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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. Oh yhea, now I recognize the scene. What was the explosion seen form space at the very beginning form, I swear I've seen it before? Oh and hears another one. Looks like a lot of the same content, but with different editing.
  2. I was about to say... or maybe he just hase realy massive caves. it looks realy awsome.
  3. lets see... the Island war of the worlds spiderman irobot X-men Matrix constantine and 2 or 3 movies I've seen who's names escape me right now. oh and terminator 3. remindes me how glad I am that the live action EVA project died.
  4. Assuming that there number represents their position in the squadron, then that would mean he outranked both max and Hikaru, as the #3 man is usually the second highest ranked and second most experienced (right after the squadron leader).
  5. anime52k8

    1/48 GBP

    the colors are defenatly different, but I'm going to play the optimist and say that the pics of the actual toy are what the production will be like and the offical shots are of an older version. (it turned out that way on the VF-0A, why not here)
  6. a discussion I'd like to hear about, maybe we should just branch this topic off so we can stop hijacking this thread.
  7. god I hope your right personaly though I'm hoping for a VF-0D (you just have to love the delta)
  8. Oh man I'm so geting one of these. looks like theres going to be a lot of goodness comeing form yamato real soon.
  9. lets see. there's the part you just out lined. the big similarity I see is the relationship between isamu and guld is a bit like the relationship between maverick and iceman (val kilmer). in that isamu/maverick are both natural born pilots but are arrogant hotshot apefaces and Guld/iceman is the expert pilot that's totaly by the books and this aposing nature cases them to but heads in an extremely competitive environment.
  10. you mean like the super/strike armor. I'm shure there are going to be gimmics on this thing that will make it worth getting.
  11. SOOOOOO about that ghost. is their any reason why it couldn't be mounted on a 0D, asuming that yamato makes one.
  12. I think people are just trying to not look like consumer whores that will buy anything that has yamato and macross on the same box.
  13. thanks! there is something undeniably cool about this design.
  14. I'm defenatly going to get one once I pic up a zero. I wonder if the zero will be able to carry this thing while in batroid mode?
  15. can we get a link to this guys site?
  16. actualy, I was hopeing for this one: (one on the right) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=37565
  17. wow, very cool. do you have some high rez versions of the VF-X-2 color ones.
  18. right, except that my sub is NOT the Crapy fansub that you have (it gets the Fuel-air bomb, not nuke thing right for one) My copy of Mac0 has a very good translation. IMHO, I think the line is correct and I still think that what we see is the ships Reactors which the AFOS is using basicly as a jumpstart.
  19. one last thing about the who's makeing what float; in ep5 at about 8:30 one of the bridge crew on the asuka says (in my copies subtitles) "AFOS has gotten into the fleet's reactor! it is controling Gravity!" to me that sound like that the AFOS activated the asukas OT reactors, and basicly leached power form them to regenerate itself, and to rase the ships out of the water.
  20. you just now realized that "Do a barrel roll!" "these pretzels are making me thirsty" oh god, why? why?
  21. FOUND IT! (the so called anti-gravity generators) I still doubt that their anti-gravity generators though, it doesn't make sence that they would be, why would you need them, and even if they were it still doesn't you explain the two Arleight Burke (why on earth would you put something as complex and expencive as an anti-gravity drive on a destroyer) and the Anti-UN sub floating.
  22. wow, that's very Gundam, even more so than the Macross II mechs. not bad work however.
  23. no not realy, if you have the game and use the plane a lot (which I do) the models in each game are the same, and they've never shared more than a basic shape with the YF-23. the plane is much closer to a flanker (an Su-37 incorperating YF-23 derived low observable features) edit: I have pictures to prove it, the only difference is the nose is a TINY bit shorter In ACE4 when you look at the pictures (and I blame that mostly on perspective)
  24. haven't seen that in a long time, personaly I perfered the mid 90's X-men on Fox (feals like such a long time.) the intro music was so cool http://youtube.com/watch?v=ltZWmJFHxlI
  25. this is about the X-02 wyvern also known as the YF-25 from ace combat 4 (and 5, and zero) the plane is a super plane in the game, it can out-fly every other plane in the game and has a huge weapon load. the kit he is refering to was produced by hasegawa but is ultra super rare and no one has one. look here http://www.shatteredskies.net/x02analysis.html and here http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/planes/q0192b.shtml (second one has pics of the model) I can't say way mulder is here.
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