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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Noy, don't be so quick to dampen everyone's hopes on this. Everyone knows there's a snowballs chance in hell that this will become the next big thing, but all great journeys begin with one step. If these people prove it can be done (commercially), you can bet someone else will jump the bandwagon and do something with it eventually.
  2. That's damn expensive for a non-transformable 1/72 kit (especially when Hasegawa has one out in the same scale for a minute fraction of that price) I'd pass on this one. Yellow-Submarine or no.
  3. "....Dedicated to all Future Pioneers......" My hopes and prayers will be with the SS1 team as they attempt to launch mankind into the next era of manned spaceflight.
  4. I'll bite Give me a total via PM and we'll start working the money that way!
  5. Well, at least they're one of the last F-14 squadrons to turn in their keys, right? There's only a few squadrons left if I remember correctly.
  6. Skull Leader

    1/48 fast pack

    I strongly suggest you make use of the search function... you'll find all the reviews you could ever ask for.
  7. The helocopter in question was not a HindD, but a HindC. It's an older model (watch Rambo First Blood pt.2 and you'll see them.
  8. well, bloody nice of him to say something about it in the game, don't you think? (that's sarcasm in case someone freaks out)
  9. lol, face the truth, man! Sniper Wolf own3d Meryl (and she could own me any time she wanted). ha! you can't handle the truth!
  10. Nope, the M577 Armored Personel Carrier the marines in "Aliens" used is FAR more badass than this.... That is SO not a Batmobile. While I liked the one from the first movie best, even the second one was better than this. It looks more like something out of HALO.....
  11. kinda missed the boat on this one. We already have posting rules and with a few posts that get special attention (with every set of rules, exceptions have to exist). Give this a chance to blow over and you won't see it again for a while.
  12. however unlikely, that would easily qualify as the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life.
  13. Umm, if you play on the highest difficulty setting, Raiden faces off against far more than 5 or 6. (I think it's closer to 10) as far as MGS is concerned, regardless of whether or not you "SUCK" (nice intelligent answer... I would add than in order to get both bonus items, you have to defeat the game both ways). The continuity says Meryl didn't make it (even though the game has 2 endings, Konami chose the Otakon ending as the official one for story purposes)
  14. Raiden a wuss??? The man faced down an assload of Metal Gear Rays and managed to fight off ex-members of Foxhound. What does it take to impress you people?? Seriously, just because a guy can fall in love and have doubts about something (read: be anything other than Macho, big-nuts Solid Snake) doesn't make him a wuss. If all hell started breaking loose and he ran and hid (or just said "F-it" and left the oil rig), THEN he would've been a wuss.. I think people are hating Raiden for the wrong reasons. He functions just like snake in the game, he does everything Snake can do (At least he HAS a girlfriend... Snake does nothing but trash relationships. He did with Holly White back on Zanzibar, and the official storyline of MGS says he left Maryl to die/saved Otakon). If you hate him because he's not Solid Snake, then SAY SO... don't make up other excuses.
  15. Well, c'mon.... it's not like he went out and trashtalked the series. He was merely expressing confusion over the vast number of sets that were available (and often, fans on RT.com say similar things... many feel it was a case of overkill). I certainly don't think it was worth getting upset at the guy over.
  16. LOL, now THAT'S funny... What Steve doesn't realize (or at least choses to look past) is that it's an opinion segment. The opinion of one person at that. Is he really gonna let that get to him? If so, then he is less of a man than I originally thought.
  17. There's already a post about this further down.
  18. that has to be officially the biggest waste of "limited edition" I've ever seen....
  19. The original metal gear WASN'T on NES, it was on the Japanese MSX system and was far superior to the NES/Famicom version (only area where the NES version had a leg up was on the colors) Ok, here's a brief rundown of MG history for those who may not be in the know: MSX: - Metal Gear - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (still the best in the series) NES - Metal Gear (similar to the MSX release, but different plot and instead of fighting the actual metal gear, you get to fight *gasp* a SUPERCOMPUTER....) - Metal Gear 2: Snakes Revenge (this poor piece of trash isn't even a part of the continuity. It was produced by Konami of America... Hideo Kojima had nothing to do with it) PSX: - Metal Gear Solid ('nuff said... good game) PS2: - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (say what you will, the game kicked ass) All next-gen consoles: - Metal Gear Solid 2: Substinance (same game as SOL, but several side games added) Game Cube: - Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (excellent remake of the PSX game) There are some gameboy titles, but I've not messed with those, and so far as I know, they're not part of Hideo Kojima's plot line. Sons of Liberty OWN3D all the way up until the last 5 minutes or so (when it stopped being a game and became a movie). I was actually glad to see another hero dragged into the mix... it helps to see that there's more than one person fighting for the right cause. Even if the "Jack/Rose" titanic parody is overdone, I thought both characters were well done, all things considered. And going head to head with multiple Metal Gear RAYs is a challenge (even if you can beat it the same way you beat REX in MGS) I was worried for a bit that this "special cammo" thing would be way overdone in MGS3 (to the point of becoming more of a focus than anything else), but beyond that I'm very enthusiastic about it. It'll be neat to see some backstory and see just how Big Boss came to control the original "outer heaven"
  20. hmmm, I smell bullshit. I was under the impression that the sets were limited enough as it is... I seriously doubt this. I mean, c'mon... Hikaru in a GREEN flightsuit with YELLOW markings?? That would be cool how? Minmay's wrist turned a different direction??? 2 and 2 aren't equalling 4 here.
  21. I don't understand... most of the air-to-air fighters work just fine for the ground missions, why did they even bother? The SU-37 can accomplish any mission in the game and get an S rating every time. I would say maybe 2/3 of the game is A/G combat, yet the A/A fighter can pass any of them with flying colors (pardon the pun)
  22. Congratulations to you and your wife, Graham.. sleep whenever you can!
  23. I won't be there, but I *might* send a model out as an entry.... if I can guarantee it wouldn't get trashed enroute. It'd have to be packed VERY carefully
  24. hey, BankofKev is a member in good standing, just like the rest of us.... his anime tastes just happen to swing in the opposite direction (we might call him "misguided", but he might say the same about us! ) I am forced to agree though. Richard was cool for bringing it up, but the post has outlived it's usefulness.
  25. probably has to do with licensing issues. Different companies may be in charge of US distribution of certain anime titles.
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