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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. I think it looks awsome. other than the head and gunpod (not that they're bad, just not very "macrossy"). it looks cool in fighter mode, and I personaly love the batroid, (I think I just have a thing for super skinny mechs)
  2. well, they needed him to die so klan could be used to force some development in the altoxsherylxranka triangle. (wasted of a good character but I'm not writing it.) but I still think he could come back, though there's no way berea saved him. I say he's not dead and he's with the vajra. why, because someone's going to have to convince alto not to kill ranka and all the vajra, and he's the man for the job. (and I'm totaly not in denial here... really I'm not... ) no, just no. If that happens I'm going to get on a plane, fly to japan, and punch someone in the face. and yet, it still would turn the show into some sort of bad fanfiction, won't happen.
  3. somehow I don't think that's a VF, just doesn't look like it could transform to me. OHHH... I when did this show up?
  4. Have you ever had to try and act to nothing? Neither have I but its probably hard. Having the 25's there gives the actors something to interact with. Also it gives the digital animators good reference footage for things like shadow and reflection when they fix everything. In 50 years doing the CG is probably cheap, but it still helps to have something physical there. And the SMS was probably already there acting as technical advisers, so they might as well use the valks while they’re at it. now what I wanna know is where did they get a F'ing SH-60 Seahawk 50 years from now half way across the known galaxy?
  5. oh, you want stories, I've got stories. and there are more disturbing thing's on 4chan than /b/ if you can believe it. also 7chan...
  6. 2ch is the byproduct of japan existing. it's in japanese. 4ch is the rectum of the english speaking world. I know, I've been there... the things I've seen man, the things I can never unsee
  7. if that were the case, we should be able to see the shield sticking out out the back of the valk, but instead there's nothing.
  8. the newest thing I've finished... VF-25A "Sheryl Guard" (i.e. minmei guard moon act) I had this weird compultion to do this, so I did. and it was one of the most painful photoshop experiances I've ever had... and yet now I want to do a Ranka Paris act version... anyway's I'll try to get back to the side lineart now.
  9. yeah, but acording to the toy thread, SK's retconing the VF-11's size to be about the same as the YF-19 so this chart's off. what is that last one?
  10. don't do that, I thought there was actualy some news... and what's this about a white-n-black VF-25? *rewatchs episode* huh... ok, in the eyecatch they're using alto's valk. so whats with the colorless 25F, and why doesn't it have any arms?
  11. but native american's weren't making trips to spain in the 1300's. how the heck did it get here? so far the vajra are the only things that we know make fold quartz, so did the vajra come here? did it come form the bird thing? and what the hell is that thing? wasnt it supposed to be a protoculture thng? were the vajra made by the protoculture? see, boat load of new questions all over a few seconds of tweaked footage.
  12. which make's no sence, and makes everything even more confusing. I can buy Sheryl getting the earings from Mao, but how did the Mayan's get fold quartz at least half a century before the vajra were even discovered?
  13. flying off into the galaxy to save the whales
  14. Ok, finally got back to work on these things. Finished Michel's and the 25G line art. Also I’m halfway done with my VF-25F profile line art. I've been basing mine for the most part of the side view photo of the Bandai model kit. Eventually I'll finish the 25S and RVF-25 I promised, but right now I'm focusing on something funky I really want to try.
  15. I wan't to kill someone so dead right now...
  16. december '88 issue of B-club
  17. I alway's just assumed he lived in a cardboard box somewere.
  18. ok, let me refrase that, there's no evidence that the new macross class ships are designed with Daedalus style attacks in mind. but it would be cool if it was. and a PPB sword would be great.
  19. have her fly his VF-25F, and it'll be the best episode ever. anything else they do after that I'll be fine with.
  20. but we only see alto's 171EX in a couple of episodes. luca's RVF-25 is in more than half.
  21. more like there not interested in doing large scake non-transfroming stuff (we got the SV-51's didn't we), though now that there doing the destroids, they may do more large scale mechs, assuming that the Destroids do well...
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