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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. except for at the time the 1/60 valks came out, they WERE the best VF-1's available at the time, they were more detailed, more posable and better portioned than anything else out there. the problem with the DX is that other companies have done valks that look better and are more accurate to the show depiction than this thing. and bandai has already released a VF-25 that looks more correct than the DX in the form of the 1/72 model.
  2. VF-0 varients: 0A - standard variant, 1 head laser, swing wings, single seat 0B - test/trainer variant, 1 head laser, swing wings, two seats 0C - special variant, 1 head laser, delta wings, single seat D - special variant, 1 head laser, delta wings, two seats S - comander variant, 2 head laser, swing wings, 1 seat B and C are only seen as hase model kits. VF-1 varients: 1A - standard/cannon fodder varient, 1 head laser,, single seat 1B - upgraded 1A, (improved avionics+ 1S head) 1D - 2 head laser, two seats 1J - flight lead variant, 2 head lasers, single seat 1S - squadron lead, variant 4 head lasers, single seat 1X - modernized VF-1 (looks like a 1A) VT-1 - dedicated trainer, no head lasers, two seats VE-1 - reconnaissance/AWAC variant, no head lasers, two seats VEFR-1 - electronic warfare variant, no head lasers, two seats VF-1 wins 9 to 5
  3. except that the BDI and the BCS on the 21 doesn't require a neural implant. you put the helmet on and it worked. anyone can put the helmet on and use it. off hand I can't think of any examples of actual implants or human modification in plus, just development in terms of AI. and I'm not saying that they are using the same spacific system on the 21, I'm saying they're using the same type of system. I'm using BDI and BCS as generic terms the same as you would us fly-by-wire or radar. well based on the visible panel lines on the YF-24 it would apear to transform in overall the same way as the 25 and 27 (which would make sence since they are both based off the 24) except they do still the cockpit and forward fuselage point up and the nose pivots the same direction, it just rotates further. not really, the whole oriantation of the cockpit part is different. the SV-51 has the cockpit pointing down at about a 45 degree angle. with the uper torso siting above the cockpit. the 25/27 has the cockpit going strait up with the torso sitting on the nose like the 19. as for the wings, even though the SV-51 ends up with them in the same place they don't get there the same way. on the 51 the two wings are completely separate, and connect to the mech at either shoulder mount via the wing roots. on the 25/27 the wings connect to the backpack which in tern connects to the torso. and one thing no one ever mentions is the arms. on the 25/27 the arms fold behind the uper torso and lay side by side between the legs with the shield filling in the back of the fuselage between the legs just like on the YF-19. On the sv-51 the arms lay on either side of the mech along the engines with the tail planes sticking off the forearms sort of like on the YF-21. here's a picture to explain what I'm trying to say. and heres a highlighted pick to show exactly where all the parts are going.
  4. the reaction missiles were attached to the fastpacks when the mech is wearing the armor packs, but in ep. 16 you see Alto, Michel, and Luca using super packs with a reaction missile on each wing. as for saying that the 25 uses micro missiles internally like the YF-21, the problem is that on the YF-21 it is clearly shown exactly were on the mech the missiles fire from (those black diamonds on the back). On the 25, there isn't even a place were the missiles could possibly come out let alone be stored.
  5. I know it's been stated somewhere that the VF-25 has at least 2 external hard points on each wing, and if you look at both the animation model and the bandai kit, you'll notice that it has what looks like 3 hard points on each wing plus what apear to be hard points on each wing glove. it's been known pretty much from the beginning of the series that the VF-25 was designed by SK to be a departure form real world fighter design, particularly passive stealth features (like internal weapon stores). also its a fact that SK designed the VF-25 with the intention that it have super/armor packs attached 90% of the time. so as you said, the large missile load the packs offer negates the need to have internal weapon stores. not to mention SK wanted the VF-25 to be very skinny (since it would be using super/armor parts so often) so it would make seance that in order to accomplish that he made the continuous decision to not give it internal missiles, therefore eliminating the cavernous bays needed to store them. as for wear the missiles come from when the VF-25 is launching them without fast packs; It's possible that it's supposed to be carrying missiles in either pods full of mini missiles or in groups of 3 medium range missiles like the VF-1 used to (the VF-171's are shown with this set up. it would make seance that the VF-25 could too) and the lack of stuff on the wings is an animation error. well, since the missiles launch from the 4 little back diamonds on the back, I would assume that the missiles are stored in thin bays are only 1 missile deep and spread across the back of the fighter fuselage.
  6. DOT 2 used to be standard for drum breaks, it's not any more and they don't sell it. but some people might still have some sitting in their garage.
  7. I wouldn't say that cybernetic implants are becoming common place. Just because galaxy had lots of them doesn't mean everyone else is doing it. Galaxy is supposed to be a corporate sponsored fleet that's on the bleeding edge of technology, acting like an R&D think tank for it's corporate backers. if anything the way things are on frontier (where cybernetics are banned) is more likely to be the norm. also we have know idea where sheryl was born; her grandmother Mao was on the 117th, but her mother wasn't necessarily there as well (though I have a feeling she was at least on that fleet at one time.) in any event she spent most of here life on Galaxy, though she explisitly states (I think in Star date) that she has no modifications or implants. as for whether or not what what they use can be considered BCS; I think it is to the extent that it's a brain control system. he controls the operation of the fighter with his thoughts. the difference being instead of useing a special hemet that picks up his thoughts then transmits them over wires into the aircraft (like on the YF-21) he has implants in his skull that pick up on brain activity (replacing the helmet itself) and send his thoughts to a wireless modem in his body that transmits to the aircraft (the same wireless modem is what lets him communicate with grace in cyberspace.) once again the VF-27/VF-25/YF-24 DO NOT transform like the SV-51. if anything it transforms like the YF-19. the only real similarity in terms of actual transformation is that both planes have the nose cone fold under into the front gear bays. everything else is purely cosmetic. the feet, the Forward swept canards, the purple color and the way the wings appear to lay in battroid mode are the only real similarities, and it's not like the VF-27 and the SV-51 are the only things that have those. (well the purple color maybe.) and the wings aren't really all that similar. they don't actually fold the same way, and they have completely different shapes. i think it's mostly the engines pods in the wings of the 27 which look the the boosters on the SV-51 that most people are drawing the similarities from.
  8. where would you need to put magnets to actually hold the legs up?
  9. in the real world the designation suffix "kai" means "extra" or "augmented" (i.e. VF-4EJ Kai) maybe the VF-171EX is actually "Nightmare+ kai"?!?
  10. I use brake fluid (and I've had to strip paint A LOT). word of warning though. only use DOT3 or DOT4 brake fluid. DOT3 tends to work faster, but I've heard cases of it softening plastic (hasn't happened to me yet, and i only use DOT3 now). DO NOT USE DOT2, IT WILL MELT THE PLASTIC. I know DOT2 is quite rare nowadays anyway, but don't use it. also, I've heard that DOT5 does not work because it's silicon based (never bothered to try, so I don't know) DOT5.1 however is polyethylene glycol based like DOT3 and 4 so it might work, though I've never tried it. edit: as AcroRay said, colors like red and blue (especially red) stain plastic, which sucks, but on the bright side it doesn't have any negative effect on paint adhesion also, I personally stay away from oven cleaner. lots of people use it, but it can be kind of doggy (what brand you use makes all the difference, and even then it can be hit or miss) windex works but only on acrylic (any ammonia based product will work actually). if it might have enamel paint on it, just go with break fluid.
  11. I loved the gimmicky credit card thing, I got one with my PG GP01/fb. the Engrish on that thing was so funny.
  12. seconded. though if you took the boosters, painted them normal colors, and replaced the speakers with an sh*t load of missiles they'd make cool fast packs. also: Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes They say Spain is pretty though I've never been Well Daniel says it's the best place that he's ever seen Oh and he should know, he's been there enough Lord I miss Daniel, oh I miss him so much Daniel my brother you are older than me Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal Your eyes have died but you see more than I Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes Oh God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes
  13. you're right, they could have done better, but they didn't. and you know why? because they hate you. they knew it would piss you off and they like seeing you all angry. because of you everyone else in the world gets a crappier toy, I hope you're happy now.
  14. the do look fat, but when you look at the toy and the official images side by side, the toy isn't really any fatter than the animation. it just has fat arms.
  15. voted defender because it's the most logical (it's got the same legs as the defender/tomahawk). what I really want is a VF-0D with non-exploding shoulder.
  16. well, the shots of the cockpit with the holographic image are so short that we can't say for sure if he's actually manipulating the controls. then again, when grace if flying a 27, she's shown standing there in her normal clothing, in a sort of cyber space world thingy. so who knows.
  17. I really think it's just a coincidence. not every little similarity between one show and another is a direct homage or reference to the earlier show, especially not MacII.
  18. the thing is ranka never actualy PILOTS the 27, just sits in it. I'm inclined to believe that the 27 uses a form of BCS like on the YF-21, only working directly off cybernetic implants rather than through the helmet. but rather than using a BDI, they went with holographic projection (the BDI was the part that produced all the nasty side effects)
  19. exactly, dipping clear parts is a little tricky but works fine. another way to go (at least for lenses, might not work for the canopy) is to do VERY light coats of colored clear with an airbursh, slowly building it up. (I've done this before on model car tail lights, it takes maybe a dozen ultra thin coats, and will take forever. it does work, but I don't really recommend it.) as painting the feet and gunpod: clear brown over an aclad paint probably would come out glossy, but you should be able to just do another layer of un-tinted satin clear over that. now for the gunpod, I would think just painting it with a semi-gloss mix of the color you want would be fine (I don't think the gunpod is supposed to be metallic)
  20. at what point did the vajra transform? I rewatched that episode and I don't see anything that isn't done in every other episode that vajra show up in. and there's still a possibility that the vajra model will come out. (they're probably just waiting until after the rest of the VF-25's are out.)
  21. the VF-25 should be about the same size as the YF-21, and the YF-21 cost about twice as much as the VF-25 should. the VF-1 is tiny compared to both. hence why the VF-1 is cheaper
  22. depends really, if you're planing on doing gundam marker+no clear coat, then do it absolutely last and don't handle it to much. if you plan to clear coat to seal everything in I personaly like to cut the parts off assemble some of them but not all of them then paint. painting it's really the only option. I like to do clear parts like this. mix tamiya clear colored paint with future in a little cup, and dip the part. then once it's dry, paint the back of the part with a silver/metalic paint. the internet is your friend, if you can't find something good locally, just by it online. now that would be too easy (for you) and to much work (for me)
  23. if you actually want to paint it, you'll need thin strips of masking tape, tweezers, and a lot of time and patience. alternatively you can just do a wash on those parts.
  24. hmm. do post pics of how it turns out. I was planing on painting the feet using Brass metalizer with just a hint of burnt steel to darken it up. frankly I think the feet are too brown on the kit, they should be more of a golden color.
  25. last I checked, Bandai STILL has the license for MacII and Mac7. (macII toy's are coming in the VF100 line by the way).
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