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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. From what I recall, it's a mixture of several languages put together... although I can't recall exactly which ones were used.
  2. Blaine, you'd love it seriously, if we decide to host another midwest con (Richard, ya listening?) we HAVE to play this, it's hillarious!
  3. hey David. I am almost 100% sure it's in latin... not harsh enough to be German or italian or whatnot... The soundtrack was done by the Warsaw philharmonic, so there's a possibility it's one of the eastern bloc languages or russian. The recording in the game doesn't bring the words out enough to know for sure... I tried taking the MP3 of "Unsung War" that I have and isolating the voice, but I can't. I guess we'll just have to wait until Namco releases the words. IF it's in latin, I can translate it no problem (thank all of my years of choir experience and 2 semesters of it in my undergraduate college.)
  4. This video was "the sick"... I think EVERY anime fan should watch this once, just to laugh the way Sze and I did today, it was great! Not to mention, 50+ year old men running around in red silk shirts and leather pants is just something you have to see to believe!
  5. the hip joints are SORTA ball jointed (you can angle them out a little, but not much). I have a VF-1A HCM. The arms don't have any ratchets in them at all, allowing for a wider range of posability. The legs have rachets in the "straight" position and a couple of others I think, but you can pose them anywhere inbetween also. Mine also has a really horrible fighter mode, I don't know if they're all like that or if there is something I'm missing. I think it's got a pretty good gerwalk mode for it's time, certainly better than the 1/55s had.
  6. in the south, we have a term for pictures like this: "en fuego" Ordinarily I like the outfits Max wears (his M7 uniform is pretty bitchrod!), but THIS is unexcusable!
  7. I know the Crusader is featured in WoV, but I want to see it in an Ace Combat game
  8. hmmm, Gamestop doesn't seem to have them for sale on their website... or if they do I cannot find them
  9. man, I have GOT to get one of those Hicks statues... all they need now is a Vasquez or Drake one and I'll be set
  10. Well, I talk to people at Boeing on their weapons-delivery software line, but that doesn't mean everything I hear there is going to come true. All I was trying to point out is that given HG's rep, this probably won't see the light of day in Japan. I'll say it again in plain english: I *know* they INTEND to market it in Japan as a Mosepeada sequel, I just don't think that it will happen.
  11. alright... I've been thinking it for a while, and I'll just come out and say it.... This game series needs an A-7 Corsair II and an F-8 Crusader! (therein could be the evolution chain: F-8 (air to air), A-7 (Air to Ground), F-8 Super Crusader (Air to Air)) whew... there, I said it I know I talked about a flashback campaign and everything... bump that, I just wanna see a friggin Crusader in AC at some point
  12. *cracks the whip over David's head* get back to work, son! (kidding!)
  13. And there are people in hell who want ice water, but some things just aren't gonna happen I see this one falling through the floor somehow.
  14. Yeah, there are some people that take it to the ultimate extreme (those fools who carry a small sack on their waist at all times, ready to game whenever)... I enjoyed it for a while, but it got uber expensive to keep collecting EVERY new set that came out.
  15. hmmm, guess I got the standard production version then... it IS an Alpha Card. I remember that much. My set, unfortunately, is in Arkansas so I cannot double check it now (now you have me wanting to!). I have some Betas too, but I keep them separately
  16. I think you must have them messed up... my "Time Walk" said something to the effect of "take another turn after this one"
  17. I stopped collecting sometime around the "Legends" series (I think that was my last one) I finally completed my alpha set sometime last year. I think it was that "fallen empires" set that I had collected like twice over (the one no-one ever wanted) I ended up selling both of them
  18. wow, you're sick..... you sure you're on the right forum? There wasn't a single outfit in DYRL that was anything less than spectacular (and the off-duty jumpsuits the pilots wore were hella better than the flight suits from the TV series) I certainly don't see how the fairy on page 4, or HG's hack of Breetai-the-bucket-wearer, or anyone else seen in the sentinels looks better... the flight suits were a blatant rip of DYRL and the uniforms were more spandex-hugging gayness.
  19. I've spent enough time in down town Little Rock (the highest gang-crime city in the midwest) after dark that the character banter really doesn't get to me, but I can see where a slightly more sheltered individual might not approve.
  20. I get the same thing as WM cheng....
  21. the JSF is just different enough from the F-22 to make it fugly IMO.... I really hope we don't start to see these crowding carrier decks in the next 10-15 years......
  22. Yeah, namco's hardon for flankers kinda gets on my nerves from time to time...
  23. BSU, "Black House" really doesn't do much beyond tying "The Talisman" closer to the Dark Tower series. A very good and solid read, but don't look for revellations there. But thanks to that book, I was able to add the adjective "bitchrod" to my vocabulary
  24. Although it's never specified, it's certainly implied that all of the AC series (potentially barring AC1/Air Combat) are squels of each other (as opposed to being completely independent games under the same name). They use the same map, just not the same characters or the same places. The only problem I see with taking it to another sequel is that they're starting to run out of room on the map Unless the next AC game were to include ALL of the previously-used nations, I'm not sure how that would work.
  25. I was there towards the very end, don't think I ever posted though.
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