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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. yeah, it's been a rough year for airshows in the midwest... virtually everyone has cancelled them, and those that went ahead with them (so far), have been seriously reduced in scale and quality. McConnell AFB here has cancelled their show for later in the year (wasn't TOO bad last year, they had the Snowbirds there)
  2. yep. Nothing official. Just a nod by the animators to the creators of Orguss.
  3. Sorry Wes, I misinterpreted your take on the situation! JKeats is right on the money, Wes. Why do we pre-order anything Macross related? It isn't so much that we want to be the FIRST to have something (well, maybe a few do), just that we can't wait to have it. Really it's the same in just about any hobby when something new comes out. The diehards are the ones willing to go out of their way to get a new product when it's hot off the shelves, while the "fair weather"/casual fans aren't that concerned. I myself wasn't worried about not being able to get a copy, I was just excited enough to be at my local wal-mart at 12:01 when they brought them out. I find the story very engaging. Consider it the literary equivilent to a SW fan attending a 12:01 showing of a star wars film. grss, it's pretty much a well known fact that someone dies in the book (a trend really which has been in place since "The Goblet of Fire"), but we certainly don't need to go into who it was or how they died (or even who caused it).
  4. I feel your pain, Noriko. I don't understand why some people feel the need to crap all over everyone else.
  5. Yes, I seriously want to know what's the big deal with this? A book? W...T...F? The way it sounds, all Nintendo needs to do to win back its console-market-share is release the next Harry Potter book, maybe with pictures, on its new system a month before print and it would be back to the old NES-monopoly. 312276[/snapback] I'm fairly certain no one is holding you at gunpoint to read the thread. If you don't care for the subject matter, just stay out. Is it so hard to do?
  6. Wow, not very active on Macrossworld and you're just now working overtime to make a total ass of yourself. Congratulations on all your hard work. In all honesty, it would appear that you have absolutely NO IDEA what you are talking about. If they had wanted it pronounced "mospeeder", they would've SPELLED IT "mospeeder". But they (being the creators and all), like the REST of the world understand how incredibly monkeyass RETARDED that sounds and spelled it "MOSPEADA" because that is how it is pronounced. And your ignorance really shines here.... ........ ummm because most (not all) of us here speak english as our primary language? BW provided the romanized version of the title to be "Macross" so that's how we pronounce it. Likewise "Mospeada" was provided as the english translation for it's title... hence MOSPEADA. If we're all idots that are trying to clown you, what are you even still doing here?
  7. IT'S ALIVE!!!!
  8. wow..... just, WOW. LOL
  9. I *HAD* (past tense) plans to attend HOTlanta with a group from another BBS I frequent, but I decided to save my money for a trip to NAS Oceana in september... MUCH more exciting there Next year the IPMS is gonna be in Kansas City, which is just a couple of hours up the road from me, so I'll DEFINATELY be at that one (and dangit, David, Apollo, you guys had better be there too! )
  10. LOL, anyone remember the debate that raged ages ago where Gundamhead was trying to convince us that all they did was mount a VF-1D NOSE on Max's VF-1J? I didn't think we were EVER going to get that settled... edit: wow, someone drug the thread up...
  11. ....... ....... ....... back in the war we used to eat guys like you for breakfast....
  12. [butthead] huh huh..... huh huh, you said "Penetration"... huh huh... huh huh. [/butthead]
  13. Welcome to our world (part of the reason why I no longer play)
  14. I know they aren't, I was just speaking of those styles in general since they were the popular format of the day. (the original MG series games weren't isometric either, although I wonder what that would've done for the originals if they had been) The overhead format that the MG series utilized early on was pretty effective (and naturally evolved in the later CD/DVD entries)
  15. 22 hours in hand, cover-to-cover. (a new record for me for a first time Harry Potter read... I finished the last one in 28 hours) The book started kind of slow for me, but there is more than enough action and suspense as it gets going. It does certainly seem that the entire book basically is meant just to set up the finale in book 7. It's pretty common knowledge that someone dies in this book, and I never for the life of me thought it would be THIS person... but I understand why it was them. The kids are definately growing up, and it shows. In short? It was an awesome book... probably the best one so far. That said, I think I need a hug, it's like the "Empire Strikes Back" of the Harry Potter world. Book #7 should be one hell of a ride, if this one is any indication!
  16. figure on PS2. Bandai is pretty much hand in hand with sony when it comes to videogames. (not that this is a problem for me )
  17. I'm very sorry to say that with the onset of 3D platformers (while producing plenty of good games of their own), the concept of a 2D platformer (or 3/4 isometric view) game being good all of a sudden just wasn't it. I'm so looking forward to the MGS3: Substinance release just BECAUSE it has the original two metal gear games on it (I have the MSX emulated versions, but having them on PS2 will be nice). I hope they are fully restored and untouched (although an option to play with an updated soundtrack might be kinda cool)
  18. *considers* Yah, the Mk.2 was a bit too rounded,d espite my naming it of favorite. But Solid Snake had such an awesome intro sequence(for the time, anyways). 310884[/snapback] Oh yes To this day that is one of my favorite game openings (the tune is kinda cool too)
  19. yeah, this is pretty funny stuff.
  20. awww, c'mon... you've got to be willing to fudge a little on SOME of this... at least it's a flat-nosed diesel, of which newer models are on the uncommon side these days.
  21. The original had it's charm... but the one seen in "MG:2 Solid Snake" had too much of an insect look to it for me.
  22. ahh, another reason why we kicked Hillary out of Arkansas... her inability to see to the heart of a matter. More videogame legislation will NEVER balance bad parenting. In fact, all they're doing is making it easier.
  23. Yeah, I wasn't big on the Shagohod in MGS3 either. So far the Rex is the best MG they've designed as far as I'm concerned.
  24. 105 transitions this fall I think. Then I think the Sunliners (81) is transitioning to echoes next year I believe)
  25. Mike and JB have a point I guess... very well.. henceforth if MG is found to speak with something other than a RT-fanboy accent I'll continue to be civil (maybe I DID jump the gun on this one... but the RT trailer thread was certainly warrented!) either way, I don't see the govt. doing a thing to Rockstar for the time being. The game has just been in circulation for too long now so yanking it from the shelves NOW would be a really pointless move. As far as changing the rating is concerned, well... I grew up without the vices of such a system in place (people didn't know how to blame their ignorance on videogames yet... ahh those were the days) so I don't know how seriously parents take that on the whole. Basically, I'll say this discovery was too late in coming to really make an impact... or should I say a BIGGER impact.
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