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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Can someone tell me what movie the song during the credits came from? it's very VERY similar to the battle theme from "Gladiator" (but it's in a completely different key, so I know it's not the same song), either way, it's close!
  2. I SO wish we could get this translated... I'd love to see what all of the dialogue says
  3. wow... that would scare the hell out of me if I walked in and someone had mounted my yammies up like that.... you have far bigger balls than I sir! Excellent display!
  4. lol, you know... as much as I planned on seeing the movie anyway, I'd ESPECIALLY go see it if it had that title... if he had the audacity to put that on there, it would rock just that much more
  5. here's to hoping the problem isn't serious enough to keep them from launching again on monday!
  6. I think that was the Autobot combiner Technobot, Computron, using the abacus. ahh, I stand corrected
  7. Ramjet ruins his chances for fatherhood!
  8. LOL, that was great! I loved the "humorous" outtakes at the end (especially When Ramjet lands on something he shouldn't!).. btw, that was "Six-shot" who sent the message... Bruticus was playing with an abacus it looks like. Even the Macross-version of Jetfire makes it into the movie!
  9. Thanks Valkafan, the Max/Milia Marriage set was our pride and joy project... wish I hadn't lost all my pictures of that though Sadly Alphonso and I don't keep track anymore (he dissapeared ) Bluedeath, *I* didn't cut the foam, someone in california did, and I don't remember the company we tasked to do it (that was actually Alphonso's job). I don't remember the exact estimates... but in US funds we were looking at well over $1000 for the general mold to be made in Styrofoam.
  10. I can do without the books Just something to jack the price wayyyy beyond what it should be.
  11. ok, now we're entering the realm of TOTAL fan-geekdom... does it matter if his "training mode" is the same color as the lightsabers in the new series? Everyone has a different color lightsaber anyway, why do their training modes have to be the same? Best to let this one slide, mi amigo/a s edit: left out the R in training
  12. the Last Starfighter was hella badass for it's time, I just don't see how it can be made a musical and still be anything of worth... oh well.
  13. Me and a friend of mine ,Alphonso Mora (together as "Alphateam 11") tried to get this to fly a few years back with 1/55 customs, but getting styrofoam cut into shape (we were going to have them basically re-produce the old Takatoku styro sets) was going to be UBER expensive (as in, we would've needed a full-length production order to make it cost-effective.. a limited run of 500 or less just wouldn't do it for less than a few hundred per box. By the time we came around to trying just foam (yes, gun-packing foam) inserts, it was still going to be around $50 a piece, and the Yamato 1/60 craze had taken hold, and interest plummeted to less than 100... far short of what we would've needed to continue. the Yamato custom market hadn't really begun, and even then most people hung on to the box for it anyway, which made custom yamato boxes unfeasible. Let me give you some advice from someone who has tried this before... it's not going to be cheap, and there are feeble-minded donkeys here who think custom work for anything over $29.99 is too much. Boxes themselves are cheap... even getting artwork printed on them is cheap (by comparison), but the inserts are costly. Here is the last prototype we came up with before the project went under (the box, not the valkyrie!)
  14. lol, I want to get a second copy of Dracula X (just found my first copy a few months ago) so I can brag to all the noobs who want one and are still looking
  15. wow.... that's a hella lot of cobra action figures....
  16. PSA stands for "Public Service Announcement". It was the little saftety video that was shown at the end of each GI Joe episode (and it always ended with the famous tagline: You really need to look into some of these videos before trying to discuss them (after all, you wanna sound SMART, right? ). Basically a website called fenslerfilms.com took all of these PSAs and edited them for humor. Some of the PSAs are so mangled (see the prom one and kid falling off the cliff one) as so to really look nothing like what it originally did. Using edited footage from each, they re-wrote them and added in humorous (and often vulgar) dialogue. Some of them turned out pretty damn funny... others were not so well contructed.
  17. Well, I suppose they could nail them for the use of the "GI Joe" logo at the end, but beyond that, I'm not sure what they could really do
  18. lol, good thing I burned these on to one of my misc. video CDs... future internet geeks will surely be missing out! I've noted though that Ebaumsworld has yet to remove them from their site. Fenslerfilms (the guys that made the videos) haven't removed them either... it may be that they're calling Hasbro's bluff (they've had their letters for over a month now)
  19. Not so. Until now, the SDF-01 has made an appearance in every series. SDF:Macross- duh, the show was about it DYRL- likewise Mac II- they blew it up Mac Plus- Sharon took it over/ also present in the background of the kareoke scene Mac 7- In the flashback of "The Fleet of the Strongest Women" Even if it was only one or two brief glimpses in everything that counts for M7, it was still there... It remains to be seen if we'll see any screenshots of it in Episode 5, I'm leaning towards "no", but it's always a possibility.
  20. lol, the patent for "Jetfire" has the image of the Takatoku VF-1S... funny..
  21. You kinda missed the boat on that one... that was a while back. Rohby *might* still have some recasts laying around if you get in touch with him though.
  22. I voted for the Thunder Hammer conversion, but really any of them would be nice to have!
  23. most of those get unlocked after beating normal mode.... I never did beat it on hard.... I couldn't get past that boss you fight at the end of the Max/Milia duel scene, which was always the most difficult boss for me regardless of the difficulty level
  24. Did you get the dancing Minmay doll at the end? ok, so maybe not EXACTLY identical (no, I didn't! )
  25. The only Macross games where you can control the SDF-01 UNS Macross itself is in some of the PC games (Love Story, Skull Leader, and Remember Me IIRC)... in otherwords, you were lied to. I own and have beaten the PS1 version of DYRL (identical to the Saturn release) and there is no such mission
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