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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. little kid: "I wanna get in the refrigerator too!"
  2. a 2 gallon stunt-tank? That would SO have to come out... with an older Chevy 350 in it, you might make it to the end of the block and back..... I've always loved the mid-80's trans-am/firebirds, but I could buy my own, have it refurbished and then mod it to be near identical to this for a great deal less.....
  3. well, with some it's pretty obvious that what they did was try to read the lips of the characters and then put words to it (a.k.a. Alpine: "me me me me..... me me me me...") or the kid at the end of "Porkchop Sandwiches" man, I could watch these for hours... Snowjob: "Get that kid off my ice, you little wankers!"
  4. ok, having viewed the vast majority of them, I have to say "porkchop sandwiches" is the funniest of all... I didn't know Inferno had such a bad mouth! Close runners up are: Snowjob- "get off my ice" Footloose- "nice catch..." still have about 10 more to view. The flint and Lady Jaye ones just sucked.... and the Roadblock one wasn't so hot either.
  5. just because we're analyzing it doesn't mean it's canon. I was simply pointing out some of the possible influences behind the design...
  6. well, the leg fast-packs are very similar to the VF-1 "Deep Diver" setup... no telling about the rest. It'd make a cool custom though
  7. Glavil: "The Beauty of overpricing!"
  8. It is those dearest to us that always depart before we are ready.... You and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers... and we're all here for you man.
  9. lol, these are awesome.... "Nice catch blanco nino, too bad your ass got saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked..."
  10. lol, my graphics card would laugh at me if I tried to run that (GeForce FX 5600), everything else could handle the load no problem... I desperately need a new GFX card. Ahh well, back to UT for me (For some reason, nothing can stand up to the original... and's what I'll stick with!)
  11. a solid theory, but I'm gonna play devil's advocate here and counter with this: I'm guessing it doesn't specifically say by this lineart, so I have to wonder, is it possible that he earned that promotion AFTER the final battle of SWI? I mean, he went on to do some pretty impressive things (in an enemy mecha no less) in that final battle, and up to that point, other than the fact that he's in command, there's no indication of his specific rank.
  12. well, while we're at it, why not figure out the size of Hikaru's briefs? lol man, it's a free for all... some things just aren't worth worrying over..
  13. Skull Leader


    I'm tellin you guys... I think the 1/48 line is pretty much over. I sincerely hope it is anyway, I'm ready for them to move on to other things. If they had another variant in the works for any time soon, they would've mentioned it by now.
  14. What's wrong with side-by-side seating??? For a bomber it's entirely practical.
  15. You know, it's people like you who cause people to never follow their dreams.... I, for one, would love to see a fan story (especially one of this caliber) about what happened to the megaroad crew.
  16. Speaking as someone who has professional vocal experience, this man has no business singing on anyones CD... I wish no ill harm towards the guy, but he's in the wrong profession. He couldn't carry a tune to save his own life.
  17. Hardly. There was an interview with that pilot on the special edition DVD of the movie. The shot was filmed to make it look lower than it was. When the PR admiral first viewed the film he was a bit concerned, there wasn't any threat of a courtmartial. The sound effect for the afterburners in that shot was actually a woman screaming (heavily distorted, of course).
  18. lol, wow! and SD fanliner for barbies... wonder why that one got the big ugly axe?
  19. All I know is that they were the rock band you set out to save at the end of "Macross: Digital Mission VFX"
  20. took a glance at the first one.... it's just not that poor girls day, huh?
  21. The game effects were as follows: If you stop firing your weapon, a field of some sort develops around the valkyrie. If you touch certain enemies with this field, they convert to your side and start shooting at enemies. You can only do this with one enemy at a time, and once I had one I was never able to get a different one (it stayed with you), so I always did my best to wait for a Glaug or Nas-Jer to show up and use it on them
  22. Sorry Dave, I should've specified more clearly. During the mid-80s on the Enterprise, the Black Lions squadron operated with the 200 range modex, while the fighting Aardvarks operated in the 100 range modex. That was how I reached my conclusion.
  23. In the ongoing series to commemorate the soon-to-be passing of our patron fighter jet, I thought I'd start a little "did you know..." page for the F-14. If you have something to add, feel free to do so! (Dave, I hope to see many things from you here! ) About "Top Gun" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the movie "Top Gun", by simple use of the Codex numbers "Goose" and "Cougar" use over the radio, it's pretty easy to figure out which squadron each is from. Given that the beginning of the movie takes place on the Enterprise (CVN-65) and during "current day" (then the mid 1980s) we can speculate the following: "Goose" called in their plane as "Ghostrider 203"... while one would assume obviously he is from the "Ghostriders" squadron, this is not the case (squadrons do not always use their name for their radio handles... case in point, the Jolly Rogers use "Victory #") the codex 203 would correspond to an aircraft in the VF-213 "Black Lions" squadron. So it is safe to assume that "Maverick" and "Goose" were, in fact, pilots from the Black Lions. "Cougar" radioed in their plane as "Ghostrider 117". The codex 117 corresponds to an aircraft in the VF-114 "Fighting Aardvarks". In fact, with possibly only 1 or 2 exceptions, all F-14 missile shots filmed were from VF-114 tomcats. Most of the carrier launch sequences were filmed on the Enterprise and if you look closely in one or two launch sequences, you can see the tailcode "NH" on most of the Tomcats, and you can even see the tiny aardvark in one. However, some footage was taken from the USS Ranger, because the VF-1 "Wolfpack" gets some screentime on the carrier as well as at Miramar. Strangely enough, "Goose"s helmet also depicts "VF-1" on it... but that's it. I could be mistaken about the squadron, but I believe some tomcats from the VF-74 "Bedevilers" were re-painted with fictitious unit markings for the filming at the NFWS. These markings were shared on the helmets and patches of "Iceman", "Slider", "Hollywood", and "Wolfman" which naturally leads me to believe the 4 of them were from the same fake squadron (the patch and helmet featured a fist holding a lightning bolt). "Maverick" and "Goose" also bore fake unit patches on their uniform (perhaps a variant on the "screaming eagles" or something, featuring a stylized bird of prey attacking). Real Squadrons were represented there though... Mav's replacement-RIO after Goose's death was from the VF-111 "Sundowners" and somebody SOMEWHERE (don't remember who without going back to watch) has a VF-103 "Sluggers" patch on. Also correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't "Jester" have a patch from the VX-9 "Vampires"?
  24. VF-1SOL (SH*T OUTTA LUCK) seeing the between-stage footage of the SOL, it's easy to see things that made it into the VF-0 Phoenix design. I also see a lot of Macross II in it.
  25. I won't bring in gundams specifically, but let's be honest.... the UC feddie army has to count among the worst animated militaries ever..... for being the supposed "good guys", they're extraordinarily arrogant, they always underestimate their foes. They turn a blind eye and provide minimal support to those who WIN conflicts (a.k.a. White Base, Albion, etc) Admittedly, the Zeon forces had their fair share of Zakus destroyed, but VERY rarely do you see a GM land a solid hit on any Zeon forces... despite how cool they look I think they're even worse than Cannon-Fodder VF-1s. There's my opinion and vote for the most inept military in anime history Universal Century- Earth Federation Army -The army that had all the right tools, but none of the right people.
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