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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. damn you, I wanted to be the first to bitch about how much it sucks. oh well, it still sucks and looks like crap and Yamato could have done a way better job on this. I'm voting with my wallet and canceling my pre-order for this.
  2. (not mine, just found it)
  3. well, I was thinking about forgoing anime accuracy and just giving the canopy a blue overall tint.
  4. unfortunately you won't be able to find red 3 anywhere or in any quantity, red 3 was the one they banned some time ago because of the possibility that it caused cancer. buy the way, did at any point you consider/try just using tamiya clear red and clear blue (and maybe some regular gloss clear mixed in?) I'm thinking about using something of that nature, though I have no idea if it would work.
  5. I like the less skinny toy head better. I'm so pissed about this toy I canceled my pre-order before I even considered placing a pre-order for it in the first place. instead I'm taking the money I wouldn't have spent on this toy that I wasn't going to by and spent it on a couple of explicit 1/6th scale figures instead. you know if bandai really wanted to make these appealing, they'd give it a set of squishy mech-boobs. I'm pritty sleep deprived right now...
  6. Office space, greatest work movie ever. the horse is shooped in, originally they were beating a fax machine.
  7. by the way... BEST. THREAD. EVER.
  8. have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, some people don't care if it looks EXACTLY like how it does in the show? or that some people would prefer that it to be a bit bulkier than it was rendered in the anime? or that someone who's never seen the show would see this in a store and think"hey, this looks cool!" it looks enough like what's in the show to be recognizable, and for some people that's fine. bandai is selling these to the people who fall under these aforementioned conditions. if you're not one of them, then this isn't the toy for you, buy the model kit, or the 1/100th, or just move on and wait for something better.
  9. I think I found the secret 5th mode to the YF-21... Pyramid Head mode
  10. david, I hope you're documenting what you're doing with your kit because really like to know how you ended up building your kit (for future reference)
  11. I've been wondering, at the end of episode 25 when alto was carrying both his gunpod and Michel's sniper rifle, how was he able to carry it while transforming?
  12. you mean the one's that come from the factory "Chrome" plated? I have no idea about panel lining them, as I've never tried that. regular paint does not adhere well to it and most modeling cement will damage the finish and not adhere well to it, and paint thinner will usually damage it. the best advice I can give you is to strip the stuff off and paint the kit. usually when I have kit's like that I strip the finish off then paint the kit with chrome paint. it's actually quite easy to strip crome, just get a couple cans of coke, poor them into a tub or bucket. then drop the parts in and let them soak for a couple days.
  13. maybe, but then again ugly is subjective, broke is well... broken. anyways I've had only a handful of yamato's, and of those I've had 3 with issues. first was my 1/72 VF-19A. It came out of the box a floppy mess, about half the paint on the legs and torso eventually chipped off, and then the right elbow joint go so weak that the forearm now falls off. my 1/60 v1 VF-1J miria had the nose gear wheels snap off (it was just sitting there, and they broke) then the backpack snapped off. and finally on my stealth VF-1J the air-break, flaps, and the rear landing bay doors were all floppy.
  14. payment for mine with HLJ finally went through. hopefully these will get here faster than the action bases I ordered did. sorry to hear about the canopy troubles David. when you do get it finished, please be sure to post what you did.
  15. from all the pictures they've shown, and considering base kit doesn't appear to have any accommodation for mounting the fast packs. (look at the DX, there are clearly holes and slots on various parts in order to accommodate fast packs.) the Super version will probably require a good deal of the parts be replaced. (it should still transform the same way, but it will be super only)
  16. if someone complained to him about it having 6 fingers and he went back and changed it it would destroy any and all integrity he has as an artist. nothing in a painting is ever a "flaw," it's artistic vision. it's what the artist want's to portray and if the viewer doesn't like it they can go ahead and shove it. (this of course is not a painting, it's a toy; a product who's purpose is to get people to buy it which is basically the opposite of what a painting is meant to do so the painting analogue doesn't even apply anyways)
  17. you know, we also need to take into account that there are at 2 very different version of the VF-14. there's the finalized official VF-14 from the M3 video game, and then there is the the rough sketch VF-14 from Macross 7 which the Fz-109 is based off of, and may in fact actually be the VA-14. and there might be major differences in performance between the VF and VA versions.
  18. well, Fz-109 is supposed to be heavily modified, and upgraded with the Varauta's own tech, so the performance of the Fz-109 is more than likely going to be drastically better than that of the VF-14.
  19. you're entitled to you're own opinion, and I have no problem with that, but if I hear the word "A-game" thrown around here one more time I'm going to throw a F*cking chair out a window.
  20. the Fz-109 was based on the VF-14, but it's not really a variant. and a NUNS fleet isn't going to have any of them since they were developed by the Varauta after the protodeviln had taken over. I guess VF-17's would be plausible, though I'm more inclined to believe that Galaxy feet's air wing is composed entirely of VF-27's and V-9's
  21. really? wasn't the VF-14 out of service by Mac7? I can see the VA-3, and maybe the VF-171 instead of the regular 17, but the VF-9 and VF-14 seem a bit dated.
  22. I'm surprised the kit doesn't come with the the pegs on the engine to begin with, seems like a simple and rather obvious thing to do now that we've seen it.
  23. 1/48's for me. I honestly like the sculpt of the 1/48 better, wide chest and all. there are a few little details that I like on the 1/60 (proper foot detail, engraved intake cover detail) but overall, it just doesn't look as good. but mostly I like the 1/48 because it's 1/48 scale.I like building 1/48th scale military jet's and it's cool to display my VF-1's with them. 1/60's just such an odd scale. other than the couple of valks I have in that scale the only other thing I own that size is a PG gundam. everything else is 1/48, 1/72, 1/100, or 1/144.
  24. it's possible to do a lot of things on a customized model. doing the same thing in a way that is conducive to mass production while being economical enough to keep prices from being absolutely astronomical is another thing entirely.
  25. I still can't make out what the sign says...
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