an overhaul last time I looked (which to be fair, was sometime shortly after the game first came out). I seem to recall trying to arrange it so a given character could have a valkyrie (or something as close as it would allow), it wound up being very weak and the character had little else of use at his disposal. It seems that rules allowing for personal mecha take up several points, and giving it the ability to transform took considerably more... leaving little to assign to armor or weaponry... if I recall correctly. The Palladium system is far from perfect, but it allows for a great deal more than BESM, AND combat is resolved fairly quickly (as RPGs go). A simple re-adjustment of the stats can make it far more accurate. I was at macrossrpg.com or unspacy.com (can't remember which) for a brief while, but I grew tired of it because I primarily wanted to be involved in a SWI campaign and I wound up getting stuck with a post-M7 bomber squadron flying VAB-2 wraiths (I think that's what it was... based of the Zaubergaran I think) and most of the others I was involved with weren't very active.
  2. Iirc rednecks actually can grasp the concept of aiming. At least you aren't given the "Only Steers and ****** lived in Texas" greeting when introducing yourself in another state. This is true... I know some people that are such damn good shots that they could (metaphorically) nail a rat in the eye (you pick the eye) at 200 yards... it's scary what they can do. lol, I'm sure Stanley Kubrick has a monument in texas somewhere praising him for making that statement famous in "Full Metal Jacket", and I must confess, I've been guilty of ribbing the two texans I know with that line every once in a great while (usually somewhere near my "down with the longhorns" rib too )
  3. Yep... Y'all all been a-asking fer it. So it's a-gonna have to happen. C'mon, Skull Leader go grab yer cousins! It's time for the South to rise again! Woo-hoo! We're heading out of the Wal-marts looking for battle and you know we're armed! Or... we could just kick back where we're at and enjoy the fact that we've easily got the nicest neighbors, the best tasting food, and the most beautiful women in the U.S. I'll continue to let them think we're the ignorant ones. lol... I can honestly say that any foreign invading army has more to fear from the civilian populace around here than they do the military... I know people no more than five miles out of town that will shoot at anyone they don't know that appears on their property (two of them have already done jail-time... they don't care) and god forbid they try to come at us from the woods... there are people here who will shoot at anything that moves while hunting! lol, and people think you only hear about that sort of activities from gangs out in Cali or something... (in a battle between our rednecks and california's gangs, I'd be hard pressed to say who would win... but the bodycount would be astronomical, that's for certain) Having said that, neighbors take really good care of one another around here. We watch over each other's houses if someone goes on vacation. You're right... we definately have some of the best (if not the least healthy) food in the United States. When we have a family get-together NO ONE goes away hungry (in fact, everyone winds up carting off a lot of leftovers!). As far as the women are concerned... sure there are lots of great women around the US, but few of them can accomplish their looks as NATURALLY as ours here in the south can (I have an aunt that lives in San Diego who violently refuses to step out of her house until around an hour in front of the mirror, applying copious amounts of war paint) *sigh* ahh well... "it takes all kinds..." but if any of "ya'll" wanna come visit, I guarantee you'll go away about 5 pounds heavier with a bigass smile on your face
  4. who'da thunk it??? the day an arkansan and tennessean sit on the same porch defendin' our honor against the rest of the world..........
  5. Wow!!! At 1/35 scale that thing's F-in HUGE! Excellent work and I can't wait to see a more finished product!
  6. Richter, I could be mistaken, but I think all of the VF-1X plus series was transatmospheric WITHOUT fastpacks (the VT-1C would be included in this series)... but I could be wrong. As far as the VF-19P is concerned... I think that image is supposed to be kind of an "implied meaning" thing...(as silly as it sounds), kind of a way for the animators to show everyone that Basara was using the VF-19P in the same fashion as the old Fire Valkyrie, and it's spirit kind of carried over. Where that particular aircraft might've been different, the power of FIRE and BOMBER still reside within... so yes, you are SUPPOSED to see the VF-19Kai in that picture... for a reason that's really difficult to explain (at least, that's MY take on it)
  7. Bah, I've seen this happen before. Manga will most likely shrivel up and die... or otherwise become something it isn't (AKA move into broader video sales, not just anime). Since their sales have completely fell through the floor in the past two years I wonder how they'll manage it. Their golden goose (Ghost in the Shell) is several years old now... and "One film, a company does not make"... so it should be interesting to see what happens. I put the chances of Manga making a comeback as slim to nil though. ADV, Tokyopop, and Bandai rule the american anime scene now. Oh well, it's been ages since Manga (Mangle) picked up a new title worth watching... at least we got Macross Plus/II, Ninja Scroll, and Wings of Honneamise out of them.
  8. the VF-1 is officially classified as the VF-1 "Valkyrie", later VFs use the term "valkyrie" to loosely apply to any number of variable fighter aircraft that change from a fighter mode to a battroid mode by way of a gerwalk mode. Standard VF-1s can be seen in the openings of each episode of Dynamite 7 I'm probably the only person on this board that thought the VT-1C that Basara used was cool. I don't know why, but it appealed to me. Admittedly, I would probably arrange for some more traditional fast-packs. still it just looks cool to me.
  9. *steps on to his soap box* Ordinarily I would let something like this slide, but it's gone a little too far. I am from Arkansas (let the jeering begin) and yes, despite the fact that I am an "educated man" (recently a college graduate no less!), I no doubt speak with a southern accent. In fact, it is most prominent when I am either angry or otherwise distracted. So often these days, everyone equates someone with a "southern" accent as someone less-than-intelligent. It is seen as by far the least desirable accent to be blessed/cursed with. Not everyone here in the south (for some reason, despite the fact that it is geographically MORE southern than us, Texas never seems to get ribbed about it) is an ignorant-backwater-rednecked-white trash-hick-republican. That is all we are ever portrayed as. And for the record, someone speaking with a new-england accent or a west coast LACK of accent sounds every bit as strange to us. In a few rare instances, it's almost as strange as someone speaking english as a second language to us. I am quite proud of my accent and I appreciate each and every one of you (I won't single out names, they should be able to figure it out) for telling me I should be rid of it. It really makes me feel good. You don't see me knocking new-englanders or people from the west-coast about the way they talk. If hearing it in anime bothers you so damn bad, watch the F-ing sub then and shut up. And if you must blame someone (despite the fact that it would make the person in question look like a TOTAL ass), blame the southern regions of England, because that is where it developed from.
  10. Hayao was a pretty big guy.... he completely dwarfed Max and Hikaru.
  11. Yeah I remember when people thought just because it had a ZERO pilot in it, it MUST be seen in Macross ZERO later on.... while certainly possible, this is NOT a given. It's just one of those lucky fan variants to make it into production.
  12. yeah, that would pretty much disqualify him from any fighter pilot program here in real life I would imagine (MAYBE he'd fit in an F-14.... anything smaller I couldn't say... I've sat in the cockpit of an F/A-18, but the canopy was not down... but it seems like 6-8 or so would be the limit..)
  13. As I am still pretty new to resin-modelling myself (I've only completed one and I've been working on another for about 2 years now), and the only advice I feel qualified to add at this point is to make sure to test fit each part with the others. This is where the most sanding will probably come into play. I'm doing the large 1/4000 scale Yellow Submarine SDF-01 Stormattacker and I'm not "pinning" any of the pieces together. I just use superglue at multiple anchor points on each piece... that way if the bond, for some strange reason should break in one place, it's still secure in a number of other spots Enjoy the new world of resin modelling! just remember to take your time and properly prepare each piece. As always, if you have a problem with something, feel free to contact any of the modellers here for assistance, we're always glad to help out!
  14. I do consider Arkansas to be a backwater state... but that's just because I live across the river in Tennessee and we like to make fun of you guys. And nope, we don't have it here, either. Is AR on TimeWarner cable too? Hello, fellow Southerner! Let's get out our banjos and have us a proper duel! No, all of arkansas is under Cox cable now... I don't know if that has anything to do with Time/Warner, but I don't think it does Bah, you'd lose! Your hobo-ness couldn't begin to compare with our own Down with the vols!
  15. to quote TLC: (and now it's time for a breakdown!)"nevah gonna get it, nevah gonna get it..... nevah gonna get it, nevah gonna get it..... nevah gonna get it, nevah gonna get it... nevah gonna get it (whoah whoah whoah whoah!)......"
  16. In all seriousness, I gather it's probably an act of desperation on the part of AN and ADV. From what I've been able to gather (I know some guys that work for the local cable company), the channel hasn't been doing so hot (it could be their preference for ADV material above everything else- didn't know that before, but it makes sense). NO ONE in my area (covers 3 counties of Arkansas) has it, and so far as they know, there is one person in our captial city (Little Rock) who has it, but it also happens to be the richest person in the state, so it stands to reason that when asked what channels he wanted, he simply said "all of them". (that is speculation on my part, but Jennings Osbourne is over 50 years old, and as near as I can tell, his only child is married and living out of the house) They didn't know about the rest of the state, but Little Rock is our biggest city and probably the only one worth using as a demographic. I know most of you consider Arkansas a "backwater" state in the union, but if it's doing that bad here, it can't be doing stellar elsewhere.
  17. "Anime network to air all 85 episodes of Robotech" or "How to lose your entire audience base in 85 episodes..." yep, it's an opinion and a complaint.
  18. get smart....... and NOT release it for the PS2 as well as the other consoles??? I don't get it.
  19. you can't deny.... being in the front seat (or back for that matter) while this is going on has to be one of the thrills of a lifetime....
  20. My girlfriend got me one of these as a graduation present today, and I have to say, WOW!...talk about "heavy metal", my girlfriend said when she first bought it, she nearly dropped it on her foot because it was so heavy! After about a half hour of "liberating" it from it's infuriating packaging, I finally got the thing figured out. The hand doesn't seem to want to hold his main gun too well, but the megatron fits just fine. I care nothing about the energy axe and do not plan on displaying it. I've also already got a pair of cut Q-tips laying out to be painted so my Prime can have the proper stacks.
  21. holy crap... someone else built a kaiyodo small scale VF-1.. I wonder who's that is...
  22. I seem to recall them having pretty limited mobility, but that was going on 15 years ago when I owned one.
  23. This was debated to death previously... there is no need for a second one.
  24. Yes, these are/can be the real thing. I had a real one when I was younger... I seem to recall the gun being massively out of proportion with the valkyrie itself.... looked more like a giant cannon than your average gunpod...
  25. A simple update of the codec should suffice. It sounds like you're running an out-of-date program.
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