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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Both the old and new SDF designs look like homogenized-a$$ in a can... surely they can come up with something better than this?
  2. the FB2012 version is longer and features a different ending (a bit of a march-like fanfare to it). It's not on the "Complete" selection.
  3. I picked mine up off of one of the IMacross servers before they all went down. I don't have the time or inclination to host it somewhere, but I have little doubt that there are others that will.
  4. a 1/18 scale B-17 (any variant) would be just obscenely large, and no doubt hella expensive too. Bring me my 1/18 scale Tomcat
  5. Saw it earlier tonight with the GF. Both of us loved it. She thought it was not-as-good as the first, while I thought it was better.
  6. Just better to replace it really. Unless it's the power source fan, any other fans should be easy to get to and are, on the whole, cheap to replace (unless you wanna get one of those fans that practically makes your PC sound like a GE-F110 engine powering up... those will set you back a penny or two). Not really worth trying to fix, usually.
  7. I thoroughly enjoyed the first one. Vampires? Check. Gunplay? Check. Kate Beckinsale? Check. Whereas the blade movies didn't interest me all that much, I enjoyed Underworld for the same reason I somewhat enjoyed Van Helsing (hot-as-hell actresses aside), the fact that I didn't have to give it a great deal of thought. I've always loved vampire stories (no, I'm not goth... anything but really), and while there was a decided lack of biting I thought it had everything it needed. I'm really looking forward to seeing the second one on sunday night (the GF and I would've saw it together tonight, but she had to work).
  8. ... I can't believe I just read 3 pages of this pap. I don't come to Macrossworld to wax physiological stuff, just watch the f#$*ing anime... I hope you two can kiss and make up sometime soon, so we can get back to our regularly scheduled programming.
  9. not so fast, planet-dance boy. The entire time in (ugh) Robotech, Hikaru pronounces Roy's last name as "Foke-er" (like Spoke). the OFFICIAL pronounciation is Focker (like Spock).
  10. Yeah, I mean, it'd be one thing if Shatner was just so full of himself that he figured he could sell it and use the money to build a statue of Kirk on his front lawn. But since it's going to charity, then it becomes kind of admirable. I mean, anything that can help the unfortunate without hurting anyone in the process is respectable. No, do tell. If no one else wants to here it, feel free to PM me. 361758[/snapback] Mike, look up the "Shatner shenanigans" thread, I think he posted it somewhere in there.
  11. I have nothing more than common sense to go by, but in all fairness if something like this WERE real, I'd give really long odds against hearing anything concrete about it for a long while. Another forum that Dave and I inhabit has a raptor driver who has been approached about this very issue. Not surprisingly he danced around the issue ("I will not discuss, confirm, or deny the capabilities.... etc"). If it IS that capable, it readily falls into the category of "hella cool stuff our airforce can do that theirs can't... suckas"
  12. Gotta disagree. They did anything but. They tried to breed three separate shows together in order to make something completely new (and failing abysmally at it, I might add). Had they presented it as three separate stories under a similar banner (like "Harmany Gold presents...." or something, that would be different. The reason most of us hate HG as bad as we do is because they've been dicking around with purist fans for a long time. Yes, we DID finally get the Animego set (which was wonderful), we've still been getting ass-ramed on merchandise. They've produced their own own piles of excrement and have tried on numerous occasions to prevent the sale of foreign toy products on these shores (legalities aside, that pap in a box they call their MPC line is nothing compared to a 1/48 Yamato... and they never even tried to make their own MacPlus valkyries after telling Toycom they couldn't sell theirs) so yes, most of us hate Whoremoney Gold and for a good reason. Do we let it obsess us? Not most of us, but that doesn't stop me from hoping every last associate working for HG and their subcontractors gets a horrible case of whiskeydick on their honeymoons.
  13. "Legacy" was simply a term applied to the older Hornet fighters when the F/A-18E/F "Super" Hornets were produced. It's not an official designation, although I've heard it used by hornet pilots. It's just something to help differentiate between the two kinds in polite conversation (without having to get into letter/number designations). I've heard the term "legacy" applied to F-14A Tomcats all of ONCE. Virtually no one uses the term "Super" Tomcat when talking about F-14Bs and Ds, even though that's their official name... so it's really only the hornet family that the legacy title seems to seriously stick to.
  14. Well, it's worked for us since the dawn of the "fighter' concept... I don't see why it should end now.
  15. Unfortunately, Kojima has already said that the chances of him doing another MGS beyond this are small (or if there is one, he's said that more likely than not he'd let someone else direct it)... it would be a hollow threat at best at this point. 359981[/snapback] He also said that after 2, though. Anyways, strip the Solid off and just make it Metal Gear.. He's having a lot of fun with Acid as far as I can tell. 359983[/snapback] You know, after reading your earlier post, I gave the matter some thought and I agree: a movie about the original Metal Gear I think would be best. There's not as much dialogue that *has* to make it into the movie (but we HAVE to get the classic "Uh oh, the truck have started to move!"). And it just lends itself well to a movie format I think, although I think most MG games do.
  16. Unfortunately, Kojima has already said that the chances of him doing another MGS beyond this are small (or if there is one, he's said that more likely than not he'd let someone else direct it)... it would be a hollow threat at best at this point.
  17. it REALLY pays to look at the other threads on the board before posting.. especially when said-subject was already in the 5 most recent threads.
  18. You sir, have excellent taste -Jeremy (who could never figure out why the "original" wing commander cast wasn't tapped for the movie... it could've rocked)
  19. Tomorrow's defender: powered by good 'ol "Pratt and Whimpy". Excuse me if I'm not awestruck (I'm not) I've said it before on other forums and I'll say it again here: die, JSF! DIE!!!
  20. Ordinarily your movie tastes are pretty in line with my own, but this is not the case. The first MK movie was actually pretty good (especially compared to the jerk-fest it could've been). I liked the first one. The only downside was Christopher Lambert as Raiden (evidently he was hiding from other highlanders while posing as a Chineese Thunder God... no one was convinced) The second one on the other hand? It was like the special olympics. There were winners and losers, but they were all f-ing retarded.
  21. Shoot me. ..... now.
  22. Yeah, I read that article. I'm not really at a loss for them wanting to kill the F-117 in favor of more F-22s (after all, the things been flying since the late 70s as it turns out), the F-22 can do everything the Nighthawk can plus much more in a faster, stealthlier, and more maneuverable package. The loss of B-52s and U-2s I'm less thrilled about. Hell, didn't they just plan an electronic warfare upgrade for the B-52?? And as for the U-2... we're ALWAYS gonna need a brain "on scene" when it comes to intelligence gathering ops of that nature. UAVs aren't really ready to claim a solid place in it's stead.
  23. That was my mis-use of British designations... I meant the GR.9. Sorry. -Jeremy (who can't really get used to british aircraft designations)
  24. I'm hella thrilled that Britain and France are finally going to have their own mammoth flat-tops (not that the DeGaulle is really small...). The problem I think is that they're going to figure out very quickly that in order to EFFECTIVELY use a ship that size, they're gonna need a diverse airwing (either different aircraft for various jobs, or at least different variants of similar aircraft for different jobs). I'm guessing a navalized variant of the EF will be involved (maybe in combination with the F-35, I dunno). I suppose they could always stick the FRS.9s on there (that are replacing the current Sea Harriers soon) One thing, Dave... in the early 1980s a midway class carrier (the USS Midway actually) *did* once trap a pair of tomcats: one from VF-114 and one from VF-213. The weather over the USS Enterprise was too rough to take them in, so they were diverted over to the Midway (which wasn't seeing such bad weather). They cross-decked overnight. A tomcat-experienced launch-crew was helo-ed over to the midway the next morning with a pair of Tomcat launch-bars and they were successfully launched. Granted, they had to keep the blast-deflectors lowered, but it worked. The VF-114 Fighting Aardvark pilot was heard as saying "When your target deck is about 100 feet shorter and about 40 feet closer to the water than what you're used to, you do a lot of thinking!"
  25. coolness! I'll probably be ordering one of these.. (a S.K. design-take on Megatron would be kickass... as would Shockwave..)
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