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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. Anyone planing on troop building leos?
  2. I still think I'll get it, and I don't plan on painting it since I never paint RG's, but I really hate the colors. The boosters are the worst part for me; light gray makes no sense and I still can't get over having boosters on the backpack instead of the shoulders.
  3. with cheapest shipping options that $5~$10 cheaper, thanks. anyways, RG tallgeese: it's MG colors. https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2018/01/rg-1144-tallgeese-i-ew-release-info.html
  4. I'm trying to figure out the cheapest place to get one. I think it might be bbts...
  5. I really want to pick this up...
  6. Personally I wouldn't take one unless you payed me (to throw it away for you).
  7. I'd Really like to have the premium finish version for the Tampo printing but I really don't want/need two VF-0S's, especially at that price. How much is a fully stickered first run VF-0S complete in box worth right now?
  8. I'm really curious what bathroom mode looks like.
  9. That's not a 3rd party product, that's a concept model by Bandai on display at Gundam Base Tokyo.
  10. yeah, Thunderbolt is kind of everything I hate about UC side stories. The battle sequences were pretty sexy though. BTW, I never fallowed up on Twilight axis after the first "episode". Did it start making sense after a while or did it stay a hot mess the entire time?
  11. It feels that way because it kind of is. I remember not hating SEED destiny as much as I thought I would the last time I watched it, but beyond that I don't remember much of the actual show other than liking Athrun and hating most of the other characters. (this runs through both SEED and SEED Destiny).
  12. I'm expecting it to be more like the MG since it has the MG's booster backpack instead of proper shoulder boosters, but who knows with RG coloring.
  13. TBH, the only one's I was interested in enough to post about (besides 303E which is already covered) were the Wing kits. Wing will always be my jam so any love for the series is appreciated.
  14. Real Grade Tallgeese I prototype HGAC 1/144 Leo
  15. Part of me really wants this because 303E is amazing, but the rest of me would rather pick up the pg exia.
  16. But the Nu/hi-Nu ver. Ka are way better looking than the original designs.
  17. not sure how I feel about this. kind of feels like Jupiter Ascending with a distracting amount of pop culture references. Also, seeing video game characters from really recent games so prominently in the trailer annoys me in a totally irrational way. Even more irrationally, I don't like the main actor because he looks too much like Miles Teller, and once any movie becomes associated with Miles Teller in my mind it gets an automatic strike against it.
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