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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. do you REALLY need another VF-1?
  2. glew the fast packs on so you have to buy a second toy to get them also VF-X toy's look awsome
  3. indeed, though a 1/60 VF-14 would be even better
  4. well on the bright side, the fact that we haven't seen any test shots means that the current design isn't final, and they might just fix some of the problems with the hips/shoulders etc. etc. Like how the legs are attached too high up on the body, and are too thick, and the shield needs to be closer to the arm... (I hope you're reading this Bandai ) (I'm being hopelessly optimistic right now, aren’t I?)
  5. here it is. don't really like it myself.
  6. Even when you correct the photo to take out the slight tilt of the camera things still look off. the whole left side is higher up but the left engine is lower. also the left landing gear is appears to be farther back, now the photo may be slightly to the left of center, but not much and I don't think enough to account for everything. Something is definitely off.
  7. bandai 1/100 scale part-formers,
  8. which I don't think is even fully transformable, a lot of the hinges and gaps needed just arn't there. bandai really needs to show the newer alto sculpt in fighter mode.
  9. voted VF-4 obviously, with the VF-171 a close second. other than that though not particularly interested in these. I already have VF-1's, a YF-21, and getting the VF-25 in 1/60; and the rest are just kind of meh to me. hopefully they'll confirm more in the near future.
  10. here's a couple since I haven't seen anybody doing frontier stuff yet. first one's Alto, second ones the same thing but in purple (don't know why but I like it in purple). and last one's the line art I used (modified version of joseph's). I probably should have asked him before hand but hopefully he's ok with me posting modified versions of his line art I'm also working on lineart+color for michel, luca, and ozma
  11. but the YF-19's transformation has fiewer parts/joints that would break if you look at them funny when it's built at this scale.
  12. Maybe being part zentradi exacerbated a condition that he inherited from human side of his family?
  13. here's a thought, does anyone know if the intake covers will be removable? I've noticed that in all the pics the intake cover looks to be part of the thigh. I hope I'm just seeing it wrong...
  14. I think the lose of control problem is less about someone hijacking your unmaned jet, and more about when the plane is smart enough to out fly a human pilot, it's probebly smart/self-aware enough to decide it doesn't want to listen you your orders any more. now shure a pilot could go AWOL and take his plane with him, but how far he can get is limited by a humans need for sleep, food and regular bathroom breaks. all a robot plane has to wory about running out of fuel or ammo (neither of which apear to be issues for the ghost) actualy I think the YF-21 with convientional controls was built first so that GG could get a flyable aircraft out the door faster, then the second prototype added the BCS and BDI but retained convientional controls as back ups in case of emergency, and the final version would have been stricktly BDI/BCS I was always under the impression that it was the BDI that was causing mental and physical instability in guld (to much information going into his brain at one time) and the fact that he was part zentradi was causing the BCS to malfunction (when YF-21 slams isamu's VF-11 into the ground it was picking up on Gulds arrant thoughts) because his brain wasn't perfectly syncing up with the YF-21's flight control systems. in terms of thought controlled aircraft, the VF-27 appears to solve both these problems. They replaced the BDI with a 360 degree holographic cockpit so no side effects from that, and the BCS is made reliable through the use of cybernetic implants
  15. I remember when the YF-19 first came out Takatoys made a couple sets for the 19 (I think a standard sticker set and an option set) and I have know Idea about anasazi, but I think both of them have been partially or completely out of business for some time now... I'd try asking them very politely about it
  16. I really wish I could see what everyone else does in terms of what's wrong with this thing so that I can join the "this toy looks like s**t" angry mob; but frankly I've been comparing this thing to official images for hours, and I jus don't see it. From the way people talk about it you'd think that bandai was making the final toy out of duplos. Maybe it’s just me but I just can’t find most of the fault people are going on about: the chest and shoulders look fine to me; the leg’s look fine to, they're not too fat or too short, they're the same as the official CG. There are only 2 problem I have with the current sample, first the shield shouldn't sit so far off the arm (course this could be fixed before the final toy comes out, or maybe the shields just mistransformed and can already be collapsed down more); and second the hips sit a bit too high. I have a feeling that part of why some people think that the legs are fat and the crotch is to long is because of the legs sitting to high up. fix those and everything would look spot on, and no one would have reason to complain (not that it will stop most of the people here ) This is the other think that gets me, just because the VF-25 is rendered in CG doesn't mean it can be made to work as a physical toy without some compromises. The VF-25's transformation still relies heavily on anime magic with major sections of the torso passing through each other or being held together with invisible/paper-thin joints and hinges and I don't see how we can make any judgements on how the the fighter/gerwalk modes look considering that all we've seen of either of those modes are the erliest prototypes. anyway's I like how the toy looks as is. If they fix the hips great, if not this is still a great looking toy and I'm going to be getting at several. and if yamato comes out with their own VF-25 a decade and a half from now I'll be right there with everyone else here shelling out exorbinant amounts of money for their thick stickers fragile plastic. and in the mean time I'll enjoy my bandai. (P.S. I love Yamato's, I really do. *hugs YF-21* )
  17. OMG, MY EYES WTF? and we'll get to see a geriatric Hikaru kicking Vajra ass in his VF-4?
  18. My predictions are… Short term: Michael isn’t dead, but he comes back partially paralyzed and can no longer fly. Klan goes berserker, kills everything, and comes out alive. Nanase ends up in a coma from her injuries and never wakes up. Long term: Grace dies (obviously) Brera dies (who’s surprised there) Leon dies (I’m thinking gets ripped apart by a Vajra) Bobby, the captain, and all the bridge bunnies die when the Quarter suicide rams a Vajra capital ship (Grace may or may not end up dyeing with them) Canaria dies (blown up in one hit while flying into battle, nothing flashy or badass, just dead) Ranka dies (well, not so much die as something along the lines of what happend to sara at the end of zero) And finally…
  19. limit break mode VF-0?!? awsome...
  20. or they can hit the little button next to the vote button that says "show results"
  21. arn't both cannopy peices removable, or is it just the front. if both then they could just mold a grey plastic peice that you could switch in.
  22. HLJ is still going to be cheaper as shiping shouldn't go more than $35-40. add that in it should be $210 to $215 not much but still cheaper. and even if you could use SAL it would save you all of $5 for something that big. and its currently at $176.
  23. About 30 to 35 bucks, depending on exchange rate and what shipping method you choose
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