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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. proper English syntax, it would do you a world of good. not after episode 22 he wasn't.
  2. the actual sensor portion of the radar is on a gimble in the VF-1, so it's possible that it get's pivited upward so that it points forward in batroid mode on later valks, the radar is either not shown or isn't shown with enough detail to determine if it can or can't angle that much, but it's possible that most of them do that. as for the SV-51, maybe it does have radar in the head (which is why the head is pointy). since the top of the head points backward in fighter mode it has forward and backwards radar coverage. and when the things in battroid mode, the nose radar points backwards covering the back
  3. this is yamato were talking about, when has cheap and yamato EVER gone together.
  4. when will yamato get the frontier license? NEVER it's not gonna happen people. if I'm still on this board (or if this board is even up and running) when yamato comes out with a VF-25, I'll personally buy one for every person on here that wants one.
  5. another question. I plan on painting one of these in a modified scheme (changing the colors of the stripes) and I'm trying to figure out the best way to mask for paint. anyone have any good ideas as to how to go about recreating the shape of the various stripes? (I was thinking maybe using the sticker sheet as a template or something. not sure though.
  6. ANNNYYYWWWAAYYS back to the toy! has anyone ever noticed that the thing is covered in big holes? I assume they're for the fast packs. speaking of fast packs, have we actualy seen anything new about them since the super old resin prototype shots?
  7. thus proving that HFH designs are superior to MacII mecha designs. edit: isn't he able to transform the thing with a missing leg? and lets not forget in SDF:M when Hikaru goes to rescue Misa at the grand cannon, after losing both arms on his VF-1, he transforms to fighter mode, re-enters earths atmosphere then transforms to Gerwalk mode.
  8. and yet, the BSG is relatively small ship within the realm of Scifi space ships. (seriously, some of the star destroyers in SW look like they should collapse down into spears do to their own gravity)
  9. well technically the VF-1's legs are never actually detached from the mech. the part that connects the the top of the leg to under the chest plate swings the legs down at which point the legs connect to the nose cone. once the legs connect to the nose, the other part retracts. so it's always connected
  10. like I said, only some of the part will be painted, I plan to do a heavy wash and light clear coat only on the inner parts, and I'll sand down any clear coat that ends up on parts that rub against other parts. some parts need to be painted though, like the head laser, (and the feet IMO, the brown looks like ass)
  11. most people have been sticking with the bear plastic, but using a clear coat to protect the decals+panel lines. on mine I plan on leaving the white parts unpainted, painting the feet+some mechanical parts, and a few other things. then doing decals/gloss clear/wash/satin clear
  12. let me guess, you tried to move the decal after you used the decal softener? decal softener's basically melts the decal, that's how it works and what it's supposed to do, but it makes the decals fragile as hell when they're drying. one thing to note, when you put a decal down and apply the softener the decal may start to wrinkle or pucker, DO NOT TOUCH THE DECAL. it's perfectly normal for the decal to do this, and 95% of the time it will settle out once it dries. if you touch it now, the decal will rip
  13. I was going to vote for Alto, but decided to go with Sheryl, (hopes and dreams and what not) It would be nice if we had a favorite male + favorite female characters. of the men in the show, my top 5 are close, Alto Michel Wilder Bobby Brera and as for the girls Sheryl Klan Nene Alto Grace (and if you're wondering, Ozma's almost at the bottom of my list. he beats out luca but so did Elmo, Diamond squadron leader, and leon )
  14. couldn't agree more. as of yet, we have absolutely now evidence (other than the leg gap) that the toy has any actual design or manufacturing flaws. everything else are design decisions on bandai's part. its their product and if they want to make it chunkier they can; some of us might not like it, but were not making the thing and we aren't required to buy it. if you don't like where they're going with the toy that's fine, but saying that the bandai doesn't care about the quality of it's products or isn't putting in the effort is frankly unfair. it's like saying Pollock or Rothko are lazy or inferior painters because they chose not to paint people or landscapes.
  15. maybe the Japanese fans actually want a chunkier looking mech. obviously for the most part we here want a anime accurate toy, but since the people on this site are predominantly from area's where Bandai can't officially sell these anyway it would make sence that they aren't too focused on what we want since we're not the primary market for these.
  16. he's funny, yet I still want to beat him to death with an Xbox controller every time I hear him talk, even if I agree with him.
  17. which is code for "as long as they pay me, I don't give a crap about what they do anymore"
  18. maybe those little Baskin-Robbins sample spoons will work.
  19. I don't know why the legs AERN'T above the shield already. they look like they should be able to go up further, but they don't.
  20. what makes you think that? I can't imagine it being possible for a ship the size of the galaxy to be operated by just Grace Co. via remote control. there's got to be some form of crew that's either loyal to grace or running in slave mode that operates the ship. and subseqently were all killed when the big mac and quarter pounder blew it up. I was thinking turkey baster, shoe string, and a the cardboard tube from a role of toilet paper
  21. somehow, it's funnier in G.I. Joe, maybe it's the mustache http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KXCD5BQiM4
  22. oh my god, that's so cute!
  23. I think we should stick to stuff that's actually part of macross, lest things get violent (again)
  24. how thick is X-21? I normally use droppers to measure out paint/thinner. is it too thick to draw up in one? also, I've read that for a satin finish it's 15-20 parts future to 1 part X-21 depending on how dull you want it.
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