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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. we'll be seeing the cad's in 8 years, 4 months, 9 days, and 7 hours give or take a fiew minutes.
  2. ohh... that is so cool. they need to make that.
  3. eh? please stay on topic. this thread is about the bandai 1/60 DX VF-25, not gundam [/graham]
  4. There’s almost no chance the hips will be fixed unless they completely redesign the crotch. As it is there's no way for it to be miss transformed. The model has clearly visible swing arms; the DX has pegs that stick strait out form the crotch piece, no way for it to swing. Really? what would those look like, I would love to see those. (were would you get all that VF, by the way)
  5. the alto is a picture of the model, but it's not transfromed right. the legs are sitting too high so it looks shitty like the 1/60, but if you look closely you can see swing arms that can lower the legs, which means it's the model.
  6. Maybe Max and Millia are sucking the youth out of all the other characters , I mean come on Max is in his late fifties in mac7 and he looks like he's under 30.
  7. maybe, it's been so long I can't remember where or when I read that.
  8. what always got me is how if I remember correctly the YF-19 and YF-21 have something like 600 and 800 rounds respectively, and I doubt if it's possible to actually fit that much ammo into either of those gunpods
  9. and another thing, this one outfit weirds me out. it's so low cut, it looks like it's covering nothing, and she just doesn't have any nipples.
  10. the whole holographic outfit thing is a little confusing, it's clearly shown that's what it was in the first episode. but during the second concert the goes off stage for a costume change. and in the final couple episodes, well that's all kind of confusing when you think about it.
  11. wow, they're actually charging $100 for something that dinky? sad.
  12. I would say the 58mm round would most likely look something like the 50x330mm round shown. I however have always been of the opinion that both the boar diameters and the ammo loads given for gunpods are completely ridiculous. For some perspective a M224 mortar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M224_Mortar is 60mm. I just can't see how the gunpods shown would have nearly enough room to accommodate the massive quantities of large shells needed for the type of sustained fire they show.
  13. is there ANY reason to believe this? totaly missed this first run, so i'll need to get a least 2 alto's next time around. so do we know when/if we'll be getting anything besides ozma? (spacificaly michel and fast packs)
  14. Is that an F-18 with reaction missiles in the background?
  15. Personally I like the overdone shading. I know it’s not realistic, but frankly it looks cool and breaks up what would otherwise be a sea of grey. I’ve always felt that what is visually appealing is better than what’s accurate, and to me the high contrast looks better (just my take on it) Anyways, the VF-25 doesn’t have any panel shading so it’s not a big deal. And the comparison is more to do with the level of quality and detail that went into the star trek kits, if they did equally good work painting a VF-25 it would be awesome. And as I’ve said in the past, I’ve had plenty of experience with both decals and stickers (I used to build a lot of models, but I finally had to give it up due to lack of time the excessive stress it caused) and I find decals to be frustrating and stickers to be flat out unattractive. Also I’d like to be able to transform the thing without having to worry about chipping or flaking. (Speaking of chipping and flaking, what would be less likely to do so, clear coated decals, or paint over raw plastic?)
  16. whatever they charge, totaly worth it if they're as good looking as the Star trek kits
  17. yep, other than the head, the galaxy looks the same as the Frontier only purple.
  18. if they were so kind they'd sell a pre-painted version
  19. Oh boy, stickers! I love applying dozens of large stickers, it’s so much fun!! And one they're on, they'll never peel, or yellow, or fall off, or not lay flat, or not look like ass when laid down. [/sarcasm]
  20. too bad that when you get the model, instead of getting something like this: you get this: Maybe that's not a problem for you, but I don't have the time, resources, skill, patience, workspace, or anything else necessary to make the latter into the former myself. And if by some miraculous happenstance, I end up with the former, I'm still not able to play with it.
  21. so is this how you justify bringing a second woman into the relationship? First, I think saying monogamy is based on evil is really pushing it. Monogamy is based around the preservation of genetic lineage. But we’re not talking about monogamy, were talking about who they love vs. who they care about. Saying "I'm not going to make a decision because I love both of you." is frankly cheap, and show's a complete lack of emotional maturity. Also, saying "I care about both of you, but I don't love either of you," is utterly idiotic after everything that's happened. It’s a flat out cop out. As for the episode. Holly crap. For me the viewing experience was something like: "ZOMG! ZOMG! ZOMG!... WTFHAX?!?" The battle as a whole was utterly amazing to watch. And I actually feel that the episode resolves a lot of things rather nicely. I feel like I got satisfactory answers to what's the deal with the vajra, what's going on with grace and galaxy, the protoculture connection and the Mac0 connection. Then it got to the very end... I'd still like to know a bit more about what was going on 11 years prior and how things went from there to where things were at the beginning of the show, but I can live without knowing. Frankly though I'm PO'd that not only did they not resolve the triangle, they all but said there not even close to a resolution. I honestly felt like I had been utterly trolled by SK. I'd have been fine with it going either way at this point, I just would like a resolution. I'm still pulling for Sheryl in the movie though... (and what the hell was with the Minmei picture in the ring?)
  22. but it helps when you have two necks and three sets of sholders.
  23. schizophrenicMC, just a heads up, no pictures allowed in sigs.
  24. Just wanted to bring this up again, do we know anything about stands for this thing? as anything been said as to weither this will come with it's own stand, work with the bandai action bases, or will we have to get our own stands?
  25. yeah. but they're not, because they hate us.
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