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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. (part3) And like a vengeful, smutty figure purveying god, Skytube descends from the heavens to smite everybody's wallets. frankly there was too much stuff to go through. We've even hit a point of saturation where I couldn't be bothered to save pics of Misaki Kurehito figures. That said two of my most wanted Kurehito figures are painted and look absolutely gorgeous and I'm super excited to go broke buying them. and of course, the most exciting new sculpt is a web exclusive but she's super cute and has a big butt (and I guess is Navy themed? ). Also, an art announcement of a BAN figure that (obstensively) isn't a dickgirl. )
  2. (part2) Meanwhile in Ship girl land, the peaceful rise of China Azur Lane has officially begun. No movement on plum's Hammann Kai yet (which is sad because she's the cutest little Cat girl loli ever), But Alter just announced there own ship Loli in the form of Vampire who is both Adorable, from a really good company, and theoretically in scale with the amazing Amakuni KanColle figures (I still love you so much Mutsu ). And in an interesting turn of events, the first company to get a sculpt out is... Kotobukiya, with Akagi? frankly I like the KanColle version better. Going back to OG KanColle, we've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is Amakuni still hasn't announced a Nagato to go with their Mutsu . The good news is that Alpha Max is doing a Half Damaged Saratoga to go with their Iowa! on Amakuni's end, instead of a Nagato they're doing a Christmas version of Suzuya which does sound pretty cute, and from GSC we're getting an adorable Waifu Shopping mode Haruna. Perhaps the oddest thing is FREEings B-style Shimakaze, which is just a regular shimakaze in 1/4.
  3. So another wonderfest has come and gone, maybe I'm just getting picky in old age but there felt like less stuff to be excited about this time around. here's some of my highlights. First up, Seven Sins part 2: The Seven Heavenly Virtues is coming along nicely. Sculpts are out for Sariel and Uriel, but more importantly Raphael is painted and oh my god is she darling. I think I might like her more than Michael and I want to like Michael more than anything in the world.
  4. Pinky pie is not my favorite But I like this. I hope they do more, because I really want Rainbow dash. And Princess Luna. And Vinyl Scratch. And Derpy. And Lyra. and...
  5. I'm so excited. as much as the HiRM has grown on me, I can't wait to have this beauty in hand.
  6. anime52k8

    Macross figures

    100% a 1/20th scale pilot to go with their 1/20th scale VF-1.
  7. I think the correct answer is nobody cares.
  8. I just want to know how he's still alive with a metal bar impaled through his spine.
  9. what the frakk is even going on in that last page?
  10. first one: everything A+ does looks WAY better in promo photos than it does in person. second one: that's kind of amazing but so god damn expensive.
  11. I don't know how people can be into the armored VF-25, yet not like this. I was kind of slowing down on wanting more VF-31 toys but I need this in my life.
  12. and I just got an email from P-Bandai USA, they're saying ship date will be 2/22
  13. Waifus are serious business man, be supportive.
  14. I still have no idea what batch my wing order is even in. I ordered it on the 25th through P-bandai america if that even means anything.
  15. The audio was slightly desynced during the livestream, that's why it sounds off. I think the live choreo is straight fire though and I'm totally in love with this song and concept. Something awesome that was pointed out to me was that the opening pose of this choreo is the ending pose for Peek-a-boo.
  16. Oh my god... Wendy's thighs... Irene at the end... Seulgi being Seulgi... I'm never going to be okay again after this
  17. sadface. Anyways, I've been thinking about checking out Citrus since talk on the internet makes it sound like the be-all end-all of yuri anime. anyone have any opinions?
  18. I just... I can't... I don't have words... I think I'm actually crying... I think my heart just exploded... wow...
  19. I can't take this sexiness, I think wendy is literally trying to murder me with her sexy eyes.
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