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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. yeah, the original was only "so-so" for me too... it was a good concept, but I thought the execution could've been a little better. I suppose I'll probably check this out too though.
  2. bah, I hope they fire the ass-tards that are working the EB back in my hometown. All they were was a bunch of FFVII-worshipping, non-sex-lifed, living-in-their-mother's-basement teenagers whom I wouldn't snuff for a cup of coffee if I was a hired killer. I picked up my first ever copy of Metal Gear Solid from there and the prepubescent mutant at the counter asked me why I was wasting my time with that and not playing FFVII? My reply? "If I wanted your advice, I'd ask your mother. Now STFU and ring the g-damned register." .... now the guys at the new Gamestop that came in about 3 years ago were pretty cool. One of my best friends went to work there and was always getting stuff for me with his employee discount. The manager that runs the store has a hardline policy against hiring freaks who don't know well enough to keep their mouths shut in the presence of superior beings.
  3. Skull Leader

    Macross MMO

    no. Macross is seriously story-driven and centered on a few characters. I think it would lose a great deal in translation to a MMO, regardless of the era it was modelled after (SDF/DYRL, MacPlus, Mac7, Zero, etc). Missions would likely be very repetitive, and to create a true sense of realism, at least 1/3 of your characters would be dying in each conflict. You'd have a hard time driving up sales while keeping it even remotely close to any of the series. Besides, with a few weirdos as the exception, everyone and their dog would want to fly Valkyries... and everyone knows CPU-controlled enemies are hella easy to figure out and destroy. Bottom line? No way.
  4. I wanna stay out of this. I really do. But, something isn't quite right. You say you have an advanced degree, a house, a family, and a $75,000 a year career. BUT Judging by your posts, you have the maturity level of a 14 year old! I smell bull***t. I don't know that anyone could accomplish all that before they finish puberty. BTW, I've been around for a while. I used to lurk on the old boards but now I post from time to time. well, we CAN call him on that. MGREXX, what is your masters degree in and what college did you get it from? Give us the name attached to the degree and we can look it up. It's not at all difficult to do.
  5. ahhh yes, the SA-77 Silpheed ("mankind's last resort.....") The game itself had some of the best eye-candy for it's time in the backgrounds.. but the game itself was "teh suck". Major props to the soundtrack and teh cutscenes though, they were top end for their time! (I still listen to some of the soundtrack) Man, that guy was so hella tight, he even built the variant in the cutscenes (with the extended particle cannon underslung)
  6. Skull Leader

    Chromed JM?

    LOL, HG can't even GIVE the damn things away... I knew people who wouldn't buy the remastered versions of robotech JUST BECAUSE they came with 'em. They had enough already and didn't want more.
  7. Well, SHs definately don't need anything else slowing them down, they already get passed by short yellow school busses
  8. How can one have a family when one has no sex life? You mean to tell me someone actually married you? More to the point, they laid in the same bed as you and allowed you to procreate the species??? .... MGREX, ladies and gentlemen... living, breathing proof that the genepool is experiencing a SERIOUS lack of lifeguards... and in case you've yet to figure it out (and I'm sure someday you'll learn the meaning of intelligence, or at least how to spell the word), my sig is JUST for you
  9. bah... if they were going to do an E, I want it to be a Sunliners bird! For an F, ANYTHING but VFA-211 (their markings are about as fruity as can be found on a super hornet). a "5 wet" configuration would be neat to have, since in my eyes it's all the SH is useful for
  10. Yeah, SCII was one of the first games I bought for my 3DO back when it first came out, and by the time I got rid of it, it was still my most heavily-played game... it rocked out in virtually every sense of the word. (anybody know where I can get the PC version nowadays?)
  11. Yeah, I rather thought the overall shape looked kind of "toyish"... and I guess that's what category the Dragon miniatures are supposed to fit in, but I expect more from a "high quality" miniature... a pitot-less Tomcat in VF-2?? Did I miss something? What were you referring to?
  12. Right now all I have are a pair of 1/48 Scale Tomcats in the works. (one Revell/Monogram F-14A... gonna be a VF-84 TARPS bird, and the dreaded Fujimi F-14A+ Super Tomcat prototype... I've modded this one extensively). Here's a couple I just finished though... they're my first serious builds in a while, and they're still full of flaws... but oh well. (1) Revell/Monogram 1/48 scale F-14B VF-103 Jolly Rogers line bird (at the time this picture was taken, none of the AOA probes had been added, nor had the TACAN antenna) and a Hasegawa 1/72 scale F-14D VF-213 Black Lions
  13. yeah, those are VF-154 markings (some of the dullest they ever wore, I might add)... for that price, I have to wonder what has been compromised? Be sure and tell us all about it once you get it! I also noticed that the VF-41 bird they offer on the site strangely enough appears to be an F-14B.... (for those who don't understand, VF-41 "Black Aces" never flew bravos). And David.. in all likelyhood, what are the chances that the VF-2 Bounty Hunter cat will have the interim beavertail? It strikes me that only (us) diehard tomcat fans would notice that, and like many other things, I wonder if they'll take it for granted....
  14. no, AJ102 was Kleeman's bird (and it wasn't even his plane at the time... although since it was THAT plane that scored the kill, it was later made his Jet). AJ107 was Lt. Muczynski's plane. I had the unique opportunity to talk through email with Larry "Music" Muczynski. We got into a discussion about the weapons loadout they carried the day of the encounter and he mentioned Kleeman carrying a 2x2x2 loadout, while Larry had a 2x1x2 loadout (he had an electrical short on station #8, and as a result only carried one sparrow). The squadron book "Tomcats in Action" credits Kleeman as being the first to engage and shoot down a fitter after it fired an Atoll missile at them.
  15. Wow... thanks for dragging this one back up, Agent... I've seen names on this thread that I've NOT seen in a long time (since the thread went up, really)... a bit of MW history I guess! (and somehow, although I was part of the old crew... I never responeded in the thread... and since it's about a year and a half overdue, here I go:) err, I'm the same me that I was then.
  16. if their F-14 bravos are engine accurate, I will buy at least one (they ARE doing them in 103 markings, after all).. I don't know if I'll ever get one of their A-models though.
  17. The saturn version had only a slight edge on picture resolution, beyond that there is no difference.
  18. Translation: Yo, wassup wid them foo's on deh ESDEE-EFone? Why dey be so chill and sh!t, all flyin in outa space afta they got hurled out to Pluto in dat bigo bubble? They's not tripping like dem mofos in the BSG. I mean... it's da end of da world, yo! Crazy 'tarians.... South SIIIIDE!!! now... see... why didn't he just say that to begin with??? I think it's a coincidence, yo...
  19. proof positive that the 1/60s are NOT a waste of time or money good job, man!
  20. Wrong forum. This belongs in the "other" forum.
  21. I built the storm attacker kit a while back, it's a monstrosity and while a transformable version is *theoretically* possible, you'd have to completely rebuild parts (in some cases, bigger and more out of scale than they are) to house hinges that won't snap when you breathe on them.
  22. Because you spend all of your time on here loving on DT and showing off for the others
  23. Agent One I would rethink that porno, because whatever hole she pushed MGREXX out of - you don't want any part of. I think its ok. I DO date smokin hot chicks, but when I am single I can hammer 5 toothless bus station skanks in a week. only 5?? could it be that the great Agent One excercises moderation?
  24. Why single out EXO? We all feel the same way its his avatar, its hypnotic. you know... now that you mention it, I DO find myself drawn in....
  25. Why single out EXO? We all feel the same way
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