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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. while everything the author says is very solid, I have a hard time believing that a 14 year old wrote that. I'm not saying it's IMPOSSIBLE, just highly unlikely. Most 14 year olds I know (or even knew, back when I was that age) certainly wouldn't have phrased things the way he did. Ah well, I guess that part isn't really important. Hell, *I* would like this freak-lawyer's email so I could read him a serious piece of my own mind.
  2. I've got them on disc somewhere I think... and it was funny enough that I remember exactly how that part went! Panthro actor: "and keep your foot off that blasted sammoflange!!" Lion-o actor: *moment of confusion, obviously out of character* ".... what the fu(k is a SAMMOflange!?" *confusion ensues* Pantro actor: *sigh* I have to do that one again..... I could listen to that for hours!
  3. yeah, Zipang kicks ass (basically a Japanese-inspired version of "The Final Countdown". a JSDF Aegis class destroyer gets transported back in time to the battle of Midway... angst over whether or not to get involved insues). I just wish they'd hurry up and release more
  4. But don't make the mistake of thinking that, since Bloodsport was awesome, that Van Damme must be as well. Bloodsport would be awesome without Van Damme. Hell, Bloodsport would have been MORE awesome without Van Damme. 318861[/snapback] Ow, Mike.. I thought better of you than that! VanDamme MADE bloodsport what it was... to this day it is one of my all time favorite movies. I mean, who else, in a split moment, can drop into the splits and bitch-smack a fat guy in the junk? All of that said, I AM a little worried about "Kumite". A lot has changed about making movies since the early 1980s. I've never had a problem with VanDamme's acting, but he's been handed some pretty ass-pathetic scripts before. Best to just shut him up and let him kick everyone's ass... that's what a good fighting movie is about
  5. he chose... poorly.
  6. wasnt final count down mainly just tomcats, crusaders, and intruders? 318391[/snapback] ... and a corsair or two. No phantoms.
  7. Tomcat, phantom and hornet squadrons all on the deck at the same time??? (insert comment here about too many kings in the same castle...) Pretty funny though!
  8. they're just "easter egg" animations, man... no backstory or anything.
  9. You notice how when you finally made a decent thread (the Rockstar thread), things actually went somewhat ok? Now you go back to your ass-ness here and have to go attacking people... so I go back to what I originally said: BAD MONKEY FOR POSTING WITHOUT PERMISSION! Now go wash the sand out of your crotch, change your huggies, build a bridge and f-ing get over it. You're just mad because we aren't humping the nearest tree because we're not as excited about this as you are.
  10. Yes... that truly is one of the best paintings. I wish I could find it in desktop size! 316580[/snapback] Which one? I have some of the comics I could scan.. They are somewhere in my attic. 316582[/snapback] I think he's talking about the one I put up. I've got this one as well, but no scanner. I guess if you scanned the front and back cover together you could make a desktop out of it, but I'm not sure you could make one out of the cover alone.
  11. I get so sick of seeing this thing... it's NOT a true 1/1 scale X-wing, and the wings should be closed while it's in a parked position... It's still cool, but I guess I've just seen so many other threads of it that the "neato" factor has completely worn off on me.
  12. I dragged my old TMNT comic collection up from my folks house (not finished moving stuff into my house yet) so I could re-read some stuff. the issues that Kevin and Peter did were excellent, but once they started letting guest artists do storylines, pencils, and inks, things would start straying from the formula. Then Kevin and Peter would do another issue (which would rock), and the formula would repeat. Basically, if you want to look at the original Mirage lineup, read up through issue 25 or so (plus the 4 individual turtle comics... each turtle had one of his own), and then read the "City at War" series. Everything else varies from "extremely dark" (a two issue set where the turtles aren't even named, they ALL use Ninja-to (Ninja swords), and they look decidedly more turtle-like in the face), to "incredibly stupid" (picture Ren & Stimpy style artwork) And for the record, the reprint of Issue #4 has one of the greatest paintings ever done of the Ninja turtles (used in several posters at the time and also used as the Boxart for the NES game)... I have this version but I STILL wanna find the original.
  13. I'm all for an upgraded shuttle program (IE, new orbiters under the same basic design, with newer stuff in them). As has been stated, it may not do EVERYTHING that the program set out to achieve, but it's a proven platform. It gets the job done and in relative comfort. An upgraded model with more modernized computers and other systems would definately be an effective platform. The simple fact is that spacetravel is STILL the safest method of travel available to man. Take 100 random people on their trips to work in the morning, and compare that to the first 100 STS flights. There was only ONE accident out of the first 100 shuttle trips.... NINETY NINE PERCENT EFFECTIVE. That's not to say some missions weren't aborted because of some reason or another, but in those cases no one was injured. Compared to the 100 car trips? You're bound to have at least 15 automobile accidents, if not more... some injuries, possibly fatal. Even if you compared fatality rates, that's still a damned impressive record. Likewise, I blame the budget constraints (and it's gotten a lot worse... it can't ALL be going to the war effort, so just where the hell is it going!?), it's forcing NASA to do more for a hell of a lot less. The Govt (and I don't care WHICH party is in control) Needs to give NASA the funding it needs to solve their problems or start offering incentives for private organizations to pick up the slack. What's more, it's just f-ing RETARDED to retire the Shuttle fleet (and as JB0 has said "Endeavor" is still a pretty new machine by comparison) before it's replacement is even truly concieved.
  14. Dumbest. Comment. Ever. 316000[/snapback] seconded.
  15. Melissa, you may want to try the straight Tamiya blue (don't remember the number)... maybe something a little lighter, and any gloss white. Those are the primary colors of the ship itself, and any number of different blue shades would be acceptable probably. Figure on a dark Gunship grey, or Euro I grey, over red for the arms.
  16. LOL, that thing go SOOOO mauled on the way back from ComicCon last year... I need to get around to fixing it, since I never displayed any pictures of the completed product. The one displayed above is WONDERFULLY done, but a little too monotone for my tastes (I used a few different colors on mine). LSTO, I'll drag it out this weekend and shoot some pictures for you. It's the storm attacker model, but they should give you some idea.
  17. Finishing up a Revell/Monogram 1/48 scale F-4J. My second favorite squadron, the VF-114 Fighting Aardvarks! Go Zott!! Got a few paint edges to clean up and gotta put weapons on it still, but the plane is basically done.
  18. Maybe they're doing it that way on purpose? Trying to set a standard? It would be a pretty low tactic, could it be possible?
  19. I LOVED the new version of the movie... but one thing kinda seems strange to me. Johnny Depp in numerous interviews has stated that he tried really hard to go in a different direction with the WW character than Gene Wilder did. I dunno, it almost seems that the harder he tried to go in a different direction, the closer he was to Gene's version.
  20. You're right, it's BETTER (and I STILL liked the original cartoon) (and for what it's worth, there WAS a "dimension X" in the mirage studios comics.. complete with a race of creatues like krang... call the "Utroms" I think. they ALL used robot bodies to get around, although they were more human from what I remember. They might not have had Bebop and Rocksteady, but they DID have Triceratons, Cerebrus the Aardvark, and Fugitoid! Besides.. what's NOT to like about actually getting to see part of April O'Neil's boobs?
  21. Highly doubtable. This movie will be awesomeless.
  22. that's why it's entirely possible that this movie may rock... but it could also suck the monkeys pole. -Jeremy (who thought the first movie was "¡de puta madre!" )
  23. Yeah, but you are also known to fornicate with doorknobs and are therefore, subject to question. That said, I'm trying to approach this movie with an open mind. Seeing as how the doom videogame series has very little in the way of a plot: ok, wigged out marine goes to hell to blow sh1t up... beyond surviving, is there any real ulterior motive? Any plot or character development (beyond having a shotgun in level 1 vs. a BFG9000 in the later ones) Short of being an endless killfest (and we're talking a bodycount on the level of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" at the VERY least), there's no way this could float....and unless the new story was specifically made up by the game creators, trying to make a story that wasn't there before is generally a bad idea. Here's to hoping I'll be proven wrong.
  24. somehow I'm guessing this ISN'T the movie that was supposed to take the Turtles back to their mirage studio roots (IE, very dark and very violent)... I'm not wholly opposed to a CG movie... but if we can expect more of what we saw in the third TMNT movie (which was only good for the occasional one-liner), I'm not sure that I would be interested...
  25. wow... it's getting intense reading through all these posts! I've long since stepped away from the debate, but I've tried to stay on this. I know I said different before, but JB0 is officially banned from ever using the "quote" or "bold" functions again! LOL (Mike is a close runner up). Seriously though... a lot of valid points, keep it up!
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