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Skull Leader

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Everything posted by Skull Leader

  1. Because everyone else seems to exude more common sense on the issue than the British (no offense to any UK members here), but they'll likely go with the gun. I still cannot, for the life of me, figure out why the British don't want the gun on theirs. (then again, I can't understand why they're retiring the Harrier FRS.2 at the end of this month when they don't have anything to replace it yet.
  2. The demo ad talks about adaptive AI, but I wasn't noticing it anywhere within. In fact, of the 10 or so times I've played through the demo now, I've approached it differently wherever I can (vary how tightly I stay on an enemy's tail, when I tend to fire my missiles, etc), and I've noticed no change. I too would rate the schnee squadron as only slightly easier than tackling yellow squadron from AC4. This was the one area where the AI seemed to exhibit some intelligence, as they used the F-14Ds eye-watering speed to their advantage (often outrunning me if I flew the mission in an F/A-18... still providing a chase in the F-15C too though). I still wouldn't call this "adaptive" AI as far as my performance was concerned, but a definate step up from the cannon fodder. It was neat to see F-14Ds in a cool black cammo paintscheme. I'm really excited about this game coming out, but I DO hope the AI presents more of a challenge. I blew through AC4 and 5 on the ace difficulties without more than one or two trouble spots... if I'm gonna be an ace (regardless of which type I'm labelled), I wanna feel like I truly earned it!
  3. The only thing the Special Edition adds is a DVD with all of the cutscenes rolled up into something like a 3 hour movie (with some new scenes to provide the necessary transitions). I *might've* picked it up if the store had it, but I don't know if it justifies the extra $10... the more I think about it, the happier I am with the one I got.
  4. Grammer has all the snappy dialogue skills that Beast is known for. Count on a stunt-double/CG to take care of the rest. He's perfect for the role.
  5. No, that craptastic performance was brought to you by Jake Lloyd.
  6. Well, there are plenty of empty boxes scattered around the maps too, so it's a workable disguise. I've played as a spectator on a couple of matches watching people who actually use the box, and they've been able to land plenty of stalking kills using it (lots of people just run right by, since it actually takes effort to kick in an empty box). I watched a guy land no less than 5 kills in a row while waiting for people to run by his box before someone caught on and started shooting every box he saw (including this guy's). So, it DOES work!
  7. The original MGS3 and a LARGE number of things in addition: -the original "Metal Gear" and "Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake" for MSX -Online mode with several different games -Huge "out-takes" theater with humorous clips Kojima and his crew put together in-game -(if you got the special edition), an extra DVD with basically a full length 3-hour movie version of MGS3 (using cut-scenes and a number of others made just for the movie) I didn't get MGS2S for the same reason Duke listed above, but this one has loads more stuff that make it worth it.
  8. What's your username and server of choice? Mine's SKULL_LEADER and I'm usually on the Snake server.
  9. I beilieve that the RAF has declared IOC and are wroking up squadrons right now. I think I even have a hazy memory of them declaring one squadron ready for combat even. 380467[/snapback] Yes, I can't remember the squadron, but it's one of them stationed at RAF Coningsby. It's not just IOCed, but combat-ready.
  10. Could have to do with, I dunno, copyright infringement? This way Macrossworld cannot be blaimed for being party to such a thing
  11. I see a woman with disco lights. I really don't see any connection with Minmay, but draw from it what you will, I suppose
  12. Likewise I was glad I picked this book up when I did. I've had about a billion people offer me money for it, but I bought it to read, so I still have it I thought I had a scan of the dropship cutaway, but it would appear that I no longer have it. I'll keep searching.
  13. ... but... I didn't go anywhere?
  14. They're *similar* to the Sea Eagles, but the fins are a little different. I wouldn't call them an exact duplicate, I only meant to imply that they look more like sea eagles than harpoons. They might have some mavericks of some sort. I *think* I've seen a picture or two of F-4EJs carrying some mavericks. Then again, I might be wrong.
  15. Bittersweet sight indeed. So how long will it be now until all the Tomcats are gone? 379400[/snapback] Richard, VF-213 have already closed the lids on their Tomcats for good (as of yesterday). They'll start their Super Hornet transition in April I believe. VF-31 still has a stateside readiness deployment ("just in case") planned for the summer. They'll participate in the Tomcat Sunset ceremony in September and begin their transition in October. So... September is it. (Unless some unforseen conflict arises)
  16. The armament concerns revolve around Japan's non-aggression philosophy. Since they don't want the Self Defense Force to be seen in a TOO aggressive light, they stay away from tactical smart bombs. This is ironic because they have Japanese versions of the major air to air missiles used by the US (Sparrows, Sidewinders, AMRAAMs) They also don't allow their aircraft to refuel in mid-air (although most of their jets have that capability, they're not trained in it's use) for the same reasons. Their anti-shipping missiles aren't harpoons, but closer to the sea-eagles used by the British on their Tornado GR.1Bs. So far as I've heard, they're really effective. If the F-2 were packing the same kind of radar as our F-16s, it would be as simple as inserting the proper software to let them carry smart bombs. As I don't know much about the radar/fire control system used by the F-2 (in regards to it's similarities), I don't know how easy it would be to modify or add on to. One would think they would plan for the worst and have the means to install it if need be, but you can never tell. I don't know that the Japanese have ever considered a "wild weasel" role for their phantoms (that may fall under their "too aggressive" arguement, not sure). I don't even know what kind of anti-radiation missiles they pack these days (if any, and I don't know if they do).
  17. and god help it if it's carrying a load. A Super Hornet can only just barely break Mach 1 when it's carrying stuff under the wings.
  18. LOL, special attack: "Copyright infringement" the awesomeness behind that movie cannot be put into mere words.
  19. I wonder where that was taken.... such a nice picture. As for the superbug vs F2 argument. What does the superbug bring that the F2 doesn't already offer in terms of capabilities. 379106[/snapback] It was taken by someone standing on top of a hangar (looks to be somewhere on the west end, by the edge of Runway 5 right, towards where the VF-101 hangar WAS) at NAS Oceana. as for your other question: What the superbug brings that the Viper Zero does not is a more balanced radar system... arguably one of the best and most advanced the world has known (on par with what the F-16CJ is using) The F-2A/B Viper Zero has a wicked-badass radar/Target aquisition system for maritime defense. The whole radar was basically built around their anti-ship missiles. However, it's bugger-all when it comes to any other mode. In terms of performance, the Viper Zero is to the Viper as the Super Hornet is to the legacy hornet. The problem is, with Japanese restrictions on what the JASDF can and cannot carry on their jets, the F-2 is not wired to use any kind of smart bomb (it uses the same rails as it's US counterparts, so it could CARRY them, but it couldn't launch them) If the F-2A/B were allowed to carry smart-bomb weaponry and had the same radar as it's smaller US brother, it would be a far more wicked machine than the Super Hornet. It's government restrictions that keep the F-2 from reaching it's full potential. That said, the Japanese government paid an obscene amount of money for those Viper Zeros. You can bet they'll use them until they've squeezed ever last ounce of use out of them. They have three squadrons using them with plans to convert a fourth (I'm guessing it will be the 8th Hikotai, since their F-4EJ Kais are tasked with Maritime defense primarily) It's also worth noting that *some* of those F-4EJ Kais were built in the very early 1980s (read: 1980-82), and are very well maintained aircraft. They've constantly received new updates both in software and weapons capability (specific to the JASDF's needs, of course... primarily in anti-ship missiles). They are as lethal and wicked as just about any other front-line fighter today (barring the F-22A and maybe the Typhoon), so it's not as if they're ragged and worn down airplanes.
  20. Err, Macross does not have the market cornered on tri-transformable mecha. It could be based on a number of others (Orguss, Mospeada, etc). While the name is an obvious tie (using the german spelling, anyway), I think the line probably stops there.
  21. http://www.news.navy.mil/management/photod...N-4287G-008.jpg Now that is a sobering sight. Never again will the US see that many tomcats flying at the same time. Welcome home, boys!
  22. LOLZ, WTFOMG FFIV hAxXorZ!!!!11111
  23. I thought the clown video was priceless. The German forklift safety video, while disturbing, had it's humorous elements.
  24. there are no words to describe this... also... for all the damage those attacks did, I think I'd be looking for a Hi-Potion or an Elixir.... those measily 100 HP they got back were NOTHING..
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