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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Just a quick glance shows that game maker: studio or RPG maker might be optimum for what we need. The game maps are isometric/false 3d, and the entire game (s) are menu driven
  2. Your guess is as good as mine! I was a liberal arts major in college... I know exactly nothing about game programming or where to begin. They function similar to super robot wars... is there maybe a moddable version of one of those out there? And all the graphics are static bitmaps... it would be super easy to either port them directly or run them through adobe illustrator and make updated vectored versions (I guess you could add in small animations like the pilots flinching when attacked or gunfire,or valkyrie mode change, etc)
  3. They're great fun to play! That was kind of the graphic update I envisioned but honestly, I'd settle for a version of the original that ran on windows lol Yeah that guy ripped a few of the songs but not the best ones lol
  4. So I busted out the PC98 emulator earlier tonight and I was fooling around with Skull Leader and Remember Me.... it got me to thinking. How hard would it be to do an HD remake of these games? Perhaps doing them in a windows format, eliminating the need for a PC98 emu? I don't know how complicated it would be, but the games are awesome (for those who haven't played them, they're strategy games where you control entire squadrons of valkyries at once, and sometimes even the macross itself) and it would be a fantastic opportunity to throw in an English translation Where would one even start? Anyone with any programming know-how ever thought about this?
  5. I didnt like the whole step away from ISIS thing... at first I thought it was going to be really funny, but it really started to wear off fast. I fear the show has run it's course.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB1NiNKwueE This will *always* be the proper "Equalizer".... it needs to be an old british guy like Ed Woodward!
  7. LOL I had already been a diehard fan for 20 years and set it aside for a bit by the time you found it! Hope you've gotten as much enjoyment from it as I have over the years I remember Edo, SkullOne, and Jemstone. She was pretty cool I thought, I did a victory dance the day we banned Edo as I recall.
  8. I remember both!
  9. Omg I'm cryin' here! LOL
  10. That was the approach taken in the Robotech novels (dyed blue hair)... though it seems more likely that Mikamoto just wanted to establish him as someone special, without worrying about such trivial details as "why". (I mean that sarcastically... of course the fans wanna know why! lol)
  11. It was about what I expected. Neither 2 or 3 had the artistic depth of the first one (Mickey Rourke's character brought a surprising amount of that, along with Statham's character's struggles with his girlfriend), #2 was still alright, and I did enjoy #3, but it was probably the most stale of the series. It had some moments but nothing worth writing home about. .... and Antonio Banderas needs a fastball to the throat.
  12. I'm also looking for upgrade stuff. I'd really like some resin heads and maybe some recast ostrich or elintseeker parts. I've got one jetfire set aside just for a VF-1D, but can't move forward until I find parts.
  13. I think he's talking about the subtitle... one of the Japanese subtitle translations puts the interrogative before the word when she says it. That isn't the only inflection we use... if we are trying to illicit an explanation from someone, just repeating their last word and trailing off can have the same effect as asking as a question, but when one does not expect or understand the answer Me: "beautiful...." Girl: "beautiful.... (care to explain?)" The last part is implied, but does not necessarily have to sound interrogative.
  14. I believe Milia was more or less asking Max what it meant, as the concept was probably foreign to a Meltrandi. They say the exact same thing ("Utskushi"), and unless there is a difference based on gender (someone more up to speed on Japanese could jump in here), I don't see why she would be ascribing that adjective to him when the concept didn't exist in their culture before then.
  15. also Robotech Tactics... this is a thing now, and I'll be interested to pick up a set when it goes to market (if only to paint them all up in DYRL style)
  16. Well.... I'll be a monkeys bare-assed uncle.... kicking myself for missing that, I really wanted one... and I totally would've footed the bill for it!
  17. oh the lies we were fed....
  18. Oh wow, talk about a trip back!
  19. I remember the fiasco, but I don't remember the kit in question.... was that the club M re-pop?
  20. I was! It went on display in pieces as I recall, lol. It never recovered from that. I wish I had another Yellow Sub kit to build in it's place.
  21. Good to see some of you guys again!
  22. Renato, it is entirely possible I've got you confused for someone else! I'm sorry! (That was a long time ago lol) And stuff is still as expensive as it once was, lol. Except for some of these master file books, I don't have or want much macross merchandise these days (I finally got my bandai 1/55 boxed strike valkyrie and I still have a 1/72 HCM in the box but that's it)
  23. The great battle of our lifetime....
  24. LOL Mickey, I almost forgot you were on this forum too!
  25. Hey Everyone! I dropped back to "lurker" status somewhere around 2006 after being a charter, hardcore-everyday visiting member since 2000. I'd check in every so often to see how things were going and to keep up with the latest news about my most beloved anime franchise. OCCASIONALLY I'd chime in on something, but largely Ive stayed up in the nosebleed section. I was thinking earlier about everything that I loved so much about this place, and now as an old man (I say old... all of 35) I thought I'd give a shoutout and see who all was still around from the original crew. Some of my fondest MacrossWorld memories: 1. The original java-coded message board, it didn't even keep track of membership and you had to write your name in every time you posted... alt.fan.macross refugees unite! 2.The golden age of 1/55 valkyrie modding... Erick Mabrich's custom cockpit/nose sections, Chris Baretta's excellent custom heads (I'm proud to say I got the first VF-1S head), my company's (Alphateam11) Max/Milia marriage sets, Renato's Super Ostritch conversions... and the list goes on 3.Even owning a 3rd edition joons put you on a lucky level of macross collectors... owning the genuine articles made you a mover and a shaker here 4. VF5SS and his "Adventures of Little Valk" comic series 5. Keith and his undying love for Macross 7 (and the membership that always teased him for it.... I was always a silent supporter, Keith!) 6. AgentONE. 'nuff said. (I want to subscribe to your newsletter!) 7. Graham's visits with Yamato when the first MacPlus valks dropped 8. The unending war against the machines (robotech.com) 9. Discussing military aviation with Richard Burney (Apollo Leader), and Dave Hingtgen 10. John Moscato's perfect-detail 1/35 Legioss project, (and the ensuing cease and desist letter from harmony gold, insuring that none of us could buy one from him) 11. If you wanted anything Macross-related, Jerry Tsai and Kevin Lam were the guys to see 12. Watching WM Cheng turn models into masterpieces 13. Long discussions into the night on the relevance of Macross Zero to Macross 7 (support your arguments, show your work, etc) 14. When someone decided to re-pop the Club M 1/48 VF-1 Strike Valkyrie... and the eye-watering price that went with all that resin and white metal (still kicking myself for not getting one) I could probably think of more, but off the top of my head, these are what I remember the most.... how many other old guys are out there? When I stepped back, Roby's joke machine recasts were just coming out.
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