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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Ummm, is there a point to your statement? I used "teh Shatner" (you didn't say it right... BAD MONKEY!) one time and got called down for it. You've evidently missed out on some key points. Allow me to elaborate (Duke, forgive me for being inspired by something you frequently use): 1. Agent One is real 2. Agent One's job is to flip out and pump iron 3. Agent One hates M7 (enough to club a baby seal)
  2. Thanks for the laughs, Don! Two of my favorite shows (both seen on Nickelodeon no less... one during the day, the other at night). You will be missed!
  3. Teh Shatner says: wow, A1... can you top THAT????
  4. Dean, Tiamat has been an evil force since the original game. His presence in the Final Fantasy canon long predates that of Ultimecia. That said, I suppose it really doesn't matter how Tiamat became the evil force that he is, just so long as it's noted that he is the "yang" to Bahamut's "Yin". Also, Square-Enix has gone to great lengths since E3 to cry off any notion that they're re-vamping FFVII and re-releasing it. Quite honestly they don't have a need to at the moment. They're releasing two games and one OVA related to FFVII (the game about the turks, the game about Vincent, and the OVA about the adventures of Zack before he died). I wish they'd let it die already, as I've been dying to see if FF12 is going to be any good... it had better be, they keep pushing it back.
  5. Well, I wasn't addressing summons, per say, so much as the character of Bahamut from day one. Hope that clarifies!
  6. and so... the plot of the saga is revealed:
  7. Now THERE is a name we've not seen on this site in a long time! (gawd, I miss VF5SS's "little valk" comics!)
  8. Tiamat is like the anti-bahamut. He is the fiend of the wind in FFI and makes damned few appearances after that. Where Bahamut is the guardian of light, Tiamat is the messenger of the dark.
  9. In almost every case that characters had to battle Bahamut, it was a test or rite of passage. FFIX is the only instance where Bahamut was summoned by evil (and now Advent Children). In FF lexicon, I classify this as a fundamental betrayal of trust. (kind of like the feeling you get when you experience your first major earthquake, and the ground beneath your feet moves). Obviously there's nothing to stop them from doing it, it just rather goes against the grain of what FF Fans come to believe (Bahamut as a giver of wisdom and enlightenment... also the big guy you call in when you need a serious can of whoopass opened on someone)
  10. Lots of kickass fighters? check Bitchrod sountrack? Most likely PS2 platform? Almost definately = I'm there.
  11. As much as I despise the 3D final fantasies (IE anything after VI), I have to say they would translate much easier into movies than the earlier ones. While there is still side-quest stuff in these games, the plot development is a lot more linear than previous games (for example, in FFVI, there are a couple of points where you can decide which part of the story you want to persue first). Also, there are fuller character models to work from (two dozen sprites or so is difficult to translate into a full-blown 3D character without a little more creative input... at which point you run into people not agreeing with the final product) I'm with Mike on this one... the action was absolutely magnificent, the graphic detail is amazing, and the music is da bomb (I want that rock version of "One Winged Angel", it's wicked sick!), but the story sUxOrEd the phat one1111. Did anyone besides me feel that Aerith "saved the day" once too often? I mean, she was more worthless than tits on a warthog in the game, and served only as a weak plot device after her death... and now it's all about her?? c'mon. Another soapbox of mine is that Bahamut is supposed to be a GOOD GUY (one of my major beefs with FFIX). While looking decidedly FFXish, it was nice to see him animated... even if he were summoned by evil. While Rude and Reno were obviously thrown in for a comedy effect, it was too little and not often enough (or conversely, too much and too often depending on how you think they should be), but I DID like the "Agent Smith" vibe they gave off, especially rude. Let's hear it for ugly-ass bikes, Sephiroth posers, and big-tittied dead women. I'm out.
  12. Off to NAS Oceana! The last public display of a USN Service Tomcat... I'm excited! I plan on shooting TONS of pictures and even some video (I picked up another 1 gb memory card for my camera) There is talk going around that Capt. Dale "Snort" Snodgrass (USN Ret.), one of the very first F-14 pilots, and now flying an F-86 at airshows, is trying to requisition SIXTEEN tomcats from AMARC (8 bravos and 8 deltas) for the purposes of creating an airshow Tomcat. I imagine most of them would go into mothball immediately as parts cows for one or two active birds. He's getting a great deal of financial backing and support for this, I wonder if the Navy will go through with it?
  13. ... am I the only one who thinks that online play would be incredibly boring on this after a while? Everyone moaned when 5 wasn't online-capabile, but I didn't see where it would be a very good option to have. Multiplayer would have to be pretty extensive for me to find it interesting.
  14. I'm all over it I've loved pretty much ever Ace Combat installment so far, so unless the story is "teh suck", I should like it
  15. I've got no less than three of those kits... despite the lack of detail on a lot of things, they represent a pretty good early-block F-14A. There is a mod or two that needs to be done (the dialectric panels on the sides of the beavertail need to be sanded down) and a new cockpit... but other than that, it's quite acceptable for a model pressed in the mid 1970s.
  16. The sad fact of the matter is that most anime "worth watching" is stuff that rarely makes it to the states... 3 series I really enjoy watching (in fansubbed format, which seems to be the best way these days) are all licensed in the US or are rumored to be picked up soon (Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu, Sunabozu, and Zipang), but there is every chance they will never be released here. (well, Sunabozu might, albeit in a seriously hacked format) because the best stuff typically isn't the mainstream stuff like Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, or the other festering pap that the typical feeble-minded donkey watches and idolizes here in the US. (I'd add Inu Yasha to this list, but my girlfriend watches it and would no doubt slit my throat if she heard me trash-talking her show! LOL)
  17. There's a new rush album? 315688[/snapback] It's hard to believe I actually once thought you had taste. Now your failure is complete.
  18. PICTURE! 327528[/snapback] SECONDED!
  19. sounds more like my ex-girlfriend than anything else...
  20. I would remind our fairly inactive board member (14 posts in 2 years, and at least two of those are about Agent One???) that there are also women on this board. You've been here long enough to figure that one out. If you're totally gay for A1, it's ok to admit to it... several others have in the past. Just watch out, he fornicates with doorknobs in his spare time... Oh yeah, this thread is about Hurricane Katrina, isn't it? So I should post something constructive: It sucked worse than anything has ever sucked before... one of my uncles in Biloxi has part of a casino sitting on top of his house right now (fortunately he and his wife had the good sense to leave BEFORE the beau-rivage decided to move inland...) oh, and Anna Ohura is now my girlfriend. Have a nice day.
  21. Seriously... I think Mattel had some kind of weirded out psycho sitting in the development room thinking "hmm, what's the most annoying sound we can give this toy??"
  22. After it was all said and done, it would probably just be cheaper to build a new steamer all together. I doubt they'll go that route though. They'll just start parking the carrier several miles offshore and start ferrying in sailors to and from by boat and COD (when they work ).
  23. We never DID get a Phantom Striker. Tried like 3 times. ... Why did the badguys get the best vehicles? The Phantom Striker kicked the PowerJet's ass. And the Interlocker was fully functional, whereas the Energizer wasn't even capable of doing anything but play target practice. 327062[/snapback] and easily qualified as making the most annoying sound EVER....
  24. For whatever it's worth, Jessica Steen (who played Jennifer "Pilot" Chase in the series) was also the female pilot ("Watts" I believe?) on "Armageddon". Not really a tongue-in-cheek thing, but definately a type-cast (and yes Oscar, "Watts" IS really hot! ) Watts: "BEAR!" Bear: "What?" Watts: "DO we have a problem!?" Bear: "No..." Watts: "That's good... because I'm explaining how these things keep your ass on the ground. So, if I were to kick you in the balls..." Rockhound: "oooooh" Watts: "... and you don't know how to work them, what happens?" Bear: "I float away?" Rockhound: "and when do we begin training for THAT?" (the deleted scenes between her and the cosmonaut were even better...)
  25. The Truman is a Nimitz-class carrier, where the "Shitty kitty" is a *sigh* kitty hawk class. While I don't know how many helos you could fit on a Kitty Hawk class carrier hangar and flight deck, you could probably add about 15 more than that on a nimitz class carrier. (that's above and below-deck) Only two Kitty Hawk class carriers left in the fleet: The USS Kitty Hawk, and the USS John F Kennedy (well, the Big J is technically a one-off, but it's practically a Kitty Hawk Class). All the others are Nimitz class. Once the 'hawk retires, the Kennedy is set to become the new CVW-5 carrier forward-deployed in Japan (they don't want any of our Nuke-carriers sitting in Yokosuka harbor). I don't know what will happen after we retire "Big John" though.
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