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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. lol, feebs who paid more than $200 are to be laughed at! Roy was not a limited edition as was our wonderful low-vis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In all seriousness, I really doubt that the rest of the line will be reissued, there hasn't been anywhere near the demand for the others (with the possible exception of the low-visability version, which wont' be reissued), so you can probably bank on this being a one-time deal.
  2. glad I waited instead of being one of the feeble-minded fools who paid $200+ for their Roy valkyrie..
  3. Those are probably just Chris' or Rob's custom VF-1A heads...
  4. Err, I'm fairly certain that MW was around for at least a year before that... because I was posting on the very first board around late 98 or so (at least as near as I can remember) And before that most of us were on Alt. fan. Macross.
  5. careful about the political comments!
  6. I'm with BSU, I went to an all-night Evangelion party once... we watched the whole thing, and I was only pissed that I actually stayed for the whole thing, I hated it!
  7. well, given that in one point in my life I thought commercial space-travel wouldn't be possible in my lifetime, I suppose anything is possible... but I agree with the others here... it seems like the only thing we can build better and more effective is the next bomb.... The sad thing is, even if WE don't do it... SOMEONE likely will....
  8. I'm not good with model names for helments, but good 'ol Shin there appears to be wearing what was the standard helmet for most (US at least) military aviators through the 80s-mid 90s or so. (wow, that so reminds me that I need to watch "Area 88" again...)
  9. nothing some tastefully applied krylon couldn't fix
  10. *sigh* I hate double posts...
  11. all that hype waiting for the supposed "Macross 7 Guru" to speak.... AND THAT'S ALL YOU SAY!?? ..... perhaps you are not as strong as the emperor thought....
  12. oh c'mon Gaijin, roll with it!
  13. *sigh* if you've got it, flaunt it I suppose
  14. Let's rub it in some more... They did it with A-models.. with the underpowered, somewhat unreliable engines.. no phoneixes.. using locally produced parts.. The shame of it all. The biggest, baddest bird off a steam cat and the only nation flying it is using it off LAND bases! :D lol... to quote Rodney Carrington: "...... that'll piss ya off....."
  15. Kinda sad that Iran boasts more air-to-air kills with OUR fighter than us.... also note they are the only people to still actively fly F-14As Those birds are as old or older than many of our tomcats still on the flightline and so far as I know, the IIAF has no intention of retiring them any time soon!
  16. just had to show it off, didn't you?
  17. I didn't even think to talk about what Bandai had done.... I knew they had worked on a bunch of new stuff, and I hate it that little to none of it saw the light of day The canopy/heatshield innovation was pretty cool though!
  18. where most of Bandai's Chrome efforts sucked, I always thought the VF-1S looked cool as hell in the chrome!
  19. I'll be watching online for word of how the flight goes!
  20. LOL, isn't that just sick??? another case of a 30 year old aircraft out burning some of the newest kids on the block... (although, the Tornado isn't really NEW, per say) ... never really liked the Phantom, but it's got my respect Also, I've never seen the AC2 map overlayed with the AC4 map, but I DID see somewhere a map where someone tried to fit in the AC4 map in the real world (they ended up placing it in the pacific, between the northern US and Asia)
  21. Ok, Per David's problem with not being able to find the map, I downloaded the image and posted it here. Erusea is on either end of the map (you can see "North Point" in the far-west side and "Farbanti" on the far east side)
  22. Shin, dude.. chill out... Razgriz is just a legend and anything beyond that is SPECULATION... It hasn't been specified who or what it is (even the folks at www.acecombat.net don't know yet what it is, and they're bigger fanatics than we are... Druna Skass and I are both members over there..), even in the trailer they weren't 100% sure what it meant. .... and POM's "blurry" was QUITE well applied to the newest trailer... if they put it in the soundtrack I'd be very happy with it. I was actually pretty sad that there wasn't more on my AC4 soundtrack CD, as good as it was.
  23. feh, don't get too excited... Takatoku sponsored a great many "color variations" spreads for custom valkyries, and this was no doubt one of them. The Valks were fan-custom made, not produced by Takatoku for production. They were done for promotion purposes to boost sales of their 1/55 line, I don't think they intended to ever make one themselves.
  24. there's a picture over at acecombat.net that actually shows ALL of the nations from AC2-5 as part of the same world... it's pretty neat to see them all linked.
  25. wow... he simply HAS to be the luckiest kid alive..... Datter, you've certainly put your collection to the test!
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