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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. yeah, I read this earlier... pretty F-ing funny. I think he got less than what he deserved.
  2. Damn, that demo is hard! Unless you assign your wingmen to cover your ass, the escort fighters will chop you to pieces The flight models look very detailed, I can't wait to see the full game. Hikaru, that video kicks ASS! I wish it were from a dedicated tomcat simulator instead of just a video from FS2002.... although it seems to be going for a very "metro-tomcat" look.... they've got the engines of the B/D, but the fairings have dissapeared altogether and one or two of the planes use the paintschemes from when they were flying Tomcat As... either way... very detailed. Either way, I'm gonna pick up FS2002 and download his Tomcat set and go flying!
  3. I am SO going to find this demo today.....
  4. hey Jin, if you don't mind my asking, where did you get this info from? The box of the model? I'd like to see a source, please. Thanks!
  5. dude, someone just thought it would look cool on a valkyrie. I don't think any thought was given to it being a squadron or showbird... why does it have to have a squadron or official history attached to it???
  6. This topic has been discussed in depth previously... once again, we have a failure to realize that the "search" function is all powerful and should be used any time someone wants to bring up a discussion. Thank you and have a nice day.
  7. and to a good portion of the community here, it's STILL funny. Thanks.
  8. I actually met Mr. T once, he's really a pretty nice guy. He smiles and laughs a lot when not on camera. Even managed to pick up his autograph!
  9. ......wow, that takes me back (adds to his obscure music file)
  10. ahhh, but due to the wonders of anime magic, the enemy would stop and take in the greatness that is the X-series Gundams and say "woah! Let's get our asses kicked by THAT!", it's just THAT cool -Skull Leader (quite possibly the biggest Gundam X fan on this board)
  11. I loved Pole Position. The guy's blue car I never could identify (certainly nothing that curvy existed THEN), but the girl drove a Red Mustang, and THAT kicked ass...
  12. strange, I thought the VF-1D was supposed to be among the most solid 1/60s out there (where any of the super/strike valks are the worst), virtually everyone else here has had nothing but good things to say about the D.... sounds like a lemon to me also.
  13. lol, it just goes to show... ANYONE can own one of these exclusive valkyries (with a little effort)
  14. and both the double X and the Freedom Gundam share their design from the original X-Gundam
  15. they do indeed share a very similar sillouette... (but I still like Double X Better!)
  16. bump that.... embrace the badassness that is the Double X....
  17. *eyes the date on the picture* and HOW long have you owned your freedom gundam?
  18. that Elint custom is SWEET.... I like that VF-22/modern day scheme too.
  19. given that only 3 of these are being released to the market, I would be more prone to classify them as "customs" instead of a genuine "limited edition" or even "exclusives"... the number is just too small.
  20. Gawd, that thing is SUCH a knockoff of the Gundam Double X... the Freedom Gundam couldn't hope to have such a kickass weapon as the Satellite Cannon! It was once said on the Newtype forums that with all of the panels deployed, the Double X looked something like an enraged iguana... that philosophy holds true for Freedom also.
  21. [Cue evil Robotech reference] "Did you see that!?!? It's a deathray!!!" [/Cue evil Robotech reference] It's only a matter of time before SETI pulls through and finds something. I anxiously await the day.
  22. Noel sells them for what he thinks they're worth. I may not agree with it or you may not, but it's his merchandise and his call. Personally, for a pristine Takatoku VF-1S Supervalkyrie set, $650 is about par for the course I think. (I wouldn't pay that, but I know several that would)
  23. man, Navy high-command seems to be out to completely rape the outgoing tomcat community of all it's tradition... they're putting the smackdown on even the 2 high-vis planes allowed in each squadron and now they're gonna de-throne VANDY-1????? Way to go, dorks! To the Navy High Command:
  24. 10 seconds, 17/17.... no sweat. They could've at least TRIED...
  25. Waste of money man, but your call.
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