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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. LOL, I guess I didn't know as much about the early market as I thought I did. Ahh well, at that point in my life I didn't care so much about what went on behind the curtains... I went and bought the games I wanted, went home and played them, had a beer and called it a day I WILL agree that competition is a good thing, I just think the desire to "one up" the competitor can really get out of hand, and I feel like it's coming to a head (what will happen, i don't know...)
  2. I'm tellin' ya... MGR owns a shirt that says "I wish I were a doorknob"!
  3. I can remember in the 8 bit days when a system had to survive or fail on it's own merits... I really don't recall that much competition between the NES and the SMS. They both seemed to exist in on their own and have their own circle of users and a few, here or there, had the good fortune of owning both (and had a store nearby that actively stocked stuff for both systems) At the time, no one really trashed-talked one system over the other. Both were great systems for their day, and did some things really well (while doing other things incredibly bad) Hell, even in the early 16-bit days when Sega Genesis and Turbo Graphix 16 ruled the market, it was still pretty much the same way. TG16 was almost an unknown entity here in the midwest (they were here, but decidedly rare by comparison). Either way, no one seemed to complain about one system over the other, LEAST of all the companies themselves. Any arguing that was done by the consumers was largely based on that system's game-library, not the system's capabilities. When the SNES showed up on the market, there was a considerable amount of bragging going on over what it could accomplish over the Sega Genesis (the "vast" number of colors it could support on-screen at once, better sound quality, "mode 7" capabilities, etc). This is probably where it really began I think, because by the time it was a CD based market, things were in full swing. Now things have gotten so bad, companies have stopped focusing on making the best game system they can make and have completely focused on trying to outdo each other. NO THOUGHT to the consumer exists in this process. It's just as well that I don't do as much gaming as I used to. In fact the game that sees more time in my PS2 tray than anything else is FFIV (a PSone game!) -Jeremy (who would gladly return to an 8-bit or 16-bit market if it meant games would be INNOVATIVE and ENJOYABLE again.)
  4. It's kinda like MS talking about releasing the next HALO on the same day the PS3 ships. They're spending so much time trying to piss in eveyrone else's cereal that they're not thinking enough about their own market (and will probably suffer greatly for it).
  5. The only one of those titles that even remotely interests me is Elder Scrolls IV, and I plan on picking that up for my PC anyway (I still stand by my belief that PCs are the best console for RPGing)
  6. Microsoft just removed any hope of me buying their next generation console. There's no WAY I will pay that much (especially when I don't even have HDTV). If I wanted to get assraped like that, I'd just walk around saying I was MGREXX or something... I'd get the same feeling without being $400 poorer. (edit: Sony is gonna be laughing all the way to the bank on this one.)
  7. And I'm sure Exo is forever thankful of that. Why are you still here, manchild? Didn't I tell you to go do something earlier in the thread? Besides, your cheesy comebacks are less than entertaining. You're not even up to your usual standard. (and that's saying something). If I want flaming cheesy homo-erotic gheyness, I'll watch M7.
  8. Hurt his feelings? We haven't even tried yet!
  9. LOL, there's a sped-up version floating around somewhere that's MUCH funnier
  10. ... lol, and they whined that the US is gonna sell Pakistan more F-16s... why are they so worried? a 30MKI would totally ride down a lawn-dart. Especially a lawn-dart flown by a Pakistani pilot (who will probably fill his piddle pack the first time his radar pings an Indian Flanker screaming in at him)
  11. which we have already in hot coffee thread. Get bent, manchild.
  12. Finished up the VF-114 Jet (a recent PM has encouraged me to post pics of the final state) I'm also closing in on finishing the VF-301 "Devil's Disciples" F-4S I'm building...
  13. the picture says it all... just as it was meant to be Definately best with the red and blue respectively!
  14. Why do you have such a hard time understanding the fact that you should've added this to your ALREADY posted information? It's completely relevant to everything else that has gone up yet you felt the need to pollute the board with a whole new thread... your ignorance reaches new heights every day I see.
  15. You're not missing much. All it was really was an unfinished version of the first mission using the VF-5000 star-mirage, unless I'm forgetting something.
  16. yeah, I don't think anyone would deny the "coolness" of seeing a Phantom fire 5 gunpods at once, but the pilot would have to be going pretty fast, and probably in a slightly nose down position to keep from stalling the thing out immediately. ... then again, if the airbrakes just weren't slowing you down fast enough.... Someone had a picture of an F-4 with a "5 lead" configuration... and I want to say it was earlier in this thread. I'll have to go check.
  17. Are you serious?? 320135[/snapback] He's not the only one. Mika Doi was a serious hottie in the 1980s.
  18. That would be all it took for me to vote for him. The man is a pimp.
  19. Iran still has a good number of F-4Es also. Germany is also still flying them.
  20. If I recall correctly, the pilot's name is Maria Fokina Barnrose, for whatever that is worth.
  21. when my 103 bird comes in, I'll let you know if it's got some AMRAAMS
  22. Dude, you better make it here this time! 319606[/snapback] I'm workin' on it! Me and a buddy of mine from aircraftresourcecenter.com are gonna drive up to KC the night before, stay there with ANOTHER friend of ours, and drive up to Omaha the next morning. I've gotta test out this camera before I take it to Oceana and out on the USS Theodore Roosevelt and make sure it'll do the job. As it gets a little closer, I'll be in contact with you more about meeting up To add on to what David was saying about the SH, McD and Boeing have tried to keep as much of the plane's innards as compatible as possible with it's legacy counterpart for more "efficient" spare-parts control ... now instead of 3 planes needing "part X", now TWELVE PLANES need "part X" (but that goes into my gripe about relying too much on one kind of aircraft, which I won't get into in this post). The DoD jumped up and down in it's chairs like a bunch of hyperactive first graders when they learned this was possible. They thought they were getting a real deal in the bid. What they DON'T realize is that most of those internal components are still 25 year old designs, hardly cutting edge technology. Oh well, I guess it's a way to get a few extra miles out of all those F/A-18A/B airframes sitting out at AMARC. Dave, any word on if the LRIP Foxtrot Superhornets will be upgraded with the ACS? Since pretty much every F squadron from VFA-103 on is going to be getting the ACS, it's bound to be only a matter of time before the initial production runs get it, don't you think? (VFA-2, 41, 102, 106, and 122 all have the non-ACS planes surely they'll upgrade...)
  23. My wallet is already cringing.... I MUST own these!!!
  24. I think the version of the SH that is being offered to India is a seriously watered-down model (no Advanced Crew Station I think... also a number of other systems missing) I'm sure there will be a number of serious service upgrades to the Super Hornet over the years. I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of upgraded pylon system. As for engine upgrades, I was under the impression that they're already pretty much using the best engine they could get their hands on that would fit the airframe... not very encouraging, I know. You figure, if the F-4 was a proof-in-concept that a brick really CAN fly (and fast) if you put big enough engines on it, they ought to be able to do the same with the SH. We'll never see a side-by-side comparison, but I bet in a WVR ACM encounter, the SH probably bleeds energy something worse than a Phantom does. I could be wrong, but everything about the SH just screams "underpowered". I guess basically what I am trying to say is, if it's gonna get a new engine at some point (and if at all possible, I think it really should), it's got to be something that has yet to be conceived or tested. Can the aircraft even maintain a 1:1 thrust to weight ratio in the vertical like the Super Tomcat can? Then again, it may be a similar case to the F-111B program (I seem to recall a statement to the effect of "all the thrust in Christiandom couldn't make that thing a fighter!"). Dave, you have any thoughts on this? As for NAS Oceana closing, I don't really see it happening. The Navy will always want at least ONE master jet base on each coast... and they've been there far longer than most citizens have. They've tried before (to no avail) to get the base closed, so unless something drastic happens, I'll go with "probably not" on that one.
  25. The dude that played Johnny Cage in the Mortal Kombat movie? Seriously, a better question would be who else would WANT to drop into the splits just to bitch-smack a fat guy in the junk? I liked Bloodsport, but I liked it for the true-story premise and the non-nonsense fights. And a good no-nonsense fight should NOT involve the splits. It's gay crap like that that makes me wish we could go back in time and replace Van Damme with, oh, I don't know, one of the guys in "The Best of the Best." 319107[/snapback] (for what it was worth, the guy who did Johnny Cage did a pretty good job... as did most of the actors in that movie) Meh, I guess we'll just have to "agree to disagree" on this one. I loved every aspect of Bloodsport.
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