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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. I nerver realized the VA-3 was so... big.
  2. "OMG, I FOUND A NICKLE!" you know, something about this really reminds me of the VF-2SS form MacII
  3. and yet the amount of painting and tempo printing that goes into a Yamato valk, and the resulting apearence once finished are still light years ahead of what I can do, even on a bandai snap kit. (don't believe me? I've got the pictures to prove it...)
  4. was the funny chinese even actualy shown in SDFM? and I've always been under the impression that SK and co. retconed most of the ship and mech designs so all the DYRL stuff is offical.
  5. should be VE-25 IMO, so it matches with the elint seeker. (and it's not like the F is even aplicable since luca does absolutely nothing.)
  6. it's pritty much accepted that in terms of story and spacific events, SDFM is the offical canon, but DYRL is currently canon with respect to designs.
  7. it would be better if the legs were lower (the torso is fine), and the feet aren't even that big. also, I don't see whats so wrong about the fighter mode. the legs hanging down is present on ALL versions of the VF-25 (even the model kit), and more than likely it won't be an issue in the production verison (either it will have a locking mechanism or the joints will be tighter so it will hold position better. overall, I think the perportions on this thing are much better than the VF100 toy; not quite as good as the 1/72 model, but then again I won't have to asemble and paint this one. I do think the short landing gear look like crap, but maybe they'll change them in the next 3 months (and I never display these things with gears down anyway's). Only other thing that bugs me is the how the back of the valk curves in gerwalk mode, but hopefully that's a product of loose joints as well.
  8. totaly agree. sudently the DX 1/60 is my favorite of the three again, screwed up hips/legs and all.
  9. so, where can one find one of these experienced model builders who can build and detail one of these up for us mear mortals who lack model building skills?
  10. SV-51's in space? now that would be awsome.
  11. well good thing we don't have to worry about that here in the real world. the zentraedi feet won't be here for another four and a half months.
  12. I what I mean, is that the whole part that connects the crotch to the body is angled out less, so the crotch is lower and the torso is longer. even thought he hips meet the crotch at the same point, it's overall lower. and obvously the legs ar skinnier. maybe even too skinny.
  13. don't be silly, that looks WAY sleaker than bandai's sh*tpile.
  14. oh wow. hah. good one man. I've come to realize that around here, it's not about one brand or another. It’s about hating everything that comes down the pipeline. I can't think of a single thing that's come out in the last few years that hasn't been met with constant complaining right up until production and beyond. Whether the complaints are valid or not, and whether said complaints affect anyone's decision to purchase is completely irrelevant. Even when they give us exactly what we've been clamoring for, we find reason to complain. Sure, a lot of the complaints are valid, and everyone's entitled to their opinion, but you've got to admit it wouldn't be a MW toy thread without half the thread being complaints and negativity. Here at MW, Complaining is our national past time.
  15. you know what, it's the angle the crotch is at, it's more verticle and it makes the legs sit lower.
  16. 7) legs are too fat 8)arms are too long 9)Feet are too big (are we past this one, I forget) 10)hands don't articulate (don't know if this is fact or not) 11)no removable intake covers 12)the intakes on the chest parts are just painted indentations. 13)nose of the plane droops in gerwalk mode 14)the Nose cone looks F***ed up in fighter and gerwalk mode 15)gun pod is too skinny 16)head sits too low in batroid mode. 17)use of diecast in the hips sucks. 18)crotch piece is wrong (forget how, but someone mentioned it) 19)all the hinges are masive and ugly I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head
  17. discontinued on HLJ tends to mean, "we don't have any more, stop ordering"
  18. other than the stand (which so far only two of yamato's valks come with) I don't think the intakes and hands are a big deal. (everyone alway's seems to bitch about the articulated hands anyways) and I never take the intake covers out, so one less part ot fall off/lose.
  19. and that doesn't bother me half as much as how pointlessly pissed off about robotech people still are. also, I think that calling it the SDF-4 Global makes perfect sence. it could be that all Macross class ships wer given SDF-X designations, and the only reason the megaroad was still SDF-2 was because it was originaly going to be a battlefortress thingy and not a colony ship. or maybe the megaroad ships and the regular macross ships shared the same designation system. Or maybe when SK and Co. made FB2012, they had no intention of going back to macross so they didn't care what it was called and named it SDF-2, never realizing that someday a bunch of guy's on a web forum would be debating this.
  20. I would say michels valk is has more in common, considering it's just a new head and a new gunpod. heck, they could just take the existing alto, change the color of the plastic, and throw in an extra multicolor sprue for all the extra parts (wich would be nice since you'd get an extra gunpod). as for luca, they'd need to completely change the backpack and arm in order to make the mounts for the radar dish and fins. also best proof that michel will be after ozma is that on the box cover art, they have ozma then michel then luca flying in the backround in that order.
  21. also helps that it's his site.
  22. how does that work, the resin prototype looks better than the Test shot. arn't these suposed to get BETTER when newer preproduction stuff comes out? also I got to say the fast packs look great.
  23. it should what with the part swaping and the lack of landing gear
  24. the thing is some of us don't have time/skill enought to do the painting. I don't have time to do the work myself and even if I did, it would look still look like poo, (I'm sure I'm not alone in this). Now I supose I could pay someone else to build it for me, but I doubt I could afford that and the money savings thing goes out the window there. I'm telling you 1/32 is the way to go. absolutely massive so they could do all kinds of things. and on a PG kit they can get around needing to paint easily. heck I don't see anything that's stoping them from painting the parts for the valks on the sprues (if they can do it on a $20 Zoids kit, they can do it on a $200+ PG kit) also, I love the VF-25 enought to want an 18inch tall version of it.
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