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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. It's not a bad game, actually. I only have two beefs: first is with the response... especially in the duelling mode. Jedis are supposed to have lightning-fast reflexes, and that certainly doesn't seem to be the case in this game. The second problem is the voice acting. They didn't use any of the real actors and it's PAINFULLY obvious in a lot of cases (although the guy doing Ewan McGregor/Obi Wan did a pretty good job). The animation in the game is top notch (all of the saber moves are well constructed and executed) and the graphics are pretty amazing. The soundtrack, as near as I can tell (I don't own the SndTrk yet) probably comes direct from the movie, which is good. But MOST IMPORTANTLY... if you don't want ANY spoilers, wait until after the movie to play. There is a considerable amount of movie footage in the game (I thought it very strange that this would reach the stores before the movie because of this). I'm not a big stickler about that sort of thing, so it doesn't really bother me (already know pretty much everything that will happen anyway)
  2. Oh GOD... if only they had stuck with the original screenplay that was written in the late 1980s/early 90s.... it never would've come to this! Original script: -Aliens: check -Predators: check -Predator/Alien Hybrid: check -Colonial Marines: check -Hapless colony wasted: check -badass samurai chick: check -production budget and itenerary: NO GO.... The original "Aliens VS. Predator": the movie script that impressed everyone but the people it had to. All we would need in this case is for Sigourney Weaver to walk in to the offices at Fox and say "wha..... did IQs just drop sharply while I was away???" Mr. March, it would definately apply that you aren't alone in your concerns that the "vast majority" of the masses seem to neither think nor care about a quality movie anymore... Granted: I loved Lord of the Rings as much as anyone else, and I'm equally excited about SW: episode III, but when was the last time something EPIC and ORIGINAL hit the screen? "The Matrix" was off to a good start and then promptly took a first class ticket down the shithole (they should've filmed all three back to back like Jackson did with LotR... that way we would've had an "unblemished" view of the sequels... not some fanboy-influenced equine excrement.)
  3. the 1/100 scale transformable Imai/Bandai models pretty much look like ass in Battroid mode. The elbows do not rotate, they only bend in and out, which pretty much makes them worthless in battroid mode. The fighter mode and Gerwalk are passable, but if you want a fighter mode kit, then you might as well stick to Hasegawa. Same with a battroid only kit.
  4. I think there is a possibility for Sentinels still... Jurrasic Park got away with doing a huge friggin T-rex using animatronics in some scenes... While I don't know if X3 will get the budget that JP had, I think it might still be possible (or he could simple renege on his minimum-CCG statement... and that's what I am thinking will happen) It certainly looked like they were setting up the "Days of Future Past" setting with the first movie, but quickly switched tracks and went with "Wolverine Issue #50/Beginning of the Dark Phoenix Saga" for X2... it will be interesting to see how they handle the third one.
  5. Are you sure you don't mean Chris Claremont? LOL, I thought that sounded funny after I typed it, but I couldn't remember where I found it to verify. Yeah, it probably WAS Claremont. Or maybe it was Stan Lee TALKING About Claremont. Not sure...
  6. yeah, anyone trying to pull off Marko (Juggernaut) is gonna have serious size inaccuracies to deal with. I suppose I can live with that though. I never figured Juggernaut would make it into the X-films (even though he was one of their most frequent enemies throughout the 1980s). Then again, I also wondered why they never cast "Ahnold" as Colossus... Stan Lee pretty much admitted to molding him after the Oak. Guess it's too late now! So I wonder if they grabbed licensing rights for 4 & 5 or if he was just blowing smoke? I'd obviously want to see 3 before I decided if I wanted a 4 or 5... but I have to admit that there is a lot of potential. I applaud his efforts to remain as "pure" (minimal CGG) as possible, but I have to wonder just what he'll be able to get away with. I hope this doesn't mean I won't see any more of Colossus... he's my main man and I'd love to see him as one of the lead roles in the 3rd movie. I guess the 3rd movie will probably be either REALLY good or REALLY bad. X2 will be a hard act to follow, it rocked. -Jeremy (X-men fan since the day he learned to read in the very early 1980s)
  7. Hornet driver: "So this guy walks into a bar... stop me if you've heard this one..." Crewman left: *sigh* Crewman right: "wonder what his bingo status is...."
  8. Lee/Claremont is great... but I'll always prefer Arthur Adams over any of the Image clones he spawned with his style. At least Lee and J. Scott Campbell were pretty honest about their Adams influence. I'll die a miserable excruciating death before I buy a comic featuring any Liefield art... I remember having to buy a variant cover of Alan Moore's Supreme just so I didn't have to look at Liefield's tiny screaming mouth, giant neck, tiny head misbegotten, mutant child, bad proportioned excuse for art. yeah, he did some pretty good stuff... probably one of my second favs after the Lee/Claremont duo... Colossus is my main man and Adams really made him look awesome.
  9. You're starting to get me convinced that the guys at Dragon working on F-14 kits are really some sort of monkey species... lol...
  10. Lee/Claremont= 100% Pure Grade A ownage.
  11. "Heeeeeey Fox! That woke 'em up!" "I think we should give 'em another shot!"
  12. Actually, I think the Viper Zero has the same power that a standard block 30 (don't they have the same engines? Anyone know different?). The wings are much lighter yet bigger. They produce more lift with less effort. In fact, if I can think of a single benefit of a Bk.30 over a F-2A, it's the AMRAAM. It would be able to strike the F-2 from the skies before the Zero could close to engage. A F-2A/B has comparible fuel and range to the F-15J Kai. In fact with 3 full drop tanks they could reach the Chinese mainland with little to no effort. I agree though, the interest in an air-to-air capability is definately there. Especially with things heating up with China.
  13. yeah, there's all kinds of hidden inuendoes and whatnot. The series really IS quite humorous. Although the anime-renditions of the characters look great, I worry that it would lose something in the translation... they'll really have to "up" the cuteness to keep it constant I think.
  14. We have a trade section for a reason. If no one visits it, it's your bad luck. If it's so bad that you think no one will see YOUR item for trade, put it in your signature. Otherwise, it's a bad idea to clutter up the other forums.
  15. I do see a resemblance to the A-5 in the nose, and that's certainly not a bad thing! In fact, I could see the YF-23 becoming the successor to the long-dormant A-5 before it was doomed to the world of Aerial Recon. (and a Naval variant would no doubt kick ass if they could make it work!)
  16. These pictures are quite old, actually (they've been around for a year at least), these were just concepts that Mitsubishi/L-M shot to the JASDF. The JASDF shot down the CFT idea for the primary reason of the plane already having "enough" fuel to serve in a defensive role (indeed, in a 3-wet configuration it already carries much more fuel than an American F-16 similarly configured)) and that more might present an offensive posture... it doesn't really bother me, I always thought CFT mounted F-16s were ass-ugly anyway. The model also shows the F-2A with AMRAAMS underslung. Currently F-2As have the mounting hardware for AIM-120s, but not the software. Those pylons are usually reserved for the JASDF's Anti-ship missiles. Not surprisingly that could change though. I think they are looking at getting Litening pods to mount on their F-2s (which would give it a GBU capability... but I have to wonder, wouldn't that overlap with the capability of the F-2's radar? I seem to recall that the radar on Viper Zeroes is pretty high-tech stuff.
  17. The Raptor is FAR from irrelevant. The final total of F-22s ordered was trimmed back, but we're still getting a lot of them. The F-22 is going to be what saves the United States' collective ass when the F-35 gets raped in combat (god, I hate that plane)
  18. It's my understanding that a DVD release is planned, but only well after the PSP version has had it's time in the sun. Seeing as it's about FFVII, I'm not really interested anyhow, but I'm sure there are fanboys out there that are suffering about that delimma
  19. bah, if we gave them anything bigger, China would accuse us of helping them pick up a "Yankee war pirate" complex, lol....
  20. Just a wild prediction on my part, but I'm fairly certain a mudhen would CRUCIFY a Rafale in performance tests and economical evaluations... no slight to the Rafale, but the F-15E (as well as the new variant that has just been finished... can't remember the name) are just damn wicked machines. They have TONS of power in the engines, they can carry a wide variety of ordinance (and a lot of it at that), and they'd be getting the customer support of Boeing, which from what I've heard after hanging out at the Wichita facility for as long as I have, is a pretty extensive benefit. The airframe has been thoroughly tested (in combat theaters too), and if I were making the call that would make a huge difference. The Rafale is a hot little plane, it's hella manueverable and quite fast from what I can gather... I just don't know if Dassault can deliver the capability and benefits for the amount of green that Boeing would do it for.
  21. Skull Leader

    Macross MMO

    it's pretty much "teh ghey", deserving to be used in doses of "little to nonewhatsoever". Thank the adolescent young fools on IRC for giving birth to this BS.
  22. it's amazing how similar all of those kitbashes seem, when I assume they're trying to be different? the EF-4 was a pretty cool idea though!
  23. Skull Leader

    Macross MMO

    now THERE is a worthy cause...
  24. how can you not be impressed with the Yellow Submarine 1/4000 "Storm Attacker" and "Cruiser Mode" models?? They're plenty large and dont' get much more detailed than that... I love 'em!
  25. It was featured rather prominently in all of the Macross PC98 computer games, "Skull Leader", "Love Stories", and "Remember Me" (which also featured the VF-X4 and the VX-3). These games are available through emulation. The SDP-01 was designed as a ship-buster, and although it's been a while since I've had these games on my hard drive (I keep them stored with the proper emulator on a CD), I seem to recall them being fairly adept at taking down scout ships and destroyers
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