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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. I highly doubt there’s much if any free space behind where the intakes are now. if you look really closely at the batroid and GERWALK pics, you can see that the joint for the legs to swing down is REALLY far forward, and the rest of the space is most likely taken up by the ball joint were the leg attaches to the rest of the mech.
  2. somehow I think the guy who made it was thinking the same thing.
  3. wow, that was freaky. I've never really bin a nine inch nails fan, but this stuff is too strange to pass up.
  4. don't drink the water eh. so does this mean were all going to die? and what is the damn remote system access password?
  5. I figure I’ll contribute my miniscule collection to the thread. So enjoy my little solitary display case with its lowly shelf of macross stuff. (There will be more eventually.)
  6. did you put some sort of sealer or clear coat over the decals?
  7. Which you go with depends on what you plan to do with your valk. If you intend to handle it regularly, and just looking for something to substitute factory Yamato stickers/give you more options, go with stickers. If your going for a display only piece that’s getting other details. Go with decals. The stickers look more toys like when applied, but are much more durable and easier to work with. Decals look nicer, but are trickier to work with, and require the clear coating of the valk afterwards (all decals no matter how good will eventually dry out and have a tendency to flake off.) Both will require cutting.
  8. Mechs=good boob=very good mechs with boobs=not so good. but to answer the question, I would say the best fighter is the VF-4 the best gerwalk is the SV-51 and the best batroid is the VF-1(J) the SV-51 is my personal favorite overall, it's the most aggressive and intimidating of the variable mechs.
  9. isn't Galvitron just a Megatron repaint?
  10. technicaly there's no such thing as black. but the color yamato is using looks about right. form the anime it looks like there using a charcol gray. most people who are using black are going to dark. the color in this pic looks a little darker than the yamato, but its from a night sequence.
  11. I honestly can't tell the difference with the nose and I like the larger tail fins. I find it odd that people are actually complaining that they want SMALLER control surfaces.
  12. I'm probably going to be stoned to death for this, but I think the nose on the Yamato actually looks MORE accurate to the official line are than the hase kit. The hase might be more accurate in actual length, but the shape of the Yamato is way better to me. The Hase looks too drooped and bulbous compared to how the SV-51’s drawn. Also from the line art, the intakes don't look to blocky in my opinion. The problem is more that there to shallow, as in the compressor blades should be back farther. Though, they may have to be there in order to make the transformation work. Also the saw tooth on the lower part of the intake should be pointier. The only part that actually bothers me though is the face. I know the sensor guard thing is cannon and used in the OVA, but I think it would look better if they used the exposed cameras and sensors.
  13. there we go. like I said, the neck does not telescope, it folds.
  14. I would think they would make it out of plastic. the part isn't actually a tube at all, its more like a hinged arm, that folds down instead of telescoping in. Damn it, thing won't let me upload the screen shots I have.
  15. Having that many civilians there actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. I mean the island was relatively remote, and yet it had a massive spaceship being rebuilt on it, it had an airstrip, a naval port, rocket launch facility if I remember correctly, and they were doing R&D on all sorts of stuff. They had to have lots of scientist, engineers, contractors, and labors to work on just the ship. Then assuming that the people working on the macross and staffing all the facilities were living on the island, you would need more people there to build the houses and facilities they're going to use. and because these people were going to be living their for so long they would probably be allowed to bring their families with them, so you would need more people to provide things like schools and stores and other amenities for these civilians. All these people add up. and as to security, if as I state most of the people on the island were either drectly working on the ship itself, were working at other military facilities, or were the family of people there, I don’t think the officals their would be to concerned about the civilians attacking the macross as most of them were probably government employees.
  16. you sir are just sick. corse maybe this is some form of hint that we'll be geting them that would be awsome. maybe they might do some super bundle which comes with max miria and the fast packs all in one huge box. (god that would be expencive) Wow someone who actually agrees with me on how much dry rubs suck. I would like some decals that have the same quality as the ones Bandai uses. The decals on the PG kits are great, fairly thin and adheres well
  17. have you tride checking his other thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=17504
  18. any way we could get these using FS and or RLM numbers.
  19. the DYRL macross was cooler. but there were no VF-1J's in DYRL and that if anything we need MORE 1J's all the main charecters should have had strike fast packs but giving EVERONE fast packs would suck. do you really want cannon foder to have that much firepower, and besides fast pack lose there coolness when its not just the main charecters who have them also I would have liked it if they had all been in one squadron like in DYRL but instead of being skull squadron they were wolfpack squadron and used color variations of this scheme: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=39412
  20. I personally like Mr March's version the most (I never liked the skinner kites, looks too anorexic to me) And the second kite in Oihan's post is defiantly not the MacII kite. The kite in macII looks like you turned the normal kite on its side and put a vertical cut in it that is very off center. I've never seen a good photo of it though.
  21. from the Compendium: MASSES AND LOADINGS: Mass empty: 13250 kg VF-1X Plus 13850 kg with FAST Pack system 19200 kg Mass: VT-1C (estimated), with rear and leg booster packs 13750 kg Max propellant capacity: FAST Pack system 11000 kg Standard T-O mass: 18500 kg Standard operational mass: with 16200-kg GBP-1S system 37100 kg Standard T-O mass: with FAST Pack system 45000 kg Standard liftoff mass: with atmospheric-escape booster system 120500 kg Max T-O mass: 37000 kg with FAST Pack system somehow this sounds light though. I would think it would be more with all the moveing parts needed to make a transforming fighter work.
  22. well its 2007 and the BETA is still vaporware. why am I not suprised. am I an idiot for thinking that if both shadow cronicals and the 1/100th line do well that it may get the whole beta project back off the ground
  23. thanks JBO that makes much more sence. I denfenatly don't see how you could actualy have an afterburner on an engine that uses nuclear power since your not realy burning anything.
  24. its that little spot that circled in this pic.
  25. Can I just ask because I'm totally confused at this point... How are these "thermonuclear turbines" supposed to work? Are they like real nuclear jet engine which just passes air over a reactor core (or heat transfer medium) to super heat it or is it something completely different. And what is Reaction mass, is it supposed to be like compressed gas stored on board for space use only or is it an actual fuel that gets burned. I really have no Idea what's going on anymore could someone explain this.
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