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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. bandai could do it if they wanted to put the extra effort in, but they don't. and even if for some reason bandai couldn't do double printing well. they could at least give us a second set of stripes in all white to layer under the color decals.
  2. as far as one can tell form the animation, no. in fighter mode, thrust is controlled by the throttle (on the pilots left). the foot pedals don't apear to move in fighter mode, and the main reason they function as throttles in batroid mode is because the conventional throttle probably changes function after transformation the English language definition of orbit is to circle around something. so just being in the air still doesn't put the plane "in orbit" by your choice of definition, because the plane isn't revolving around anything. and since were talking about aerospace vehicles here, we're clearly going to be talking about planetary orbit. planetary orbit is defined as revolving around a planetary body with sufficient velocity such that the vehicle in question falls around the planetary body, rather than into it. also reaching planetary orbit requires an acceleration of between 8km/s and 14km/s. Any slower and you'll eventually drop back down to earth, any faster and you'll actually escape earths gravity entirely and you'll fly away into space.
  3. the face and hair look really good. I wouldn't say they look all that much like sheryl, but it does look good. this is the part that kills me, and that's the price, FOR JUST THE HEAD! I never understood the appeal of dolls like these. I mean For 1/4 the price I could get a 1/6th scale PVC figure that actually looks the way the character does in the animation, and it doesn't have all the ugly joints.
  4. the ghosts as a web only exlusive would kind of suck, the Ranka+speakers not so much. (some of you may love the idea but personally I think it's a wast of paint and plastic) I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but I'd actually like it if they sold the RVF-25 in 3 versions. a set with the valk+super armor, a set with the valk, 3 ghosts and no armor for the same price. and then a more expensive set with everything. I'm not all that impressed with the armor on the RVF-25, and I'd rather just get the valk and the ghosts without having to spend the extra money. (all this of course would be if I was actually getting any of these)
  5. no, I knew who you're quoting, and the pic I posted is something I got off /k/ that's regularly posted as a response to said quote. so it's not an insult it's more like responding to one (perceived) joke with another. I think it's pritty clear form the animation how the pedals are set up. only partially, the foot pedals do control pitch/role (through TVC only) but they do not as you suggested control pitch/role AND yaw at the same time. also the pedals are NOT shown to have 2 control axes on shins valk, the foot pedals are on a bar connected to the seat, but that is so the foot pedals move with the seat during transformation. we have no indication that they move out at all in fighter mode. and both foot pedals are linked together, meaning that they can't be pushed forwards or back independently of each other. Only Roy's 0S is shown to have the pedals capable of moving in and out independent of each other and in that case, they are being used as throttles in batroid mode. (It's possible that since the S model is meant to be higher performance and used by more experienced pilots, it's only on the S model that manual independent control of thrust from each leg is enabled, on the standard A models, you only have overall thrust control, and the flight computer controls specific thrust for balance.) from what's shown in the show, the most reasonable conclusion is that TVC maneuvering is controlled through the foot pedals and aerodynamic maneuvering is done through the stick. also, I don't see how putting yaw AND TVC control both on the foot pedal simplifies anything. the idea that separating the TVC control form the aerodynamic surface controls will be able to limit the maneuverability of the aircraft until absolutely necessary is dubious at best, and it would be much simpler and more practical to simply program limiters into the flight computer (writing a little bit of new coding is a lot easier than essentially reinventing the wheel) the only real benefit of having TVC separate from aerodynamic control is so that the pilot has greater Fine control over the maneuvering of the aircraft, allowing said pilot to perform maneuvers that wouldn't be possible in a conventional plane. now this is great for an experienced pilot, but rather than simplifying things for a rookie it would actually have the opposite effect. the rookie pilot is now burdened by multitasking even more because he has to remember to use two sets of controls in unison in order to perform even basic maneuvers effectively, and he won't be benefiting from that fine control because he probably lacks the skill necessary to execute what are probably very complex and taxing maneuvers. I don't recal it ever being stated that the YF/VF-19's were designed to be passively stealthy. only the YF-21 and VF-17 are designed with passive stealth in mind. also the need for internal weapons bays to maintain stealth is negated by the fact that the YF-21 (and presumably the YF-19) had active stealth systems which can mask any non-stealthy features. extra stealth may be a side benifit of internal bay's but I still feel that the main reason is to streamline the valk for transformation purposes. as I said before, the 0A's foot pedals are permanently connected together by a solid metal bar. they have no way of separating as shown in the animation. the only conclusion is that A) one of them is an animation error, it should be one or the other, and we won't be able to reach a satisfactory conclusion until this is remedied with HFH approved cockpit diagram/line art. Or B) as I stated earlier in this post, the pedal's can be pushed in and out in batroid mode to control thrust. and on standard valks (like the 0A) the throttles are linked and the pilot only has control over overall thrust, but on the 0S (which is reserved for more experienced pilots only) the throttles are seperated so the pilot can control exactly how much thrust each engine puts out.
  6. lets see, when I got my first 1/48 it was a VF-1J stealth, and when it arrived I felt like I was 10 years old and it was Christmas and I had just gotten the Red Rider carbine action range model air rifle I wanted so bad but everyone said I would shoot my eye out (I hope some of you get this reference) then I felt pain, as in my over eagerness to get it out of the shipping box, I accidentaly cut myself with my own pocket knife. then I got it out of the box and I felt Joy and Love
  7. maybe it's because it's 3AM, but I couldn't even tell it was a shoop. I'm not nearly good enough at building models to feel comfortable building for others. but I would totally buy a set of decals like that if anyone was willing to make them.
  8. I will never understand why the video is so damn popular, and why people find it funny. I DON'T GET IT, WHY!!!! [cries uncontrollably] (it's 2AM and I'm in the middle of writing a paper. I'm a little unhinged right now)
  9. daflip702, just a heads up, were not allowed to have pics in our sigs around here. that said... OH MY GOD I WANT ONE TO!!! does anyone on here still make custom decals?
  10. still, I think it would have looked better if they wings swong in closer together. no mater what you do it wont be perfect, but I think it would have looked better if they had them come all the way together so that the wings didn't had down so much, and showed less from the front.
  11. well now we know. (I'd just like to say I was right)
  12. this is the tightest i can get these parts, It's not bad, but it's a little annoying. and I know there's nothing that can be done about this, but I still wish there wasn't such a big hole where the arms are.
  13. you would think that, but I guess valks are more dissimilar to real aircraft then we original thought. than you yes they do, also have something called "overboost". afterburners on valks produce 120% power, and overboost produces 200% power yeah, internal bays can pose problems, but then again having the plane fold in half on purpose can also leave room for problems so it's kind of par for the coarse. and there are practical reasons for having internal bays on valks. first there's the obvious stealth and drag benefits. (some valks were designed with passive stealth in mind, also I have a feeling that having missiles hanging off your wings while entering a planets atmosphere might pose a problem). another benefit (which I think is the main reason for going to internal weapons pallets) is that by internalizing the weapons, they are no longer in the way when the valk transforms. if you're carrying missiles on the VF-1 or VF-0 and you want to transform form fighter to batroid mode, you either have to jettison all your missiles first, or you have to leave the wings extended while in batroid mode. neither option is great, as you either have to waste all your missiles, or you have to keep the wings out which makes the valk very wide and hard to maneuver in tight quarters (like urban areas) also the wing's get in the way of the arm movement. now on say the YF-19 which has internal bays in each leg, you can transform freely form one mode to another while retaining a full weapon load and no sacrifice to mobility/range of motion. in the end it's a trade off, improved close range combat capability in batroid mode, or improved reliability in fighter mode.
  14. the F1 people probably have bigger, fancier teams of lawyers. if Studio Nu/Big West/Bandai/whoever owns the Spacy logo sued them, they'd probably lose the rights to it. maybe that's why they had to change the Nuns logo in Frontier.
  15. the Macross 1 is hand drawn, as is every image of the 7. and I'm sticking with the idea that all of them are NMC class ships, and that each one is different but still part of the same class (these are big ships which take a long time to do. it's not like a fighter that roles off an assembly line)
  16. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=9 go here to sell things.
  17. it would be nice if there wasn't all the smoke and explosions and lasers and other stuff in the way.
  18. most likely the VF-0 was already tracking the incoming missiles via radar. the eye tracking served the function of indicating what to target and lock on to. once locked the lasers would be targeted by the valk's sensors. they don't listen because you're a stuffed animal. you mean flight control button combos? that would be even more confusing. also, WTF catgirls? also, this is for SchizophrenicMC:
  19. true I've never flown a plane, but let me ask you this: have you ever been in a dogfight before? have you ever flown a plane with thrust vectoring engines? and do any panes actually use the foot pedals to control both both yaw and pitch/role (if the foot pedals effected the movement of the feet, then you would be able to control role by actuating the foot pedals in opposite directions, and control pitch by actuating the pedals in the same direction) now, rather than running around in circles arguing the same points with you. I'm going to differ to the animation. ok, so I'm looking at the dogfight between nora and shin in the final episode of Mac0, when he pulls performs a Pugachev's Cobra (technically more like a modified cobra turn, but whatever) when he does this, he pulls the stick back AND simultaneously pushes both foot pedals forward. now in this shot at 12:25 we get what is about as clear a view of the foot pedals as we're ever going to get. in this shot the foot pedals look connected to each other by a bar, and that par looks connected to the seat by another perpendicular bar. the foot pedals only apear to be able to rotate, and not be pushed forward or back in fighter mode. when he rolled his plane under nora's he pushed the stick to his left, and operated the foot pedals in oposite directions, causing his plane to perform a quarter role, while yawing and pitching down slightly. again the foot pedals don't apear to have any way of moving other than rotating. now, back in the first episode when Roy's VF-0 transforms for the first time, you also see the foot pedals for a split second. (this is when he's shooting the missiles with his head lasers) now for some reason, the design of the foot pedals changes between this shot in episode 1 and the other shots in episode 2. now the two foot pedals are separated and he is able to push them forward (or in this case down) now in this situation though he pushes both pedals down at the same time, which appears to result in an increase in thrust. so what does this all mean? I'm inclined to believe that we're both wrong. it looks like Valk do not in fact use the same style controls as real world aircraft. looking at the footage form Mac0 I think controls work in the following manner: in fighter mode: the foot pedals only have one axis of movement (rotating back and forth around the shaft they're mounted on), the foot pedals control pitch and role, and the stick controls pitch/role as well. it seems to me that the stick functions in a traditional manner (back and forth controls pitch, left and right controls role) and operates the conventional control surfaces of the valk (operating the stick causes the wing flaps to move). the foot pedals are tied exclusively to the thrust vectoring nozzles (i.e. the feet) of the valk, with the left pedal controlling the left foot, and the right controlling the right foot. by pushing forward on the foot pedal, the feet angle up, and pulling the pedal back angles the foot down. by operating the pedals in the same direction they control pitch, and by moving them in opposite directions you control role. now for yaw, since they never actually show the control movment that goes with yaw I can only speculate, but I have a feeling that you twist the stick left or right to yaw (sort of like the flight stick for ace combat). as for the throttle, it works the same as a normal throttle (forward to accelerate, backwards to decelerate) except that it also controls the transformation, and that you can't control the thrust for each engine independently (real throttles on multi-engine craft are split for each engine, oddly enough the TV VF-1 got this part right) now, in batroid mode, the throttle becomes a second stick, either being used to aperate the arms, or a arm, or for maneuvering, or whatever. basically, the throttle is no longer a throttle, so to control thrust you push down on the pedals, which are separated and control thrust from each leg independently. the foot angle is still controlled by the foot pedals (the reason the pedals are down to pitch up and back to pitch down is so that when in batroid mode the pedals match the feet while still keeping the movement the same). I've also noticed that there are two sections on each foot pedal that connect to the main shaft by little rods. I have a feeling that the overall movement of the pedal controls the angle of the foot, and the movement of the separate sections control the shape of the foot sections(which is two pieces)
  20. considering the that each 1/60 (excluding the v2. VF-1) has been more expensive than the last, $200 USD is probably going to be the minimum for this thing. my YF-21 seconds that disagreement. and it's unlikely there will be much in the way of panel lines on this one. Yamato tends not to ad much in the way of made up detail, and the VF-11 (like the YF-19) never had much detail in terms of panel lines and what not shown in the official line art. the VF-11 will probebly be pretty barren like the YF-19. (the YF-21 has much more panel detail since full detail official line art exists for it). I think the bow leg thing is because the LERX that is under the canard in batroid mode gets in the way of the top of the hip. I have a feeling that could have a seriously negative effect on the poseability of the batriod mode. another thing I've noticed is that the from the back the wings don't come together all the way in batroid mode, leaving a gap and making the wings look funny from the front. hopefully, it's jut not correctly transformed, and it won't be a problem when the toy finally comes out. (not getting my hopes up though)
  21. still looks like the same toilet bowl cleaner blue to me.
  22. first, I'm not sure how you determined the orientation of the Galaxy based on the several hondred lights on the ships hull. (if anything I'd say the lights indicate the ship is facing left since the antenna with light on them that are on the dorsal section of the ship are all swept to the right of the image (presumably these antenna are swept back so the back of the ship is to the right) also, when ever we see fleets in macross every ship in a fleet is oriented in the same differection. so why would the every ship in galaxy's fleet be going the oposite way of the main ship. the Galaxy really is a mystery wrapped in an enigma buried knee deep in a limerick, the list of things we don't know is longer than the list of things we do. how big is the galaxy? how many people are on it? are there other civilian ships with it? where the heck does Battle Galaxy go? what does the whole thing actually look like? (so far all we've seen are some obscured shots form oblique angles. I demand some top, side on, and rear views.) can the BG's Macross cannon be used while it's docked? dose it even dock at all? is the thing of the front a big gun? is that even the front at all? how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
  23. I used to play with my Yamato valks (and my other expensive toy's). then they broke. now I don't play with them any more. (I still transform my valks from time to time. but I don't zoom them around the room or try to have mock battles with them.)
  24. it's pretty much assumed that every major Toy manufacturer out there has people who watch message boards that are frequented by their target audience. and sending emails about toys that aren't even out yet just about never works. you can't directly email bandai's design or management departments and say "this and this and this are wrong, please fix it." and sending an email to a companies customer care/support line isn't going to do much good either. the people who look at those usually could care less, and all they do is look at what you're email say's, pic the most applicable stock response to send back to you, and then promptly delete your original email. about the only way to get a company to actually do something through email, is having hundreds or even thousands of unique emails all stating the same complaint, and even then this usually only works when something that's out is broken. fact of the matter is, Venting what we think about a companies future products on a big message board like this is the best way to get a company to listen to you.
  25. still that's really similar movements (both going in the same direction). it seems all too easy to accidentally apply too much pressure or pressure in the wrong spot or the wrong way in a high stress situation like combat. in a dog fight it would make much more seance to have the foot peddles doing Just yaw, and just the stick for doing role/pitch. what I'm trying to say is that it leaves room for dangerous mistakes happening, and it has no benefit. why would you need pitch/role control on the foot pedals when you already have the stick for pitch/role control, a pilots going to end up using one all the time and never actually using the other.
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