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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Skull Leader


    Trust me... if someone had solid evidence on a new YF-19, it would be ALL over these boards in no time at all. Personally I wouldn't waste your time... I'm pretty sure Yamato has axed the project.
  2. err, I could be wrong.. but modex numbers are generally issued by airwing, not the navy overall... as in, at one point, there could've been multiple CAG tomcats out there with the modex number 100 or 200 (or 300, 400, etc)
  3. I don't see the VF-103 dropping the skull and crossbones any time soon.
  4. Shin, you mentioned that someone called the JSF a "replacement" for the F-16.... I agree that this certainly doesn't seem to be the case, but I want to present a hypothetical situation here... would the F-2 serve as a decent replacement for the F-16? I know the aircraft are similar, but I hesitate to call them the same plane (I don't know a lot about them). I Just know the F-2 is nimble as all hell and will fly like shhit off a shovel... Why has the US never invested in this? Just curiosities... I know very little about USAF aircraft or their derivatives.
  5. There are pictures up at MATS of this tomcat (albeit not very good ones)... I had to wonder how well the canards improved handling, especially at full sweep with "zone 5" selected. I ask because the glove vanes were ruled to be "not a big enough difference" in increasing handling at high speeds (and thusly were de-activated on all B upgrades and omitted altogther from Production Bs and Ds) Is there a point where the airframe just can't be maneuverable? Obviously NASA's research didn't come to much fruition... as no service tomcats have canards
  6. wow, rather self-important... isn't he? Trying to place himself on the same level as Tarantino... He should be castrated, tarred and feathered, and dragged through the street. Quentin will send his pal Al Pacino over for a nice little chat..
  7. Thanks, I forgot all about that. I don't remember them on the CV/CVN scenes though. I do however remember the Miramar flight scenes now that you've refreshed my memory. It was right before Maverick crashed his F-14. I can guess the Black Lion "formula." The first exterior scene of Mav and Goose's F-14 shows a modex (nose) number of "203." The Black Lions at the time were the 200 series for CVW-11 off the Enterprise and the styling (font) of number is consistent with the VF-213 A/C of the time (mid-80's). you figured me out.... and as "Cougar" was ghostrider "one one seven", he would've had to have been a part of the "fighting aardvarks"
  8. The Jolly Roger aircraft changeover is old news, we have a post about it in the "other" section... complete with pictures. The designation on Goose's helment is even stranger when you take into account that during that part of the movie, they were more likely from the VF-213 "Black Lions" (whilst Cougar and his RIO were operating out of the VF-114 "Fighting Aardvarks") I won't go into my formula for how I figured this out here... if you REALLY wanna know, PM me and I'll explain it. the VF-1 *did* get some screentime in the movie. There are one or two carrier shots on board the USS Ranger where the VF-1 tomcats can be seen. They also get screentime at NAS Miramar on the ground.
  9. [soapbox rant mode] why does there have to be a story behind every picture??? It just looks like good artwork to me. It didn't appear in the show, it hasn't appeared in anything since (like, oh say... the Macross Design Book?)... what happened to saying "oh... that's cool artwork, looks inspired by "....." and then move on. Every time a new photo pops up here, people go running to Nanashi screaming "what is this!? WWWHHHYYYYY haven't we been informed about this before!? We demand you tell us the model number and the exact specifications of that which we see, or else!!" Just like the "Funny Chineese" or "Deep Diver" stuff... it's just fan-custom work, or early design pictures with ideas that got tossed. Does it really have to be more than that? [/soapbox rant mode] Back on topic... It's some neat artwork... When I look at it, I see hints of the SDP-01 sticking out in the picture... the naked gatling gun and the fins on the FAST packs are similar. We've discussed one of those before though.
  10. Pretty sure they're done with the 1/48... time to move on to other things.
  11. Almost attempting to take credit for someone else's work?...Not the best way to introduce one's self to the MW forums Yeah was that supposed to be funny or what? It wasnt as funny as office space, but I was rollin........he he he ....you were the only one. HE HE HE. That sort of thing isn't cool.... we're pretty hardcore about giving credit where credit is due around here.
  12. If there's more news involved, I'll take my chances with the rain!
  13. Yeah, back when the flamewars were in full spread, there were several people here who bragged about getting banned over there (most of them wound up banned over here too)... I understand your anguish, but you might wanna just sit on that info
  14. well, from the way Hibiki talked about it, they were nothing as powerful as the "operation 200" discharge
  15. It goes off for the same reason that the Macross fired in the 1st episode of the original series. The smaller trickles could be excess energy bleed or any number of other possible alternatives.
  16. ack! he built the tomcat wrong! although, that Minmay guard Strike Battroid in the sky is the SHIZNIT.....
  17. This is just too damn cool... Reminds me of the Celeberty Deathmatch where he pulls out his lightsaber and when he pressed the button, a lead pipe came out of it...
  18. wait a tick... I thought this project was dead in the water? or did someone else pick up the ball and keep it going?
  19. Macross II has nothing to do with Macross Plus... Ishtar wasn't in Macross Plus. It's just a side story written by people who weren't on the original team of creators. It's set 80 years after DYRL and all relations pretty much stop there. You'll find Macross II far easier to deal with if you accept right away that MacII is not part of the official storyline and has nothing whatsoever to do with anything else Macross-related.
  20. beautiful shot... PM likewise, man!
  21. wow, I must've been one of the lucky ones (I got mine a week or so after Christmas), my Hikaru 1S has a solid and tight airbrake.
  22. I stand corrected then.
  23. Bandai wouldn't block the performance of DYRL at any convention here, they have no reason to. Hate to beat a dead horse, but that decision was almost certainly handed down from HG.
  24. errr, that's not really a question any of us can answer for you man... they either mean something to you or they don't. I never cared much about the RT power-armor line, so I'd toss it or sell it, but to each his own.
  25. McGregor WOULD make a pretty good bond... he's got the "suave" thing down pretty well... and SW and BHD have shown that he can handle an action role well enough.
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