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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. other than the fact that it's never shown to be capable of mounting a pylon in the show, no. that would probably look cool, and it's you're model, that one's a hasegawa non-transforming model. when Hase did the reaction missiles for the kit (and the extra weapon sets) they gave each missile it's own pylon. the hase kits, while awesome looking, aren't exactly anime accurate. the take a lot of liberty in terms of proportions and details.
  2. maybe I'm just unlucky, but the metal nose doors on all my 1/48's have become floppy and tend to fall open whenever the thing gets moved, and on several I've had the doors on the back legs refuse to stay closed. (those were the one's had to modify) as for the 21, the doors stay closed fine, but they flop around like crazy when they're open. and the lack of a lock on the rear gears annoys me endlessly (they've spontaneously collapsed while sitting on my desk a couple of times)
  3. who needs hinges that can actually hold the doors shut (not any of the 1/48's I own, aparently); or keep them from flopping around once they're open (*cough* YF21 *cough*) it's all about anime accuracy, if the person who buy's it has to fabricate locking mechanisms out of styrene and superglue to keep the doors closed in fighter mode, that's their problem.
  4. looks good, how did you do the rivets? p.s. you forgot to close the thighs back up in batroid mode.
  5. maybe because Yamato bay door hinges tend to suck.
  6. the gullet on this thing isn't half as bad as that vomit inducing thing on the YF-19. the sculpt of the 25 is overall about as shitty as the YF-19 (and I didn't buy that one as a result, though I never liked the 19 as much as I do the 25)
  7. I noticed the same thing, though I hate the S head in the anime, I think the toy/models looks even worse. by the way, I'm probably the only person who feels this way but I think the 25 looks way better without the fast packs.
  8. I think the things that look like hard points on the wing gloves are part of how the fast pack boosters connect to the valk and the 3 hard points are on the animation model. though the inner most is partially covered by the fast pack boosters
  9. god damnit, I finally get an order in for the 1/72 model, and this turns up. oh well, I'll probably just get 1 alto so I've got something I can actually play with, or maybe the Ozma since I don't plan on getting a model of his. it looks decent. no great, but not transformers level awful like before. I think I'm only going to buy if it's got a ton of tempo printing and doesn't require applying any stickers.
  10. and double it for michel... OH GOD WHY!!! ;_;
  11. foreign language, have you considered it? quick run though google language tools... frontia=frontier in Norwegian and Swedish. there ARE fan's in non-english speaking countries. edit: F*** YOU GOOGLE AND YOUR CRAPPY TRANSLATOR!
  12. ok, time for pics. I don't know if any of these have been posted already, and frankly I don't care. they're new to me and they have put me in a good mood ergo I shall post them. besides everyone loves mecha shojo this one's just cute I find this one funny as hell, and yet very disturbing... and yet slightly erotic... wait, oh god... AGGHH... also, I find the lack of Nene and flight suit Grace disturbing. something must be done about this.
  13. funny, I feel the same way but come to an oposite conclusion. I can put up with a douchebag character, but I can't sit though 40-something episodes of a hippy with a hard-on for his guitar flying a red mecha. but back to MacII, I always felt the Macross and Macross cannons were the only good ship designs in the show. everything else was mediocre at best, but I always loved the Mac Cannon, it was pointless and yet beautiful at the same time. and as for the SDF-1, they turned the whole damn thing into 1 big gun. if SK ever actually worked something from macII into official cannon, I want it to be that.
  14. once you have it happen to you, you'll understand.
  15. *cough* SV-51 *cough*
  16. macII for no other reason than it's less content to suffer through. in all seriousness though I thought macII was good; not great but good. I've always felt the story and character designs were great and for the first half at least the animation quality was quite good. admittedly I was never able to justify how MacII could fit into the rest of the macross world, but that never really bothered me. I just looked at it as it's own thing and accepted it for what it was. Now what really drags it down for me is the pour quality in the last episode, coupled with the IMO poor mecha design. the whole last episode looks and feels rushed, the animation quality takes a nosedive and the story starts going by way to fast. II would really have benefited from a better budget at the end and one more episode. as for the mecha design, the only mech that actually apealled to me was the VF-2SS in batroid mode. the enemy mecha felt lumpy and uninspired, and the rest of the spacy mechs flat out look like ass. (I absolutely hate the metal siren, and all the fighter modes look like afterthoughts) as for Mac7 I never really got into it; not to say the story was bad, just not what I'm into. I can accept the whole spirita thing, but having a J-pop band saving the day in ridicules clown mechs piloted using Rock band controllers is a bit to much for me. on top of that, the quality of the mecha combat was lacking (and that's one of the biggest draws for me) and I think Mac7 is a low point in SK's design carrier. now with Mac0, I liked it better than II mostly because the production quality and the mecha design was better. however I still don't rate Mac0 very high just because of the ending. It was rushed, confusing, and even after seeing Frontier It still makes no seance.
  17. more like a case of square peg in an unequal polygonal hole. if you try hard enough you could dock anything to a macross city/island section, you'd just need to build an adapter section with one end that's shaped like an NMC's feet that fits into the docking section, and at the other end a hole the shape of what ever you're trying to connect to it. now here's an interesting question: even though they're both NMC's the feet/rear end of the Frontier/galaxy appear to be different from the feet/back end of the Mac7. could battle frontier dock with an older city section like city 7, or the Mac7 dock with Island 1?
  18. not to hijack this thread or anything but my compressor is crapping out on me and I'm wondering what would make a good replacement. I was looking at something like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=220289194698 it's not too big, and it's got a built in tank. seems a bit expensive though.
  19. ok, that's a new one. can we see this?
  20. jamming/disrupting their radar and/or IR sensors; disrupting the signal between the ghost and whatever's commanding them (i.e. Luca's valk); etc. etc.
  21. that's new, when did they start showing that? (so want that too)
  22. you need a "v.2 Q-Rau" option. really that's all I want, a Q-Rau with articulation and quality on par with the newest stuff, and a fully articulated pilot. also a scout regult would be nice too.
  23. currently they're scheduled for release this December. originally it was supposed to be out in November but it got pushed back, and there's no guaranty that it will be out by December.
  24. I had to vote for the mac+ triangle. it actually was a triangle (unlike in 7) that felt believable (unlike 0). and in plus, the triangle is an integral part of the story, (in SDF:M, I always felt that triangle was just sort of there) and while I actually like Alto/Sheryl/Ranka more as characters, the fact they've dragged out their relationship without anything close to resolution just kills it for me.
  25. so, has there been any word as to when the alto version will be available again? I need to get a couple of these... badly, but I live in the states so online's my only option in terms of ordering.
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