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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Ahh well, it was a great thing while it lasted! Managed to land all of Dynamite 7 and pretty much every Macross soundtrack ever produced (that I didn't already own). I guess the next generation of Macross fans will have to find a way to get everything they wanted.
  2. I've just snorted coffee out my nose! And remember... it must think in Russian! 368372[/snapback] My bad, let's try again! MiG: "землÑ!!" Sukhoi: "ветер!!" Ilyushin: "пожар!!" Yakolev: "вода!!" Tupolev: "Ñердце!!" New Jet: "При ваши Ñовмещенные Ñилы, Я буду ПРОЛЕТÐРИЕМ!!"
  3. Working with resin does take considerably more effort than building your standard injection-mold model, that's just part of the whole deal. I enjoy working with resin, and I've managed to make some horribly bad recasts look pretty decent (it just takes a lot of effort) looks great to me, one would never know you had difficulty working with the parts!
  4. Tom Sizemore- 65% (meh) Dan Akyroid-45% (I can live with this, he rocks) Ben Affleck-45% (huh???) and the biggie Harrison Ford- 70%
  5. LOL... it was asking for it... MiG: "Earth!!" Sukhoi: "Wind!" Ilyushin: "Fire!" Yakolev: "Water!" Tupolev: "Heart!" New Jet: "With your powers combined... I am, THE PROLETARIAN!!" Sweet footage of the MiG-29... Russia definately needs to find a way to invest in some of these. Someone I know from Russia was just telling me the other day that The "Russian Knights" (their flanker demo team, for those not in the know) are getting the last of the Su-35s in existence. The thrust-vectoring could make for some impressive team maneuvers (or at least some cool opposing solo stuff), but I doubt they'll use it much to their advantage.
  6. LOL, that comment inspires me to write a Macross sequel about Macrossworld members entitled: "Do You Remember Your Wallet"? about the days when MW members actually HAD money because (a) the Yammies weren't yet available, and (b) the average member couldn't afford an original 1/55......
  7. This isn't the case. It was Val Kilmer who wouldn't take the free ride he was offered (every other member of the cast took it and loved it). If you get the Top Gun Special Edition DVD, they actually spend time talking about this in the interview (they had planned to suppliment their studio footage of footage of the actors shot actually in flight, but the resolution was too dark, as I recall). There is brief footage of TC actually in the backseat of the Tomcat. And the reason Val wouldn't take the ride wasn't a control issue, but rather he was just too scared to go up in one. Knight, I take great respect at alot of the discussions we have on the jet forum, but I can't help but say you could've researched this one better.
  8. I highly reccomend the SEARCH function of the forums. It is a useful way to find everything you might ever want to know before you post something. It is also a wonderful way to avoid the ire of the moderating team, who have more than enough to be getting on with (what with cleaning up all the dead bodies after Agent one flexes). There are plenty of other threads already with the info you seek. I reccomend finding them.
  9. Well, I'd personally contend that watching Southern Cross is like watching old people fu(k. However, it is your life and if that's what bends your taco, by all means embrace it. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
  10. Any music that doesn't get played OVER AND OVER again is pretty cool in M7 (I swear, if I have to listen to "planet dance" or "Totsugeki Love Heart" one more time...), and almost the entire Dynamite soundtrack rocks it out. The standard military mecha also win.
  12. Fornicating with hovertanks should be an offense punishable by public castration. 366534[/snapback] If loving a Hover Tank is wrong, I don't want to be right! 367509[/snapback] LOL, all you need is the bad, grey wig, buck teeth, and the Eddie Murphy accent!
  13. I agree with Jenius. I don't know so much if there was some kind of implied reference or whatever, but one bike very much looks like another. A hoverbike in any series is probably going to share design elements from those of another (for example, it could be argued that the SC hoverbikes were copied from the hoverbikes used during a particular futuristic segment of "Heavy Metal", which probably beat it to production by a year or two). So yeah, it's a cool find, and sure it looks like the SC hoverbikes, but I doubt it was on purpose (don't know if you were implying that nor not with your post)
  14. LOL, you DO know that the picture in my avatar is ME right!? 366302[/snapback] No, he's just in the third stage: Denial. "No... those aren't agent one's muscles..."
  15. Fornicating with hovertanks should be an offense punishable by public castration.
  16. no. Hence the reason it FAILS at life. Ajax= cool Logan thingy= somewhat cool hovertank= teh suck.
  17. The problem is that there were, for all intents and purposes, no survivors left on Earth after the end of Space War One. According to Egan Loo's translations of the original timeline, only a few were found in the Grand Cannon I complex. Plus some of the partially constructed Grand Cannon facilities had survivors. The Animego release of the T.V. show does mention that a few civilians were found among the ruins. Despite some questions of the accuracy of Animego's translations of the script, I don't consider this outside the realm of possibility. But they would be in the tiny minority, judging by the devastation inflicted by the Bodol Fleet. A large portion of the Human survivors were on the Macross. That's not counting the survivors in the orbital facilities and the personnel on the U.N. Apollo Lunar Base. I believe that the bulk of the Human survivors of the war were off-world. This made a friend of mine who isn't a Macross fan, but watched the original series and Macross Plus out of curiosity wonder how Earth's civilisation recovered so fast by 2040. The level of colonisation and repopulation just wasn't realistic from his point of view. Even with the mass cloning program. You need a large amount of talent and skills to pull off such a grand scheme. Something that takes a long time to reacquire after such a cataclysm. You have to train people for that sort of thing and experience in the various fields counts greatly. The Zentraedi weren't a very good source of expertise and the remaining Human population wouldn't have the entire cross-section of skills and education needed either. So, I can see his point. The appearence of forest and wildlife at the end of the original series seems to be the result of some sort habitat reclamation project. Evidence suggests that Gorg Bodolza(sp?) razed the planet completely. And the fact that the timeline mentions the widespread cloning of plants and animals lend credience to this. Also, look at the landscape around Macross City in Macross Plus. Considering that Alaska is sparsly populated, such devastation of that region wouldn't seem logical. But it happened. Bodolza wanted to be good and damned sure he nailed everyone, so he glassed the planet. Therfore, I don't think much in the way of natural habitat on the land masses survived. I don't know if 500,000 - one million people would make a large enough gene pool for such fast growth without some mixing of Zentreadi genetic material in a mass cloning program and a healthy amount of assistance from Protoculture biotech methods (in which they apparently did), which would take a great deal of research to decipher. Pre-war Earth-based genetic sciences, while advanced, was still limited in comparison. And with this in consideration, I would think that the cloning program would have started out slow due to a lot of false starts. The only way it could have worked as well as it did, in such a short period of time, was to do it using the exact same methods as was used with the Zentreadi. Churn out clones, with slight variations, using machines and techniques barely understood by Earth science. 365562[/snapback] I think this is part of the reason why you never hear an EXACT count on just how many survivors there were after the orbital bombardment. There *had* to be more survivors than they really talk about (figure a few hundred thousand in most major population centers, considerably less-to-none in smaller places). I think it was intentionally left vague and open-ended for the (then) possibility of future sequels to address.
  18. .... The Hory Froating Head has existed since beyond recorded time... and shall continue to exist long after we have all passed into the pages of antiquity. Much like another worshipped idol, Shoji Kawamori does not sleep... he waits.
  19. I don't know a lot of them, but what the hell... I'll take a stab! 1. (in the background) an old Sea-Knight and an even older Sikorsky.. (foreground) I'm guessing part of a panther recce bird? 2. I'm guessing an engine from an SR-71? 3. Remenants of a B-1 Lancer 4. Looks like part of an E-3/135 variant of some sort fuselage from head on? 5. .... no idea. Guessing parts of a flying wing aircraft of some sort 6. ?? 7. ?? 8. Panther? 9. Looks like a Panther to me (again) 10. Hard to tell from this angle 11. Without a better sense of scale, it's difficult to tell, but I'm gonna guess CFTs for F-15s? 12. O NOES!!!1111 SI TEH MYSTERY MACHINE!!!111 13. Tail section from a Delta Dart? 14. F3D Skynight (I'm guessing a dash-2) 15. No idea
  20. It wasn't. If I weren't a poor, 'ol grad-student, I'd easily pay to see it in the theater again.
  21. I imagine surviving families were encouraged to have large families of their own also, as to aid in genetic diversity. Probably some sort of government incentive plans for those who have X amount of children or so...
  22. With that in mind, here are a few other common radio calls: -"Winchester"- implies that you are out of ammunition/missiles/bombs ex: "Two's winchester." -"Spike"- implies that you have received a radar spike on your radar warning receiver. This is usually followed by the direction the spike came from. ex: "Victory103, spike, 3 o'clock" -"Shotgun"- implies that you just fired an air-to-ground missile (things like Shrikes, Standard ARMs, HARMS, etc) -"Rifle"- (COULD be wrong on this one, but I think I'm on) implies you just dropped a laser-guided bomb. (including but not limited to JDAMs) -"Shack"- implies that the ground target is destroyed -"Sparkle"/"Illuminate" to designate a target with a laser (used mostly in vietnam, I don't know if they use it so much anymore) "In the groove"- (so far as I know, a naval aviation term, I've never heard an air force pilot use it) implies that you are on the final approach for landing on the carrier. Usually used by the LSO ex: "Tomcat in the groove, you're at 3/4 a mile, call the ball." -"Angels"- altitude in thousands of feet ex: 10,000 feet= Angels 10 -"Bogie"- unknown radar contact (NOT to be confused with "Bandit") -"Cleared"- requested action is authorized -"Cleared Hot"-ordinance release is authorized Fox codes: "Fox One"- release of a radar-guided missile (sparrows usually) "Fox Two"- release of an infared-guided missile (IE: sidewinders) "Fox Three"- release of an AMRAAM or Phoenix missile The term "Tone" was born from the fact that sidewinders emit a "growl" when the seeker head is activated. When the seeker aquires a target, the growl changes to a higher-pitched frequency (really f-ing annoying to my ears... but the flyboys back in 'nam referred to it as the "sound of success")
  23. You ressurected a thread that is over a year old to bring us this? LOL
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