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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Harmony Gold is too late to the table on this one. I wouldn't buy them because I already have versions that are just fine.
  2. I've got the same one as A1.... It's definately different. The voices aren't so bad.. I think they fit the characters pretty well for the most part... it's the dialogue they've been given to speak that's so wretched.
  3. HA! At last! Someone else who is picky about the "fighting" part... I cannot stand it when my friends call it a "falcon"... that's as much a nickname as "warthog" is. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the F-15 is the "STRIKE" eagle, right???
  4. Skull Leader

    1/60 Gbp

    Dude... you need to learn to write WITHOUT capslock on (it's pretty damn rude), and instead of just saying "IT'S CRAP, DON'T BUY IT.." and so on, why not grow up a little and tell us just exactly where the problem lies? And although it's pretty common knowledge, I'll cover all the bases and say, you realize the GBP IS NOT supposed to transform, right??? Battroid only, bub. You didn't try to put this on a MPC did you??? That could be part of the problem also. I for one, am looking forward to these!
  5. It's a long and extraordinarilly annoying story..... there are several threads already laying around about it though.
  6. Well, if I WERE going (which I can't) I'd vote for the DYRL poster... it's pretty shiggity.
  7. Careful Exo.... you know if you play with your MPC too much you'll grow hair on your palm and go blind! I think the court is still out at Yamato on what to do next... since they (unwisely) severed their communications ties with some of their customers they have no way of knowing what it is we want next.
  8. Well Richard (Apollo Leader) was in charge of "Gunsight One", but he's been quite busy. I offered to help get it back on track, but he probably has a great deal of more important things to deal with just now (like preparations for the midwest Macrossworld convention! )
  9. When it comes to Macross, those are one and the same (practically) I want MDC to come back, and Grumman to go back on it's own again... let's start building flagship aircraft that the people can rally around again!
  10. just add your own blood!
  11. nevermind.. found some pics. Man, that just sucks.... but then, Britain needs to get off it's lazy ass and build some REAL aircraft carriers that don't require VTOL for their aircraft (ok, ok.. I know everything from the Nimitz-class and up is more or less a gross symbol of excess... but it also pretty much gives you the power to tell other countries what to do!) We've got plenty of older carriers drydocked that they could buy..... Whatever happened to the days when we could be PROUD of the aircraft we're going to use to defend our skies? I'm still greatly looking forward to the first active F-22 squadrons... but everything else seems to be less than stellar. I'm a little fuzzy on my air-force fighters... do they use the F-15ACTIVE to any great capacity? or was it more or less a vectored-thrust proof of concept? Basically looks like an americanized SU-27 to my eyes....
  12. that got axed when Cheney axed the F-14 program. Are there any pictures of this F-35 floating around? I just realized I have no idea what it looks like (or if I do, I don't know it...)
  13. I will unite with Sumdumgai and use my secret third leg ninja magic!! in all seriousness, if this had happened to me, the next time I was in their neighborhood I would've gone and broke every single one of their legs with a baseball bat....
  14. That's the VEFR-01 "Funny Chineese" Valkyrie... not the elintseeker. It's an electronic warfare valkyrie... not quite a reconnisance aircraft. The six-lasered variant must be in one of the other two books, I don't feel like dragging them out to look just now.
  15. Yeah, most likely that sketch was what gave birth to the standard Regault pod with missile launchers on top of it (it's near identical to the heavy-missile version). I have this book too.. it's not the only variant sketch they have (there's one with a J style head with 6 lasers on it), It's nothing to be taken seriously. The animation picture you took that capture from is FULL of "Animefriend" (the cheap company that animated the episodes that studio nue did not) variants, which are basically what we boil down to animation errors... again, not to be taken seriously
  16. Yeah, he does look a bit more buff doesn't he. I guess he's been hitting the weights in the six months since episode # 3 Graham lol, I didn't know AgentONE was the model they used for the VF-0 Although Graham cleared it up for me, I feel I should say that my comments earlier are entirely speculation... I guess I'm a bit of a pessimist when it comes to Macross (I've learned that if you don't expect the best, you'll never be dissapointed... and it seems to happen so often with release dates, product quality, and so on...). It's intense part-swapping like this that made the bandai 1/100 Transformable Valkyrie model line so insanely unpopular. Sculpts were incredibly inaccurate in all three modes and they were fragile as all hell. Being PVC, I won't be too worried about the VF-0 breaking or anything... but sadly... the sculpt looks pretty wretched. I'm not too worried about decals... we could easily get custom ones made here that would look just fine. These are merely preliminary remarks... I'll reserve final judgement for when I have the product in hand.
  17. Nani!?!? Who is this gajin trash? He needs to step away from the hotness and go to the gym..... On a side note: I rather enjoy the titles... I think they're pretty damn funny (lol, and someone.. SOMEWHERE... will *always* be my lackey....)
  18. I seriously, SERIOUSLY doubt Yamato is going to go for a larger scale if this one doesn't sell. All they are going to see is people not interested in a Macross Zero line. We all know how ambitious and expensive a perfect transformation 1/60 VF-0 would be (it would almost be the size of a 1/55 or 1/48)... they will NOT dive into such an expensive project as a perfect transformation, large-scale toy until they've seen people bite the hook. Admittedly I was wrong about the konig monster before... but it would follow every bad business rule I've ever seen for them to release a 1/100 version, no one buy it, so they release a larger one instead. Think about it.
  19. Roy: "What am I looking at? The butt of the hottie you will NEVER get to tap...."
  20. Excellent! You can start by waxing my Skyline out in the front yard... and when you finish with that, I've got the Mercades in the garage........
  21. Bah, it ain't worth getting mad over... (although, I fail to see how it is possible to be my own lackey... am I THAT desperate for fans?) At least I managed to bypass the heatshield scrubbers... , my sympathy goes out to you! Someday you will graduate and become my lackeys...
  22. ?!?!?! What the hell are those guys doing in my backyard!!?!? heads will roll for this......
  23. I'm signed up I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.
  24. I'd be interested in a 19.... DEPENDING on the final price/cost... a 1/48 model probably isn't gonna be cheap.
  25. Someone asked who two characters were: Emilia is one of the Jenius kids who macronized herself and basically made a "soundforce" Q-rau... she appeared in the M7 movie I think. (not to be confused with Komilia, who was the Jenius child that starred in the Macross Super-CD games.) Elma.... this may be misspelled, but wasn't this the Zolan chick from M7 Dynamite? and what the heck... no vote for the rich chick that tried to rape mylene??
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