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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. if it turns out to be true, I'll be all over this like thigh-fat on a dixie chick....
  2. I may re-activate this month, I'm not sure though yet.
  3. MMMMmmmmm, Snatcher....
  4. yeah, think you guys missed the boat on this one.
  5. yeah, I'll hold out until something worth reviewing comes up before I pass judgement.
  6. this movie was hella tight... easily the best pixar film I've seen to date. And I agree with many others, I feel that much more gay for watching the video short... it was well animated, but the story was a total fruit-job.
  7. Keith, I'm pretty sure the events dealing with Lala play out pretty similar to the way they did in the manga/TV series, I don't remember anything out of the ordinary, but it has been 10+ years since I've read them.
  8. hmmm, so what must we do to aquire one of these posters from the infamous "banned gaijin"?
  9. actually, Lanessar, Battletech and Mechwarrior existed hand in hand for many years. "Battletech" was simply the name given to the board/strategy game version of their product, while "Mechwarrior" was the title given to the Roleplaying game that would focus more on the individual characters than the mech combat itself. There was also a version called "Mechforce" which focused on combat on a regimental level. They all were in production at the same time and it wasn't until later that Harmony Gold got involved.
  10. Both the stampede and the star-crusader appeared in the Macross PC98 games... I never used the Star-Crusader, but the Stampede Valkyrie was designed with ship-busting in mind, and a squadron of those things could seriously bring the pain! They were fun to use!
  11. perhaps the books I was reading were different than the ones you speak of, but in the novels, didn't the White-Base team wind up joining Zeon towards the end?
  12. believe it or not, Testors primer gray is almost an exact duplicate of the base color of the low-vis valkyries... I don't know about the blue color used on the tailfins, or what they used for the weathering paint though.
  13. well, in an ACM situation, 2 pairs of eyes beats one!
  14. *cries out in agony* GAHHH! The VF-1D is *NOT* a dedicated trainer! We've been over this a million and one times! We've had multiple threads (see THIS thread, we went on forever about it) before and I thought we had come to the conclusion that the VF-1D is NOT just a trainer! The VF-1D is no more a trainer for pilots than any other 2 seater aircraft is. It is capable of being fully armed (unlike the VT-1, which WAS a trainer), and CF VF-1Ds were seen in the series (more specifically, during Max and Milia's wedding.. when they themselves flew in a VF-1D painted in Max colors.. and later fought in it), sure.. some may have been assigned to training wings and RAGs, but that doesn't mean it's a "trainer".
  15. I believe this new scheme is probably about as good as can be expected for their new Super Hornets.... I have to say, if they stick with this style (which they may or may not, I was under the impression that nose stripes were going the way of the dinosaur) I'll be fairly impressed. The more I look at super hornets (in my grief that my fav. squadron is having to "drink the cool-aid", I am trying to develop an appreciation for them) the more I think I'll be able to accept this tragic event. are you listening, NAVAIR? *THAT* scheme looks decent... let them have it on the battlefield!
  16. bah, anyone with half a working synapse and a little understanding of how action movies (as well as previous metal gear titles) work can see in the first 30 minutes of the game that "The Boss" is going to be the last one to deal with. In fact, there is a very clear hint towards the very beginning of the game that this would be the case. Although I've not reached that point in the game, I pretty much had it figured out by process of elimination.
  17. Yeah, I figured it had something to do with his actual body at the end of the path when he says "You don't belong here!" and kills you (or whatever). It's pretty dang scary when he hits you with that vortex beam!
  18. ack!! Anyone tried to tackle "The Sorrow" yet? I've tried everything I can think of (including NOTHING) and I'm not sure how to pass this guy... any help at all is appreciated (none of the FAQs at GameFAQS are of any help, obviously.. they all cover the demo only.
  19. *spoilers, beware!!!!* Yeah, Para-Medic's continuing references to various movies is pretty funny... I especially loved the one about the Jame's Bond movies, Snake mentions that although he hates the concept of James Bond, he can't help but comparing himself to him, while the Major is a diehard JB fan and says "I wouldn't be surprised if they made 20 more of those movies!!" Let's hear it for tongue-in-cheek humor, eh? Then Para-Medic gets pissed off at Snake because she would have to listen to him ramble on and on about Bond after their radio conversation.
  20. interesting artwork for an animation error... its in japanese too. That picture is in no Macross book I recognize. Especially not TIAS books, Memory Perfect, Gold book, or SK design works.. I'm guessing that was drawn by someone from HG or Toynami. I don't care about the dialogue around it. The fact that the caption says "YF-1R" makes me even more suspicious.
  21. This was an early design concept for VF-1 Fastpacks.. not a special variant or anything, just an early idea. It came out of either the TIAS books or Memory Perfect, I cannot recall.
  22. actually, no... there aren't more cutscenes than playing time I just said the cutscenes are long. And the dialogue isn't exactly "dumb". I hate it when people judge a game without even trying it... regardless of what previous installments had.
  23. This game is really starting to kick ass... the medical system they employ is very innovative, and the food is quite diverse. I too, was surprised to see Raiden It's really exciting that he made it into the game after so many people thought he sucked.. just goes to show that Konami knows better than to listen to whiny fans who can't seem to grasp the concept of a different hero
  24. I'm really liking it so far! The control system works very well, although I rather dislike the whole "degrading silencer" thing, even if it may be a little more realistic. Be ready for a lot of dialogue at the beginning, but then... everyone seemed to expect that. It doesn't bother me I think it does well to set the scene. He does his HALO jump from an AC-130A (the newer ones certainly weren't available then), but I don't recognize the electronics gear on the nose... don't know if it's just advanced radio gear or what... either way it looked cool.
  25. the kit offered by hobbyfan is a recast of the original Yellow Submarine model.... no need to recast it a third time. This kit is an excellent build, I reccomend it to anyone else who wants to get one though!
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