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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. I little late but I must ask, what exactly kind of ink did you use? as in like type and brand and what not.
  2. Makin? a sniper Map? Makin's about as much of a sniper map as Vacant was. the vehicle maps suck because the 2~3 guys who get control of the tanks end up dominating the whole round because the damn tanks are impossible to kill. roundhouse isn't bad since it actually has some form of high ground (unlike downfall which just sucks all around) but the presence of tank's just ruin it.) I liked sniping in CoD4 (ACOG M40A3 and a 1911 pistol, best combo ever) you just cant get that kind of awesome now. the flamethrower sucks, especially on maps like dome where you can't realistically be far enough away to avoid getting hit. they are funny as hell though when you see retards running around with them in hardcore modes. playing CoD4 and WaW back to back, it seems like the reason the WWII guns are more accurate with iron sights is because they've got no recoil or muzzle flash in this game. also, the glitch on castle is a spot on the map near the stream where you can get underneath the map and shoot people through the ground.
  3. well first I'd rather they not make Gerwalk only toys (I don't even like Gerwalk mode on anything but the VF-1 anyways) I don't see it as being redundant at all, or at least no more redundant that 1/72 hase kits. a fighter only could be much more anime accurate and free from any of the compromises required to make them transformable. and paying a more realistic $50 for a 1/72 fighter is still a lot more reasonable than paying 200 for a transformable toy and then leaving it in fighter mode anyways (and as i mentioned, the fighter only figure would look nicer since it doesn't have to make sacrifices for transformation) also, like I said earlier, some valks I just want as fighters only. for instance I find the VF-4 to have a rather unattractive batriod mode, and I'd rather have a fighter only version that's tighter and better looking than any transforming figure since I'd end up leaving it in fighter mode anyways.
  4. I would say it's a bit superfluous, considering you could do the same thing in GERWALK mode which I would think would be a more stable platform anyways.
  5. what are you talking about? everyone and their mother knows that Carl Macek's visionary adaptation of McKinney's was quashed by the Japanese so that they could steal his original work on the project so they could make the abortion they call Macross II. Just like they killed the Robotech movie, then stole the original animation to make megazone 25 or whatever the heck it was called.
  6. there's no such thing as needless violence, violence is alway's needed. go mindless violence!
  7. you know I just noticed this, but the RVF-25's head reminds me of Guy-Manuel of Daft Punk's helmet.
  8. yeah, tank's blow in WaW (I've been playing almost non-stop for the last week, sadly I'm only up to level 42). It would be nice if they dropped the health on tank's, and fixed the f**king glitch on Castle (seriously, that glitch ruins what's otherwise one of the best maps in the game). also there is a distinct lack of love for snipers. getting the 25 bolt action kills needed for scopes is excruciating. and once you get a scoped rifle available, there are no good sniping maps like bloc or creek. Here's to hoping there will be a map pack in the near future.
  9. I thought the price of the VF-11b was going to be 18,800 yen retail? that would make it less than the YF-21 (which is like 22,000 yen) which makes sence since the 11b's going to be smaller. (of course with how screwed up the exchange rate is right now, the difference between a YF-21 then and a VF-11 now might not be much)
  10. the last like level or 2 are all new content, it deals with Jill and Chris leading some sort of paramilitary deal against the last Umbrella corp. bioweapon facility in Russia.
  11. or play it REALLY safe, and wait until after any problems the VF-11B has are discovered on everyone elses valks, then go ahead and buy it if there fault free. (the YF-21, all of the SV-51's and the YF-19 are all still readily available. it's not like you'll miss out on getting it just because you wait a little longer)
  12. I still don't like the Idea of a GN-U fighter mode figure but I do agree that a reasonably sized fighter mode toy that you don't have to build your self would be nice. the problem with a GN-U fighter is that I see it being in the same scale with the same detail as the GN-U batroids. I just think it would be too small and too plain. what would be really nice, would be a 1/72 size fighter with similar level of crispness and detail equal to a hase kit, or at least a yamato transforming figure. basically a non variable version of Yamato's 1/60 scale stuff, in 1/72nd scale, and cheaper because it doesn't transform. I'd actually prefer certain valks (like the VF-4) in this manner than in a transforming form.
  13. I kind of agree with you on this. the most realistic recovery method I can come up with is that the ship surfaces and the launch tubes open up and deploy some sort of rack to recover them. looking at the few drawings we have and how the SV-51's are shown to launch, this is what I've come up with: first, when the SV-51's launch the planes are in rows, nose up, with the dorsal section facing inboard, so the plane has to end up in that position. also it appears that whatever supports/launches the SV-51 connects to it via the underside of the jet. so what I'm thinking is that the ship surfaces and opens up the launch tube doors, then the SV-51 comes in and lands vertically in GERWALK mode inboard of the launch tube with the nose of the jet pointing outboard over the tube itself. once the valk makes contact with the deck, it powers down it's engines so it's just sitting on the sub. Then an arm extends strait up out of the launch tube in front of the valk, and a section of it folds out and connects to the underside of the valk. the arm then continues to extend lifting the valk up to a certain height, at which point the valk transforms to jet mode and folds it's wings in. then the part of the arm the valk is connected to wings down so that the Valk (now in jet mode) is now vertical above the tube. then the valk is retracted into the tube and the door closes. (wow, I have no idea if that made any seance)
  14. something that I find helps a lot with dry times is a food dehydrator. I have one of those old Ronco dehydrators, the kind with the stackable trays thats electric and heats form the bottom. I've found that it cuts the dry and cure times dramatically. also, it's great if you're trying to work somewhere that's cold or humid,
  15. actually I think that this movie takes place right before RE4 (they say the movie is 7 years after the raccoon city incident, RE4 is about 8 years), but after umbrella chronicles.
  16. I don't see how the X-32 is "based" on the Yak-36. they do use a similar method of obtaining VTOL but that doesn't mean one was based off of the other. and the Bell X-14 was using exactly the same system as the Yak all the way back in 1957 (6 years before the Freehand) and there's even less of a relation between the X/F-35 and the Yak-38. the single engine with connected lift fan is completely different form anything else that's been done before, and the use of dedicated vertical thrust plus directed thrust is hardly unique. besides the Yak-38/-141 there was the VAK 191 (which the Yak-38 is essentially a copy of anyways), the XV-4 Hummingbird, the Mirage IIIV (basically a Mirage III stretched out to fit 8 small lift Jets), the Dornier Do 31, the Short SC. 1, and the VJ 101 (ok, technically that one uses tilt engines plus a pair of dedicated lift engines, but its still awesome.)
  17. and if we hate the tail fins AND the fast packs?
  18. Proper cleaning is an issue with any type of paint. I always flush my airbrush's between colors and then tear them down and clean them between paint types and after finishing a painting session. I never find acrylics any harder to use than other paints when airbrushing, and they work better threw an airbrush than hand brushing. personally though I prefer enamels for most jobs. enamels can do metallic, bare-metal, and high gloss finishes better than acrylics and enamel fumes aren't as bad as lacquer so I can get away with using the stove hood vent's in my kitchen (they're some pretty powerful fans) and a simple respirator. I only use Lacquer for primer and body colors on model cars. as for acrylics, I tend to use them for colored clears, gloss/matte clear coats, and the occasional wash. Acrylics are the most useful when painting odd materials like Vinyl.
  19. I would say GM02 would be better. GM02 grey is very dark, and and will still be visible on just about every color short of black. but being Grey, GM02 will be a little more subtle, and in my opinion better looking than strait back. (strait black looks a little odd on most colors but white, and even then it looks very intense.)
  20. or they could just be lazy like some other companies (*cough*bandai*cough*). and apparently Yamato no longer likes Graham so no use asking him to talk to them. and besides, when has yamato ever done PT vs. anime accurate interchangeable parts? oh yeah, never.
  21. that's what I thought, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something
  22. works fine for me. so, has anyone had experiance with this tool: (micro-mark Panel scriber) http://www.ares-server.com/Ares/Ares.asp?M...ct&ID=60728
  23. that would be a little boring though. if the main guy spent the whole show flying a valk that looked exactly the same as every other aircraft. (technically shin and isamu both used CF valks) ok, this is something that's been bothering me. the CF VF-25's are shown to have the same head as the -25G. and the sniper rifle is shown to not be exclusive to the 25G either (Michel's sister was using the same gun in a VF-171 during the flash backs) and considering alto used the rifle at the end as well, it doesn't look like the 25 needs to be modified in order to operate the gun. so really the only thing that's unique to the VF-25G is the grappling hook thing. unless I'm missing something. and another thing. where the heck does the grappling hook on the 25G store? every time it was used, all they show is the thing hitting a random asteroid then the valk being drawn in. I've never seen the grappling hook retracted on the valk anywhere.
  24. honestly I can never get the number pad to work with the function key either... wait... what's this? oh, so I have to hold function then press the num lock key (which I alway's thought was the scroll lock key since it says scroll on it) then the number pad works... heh. and apparently on my computer alt +246 = ÷ and alt +214 = ╓ what ever that is.
  25. the plane is the CFA-44 Nosferatu, the superplane introduced in ace combat 6. truthfully this partucular version is a bit of a whale to fly, but it's an absolutely beautiful aircraft that kind of reminds me of the VF-25. as for the wings I'm still looking at different options; I'm considering either fully scratch built using sheet styrene or adding sections of styrene to the existing wings. the problem with using parts from a donor kit is that I have to find a kit with wings at least remotely close to the right size and shape, and I'm still going to end up moding it. the easiest option is looking to be building up the kit wings so far. but since I plan to finish my other alto strait from the box first to get a feel for it, I'll have plenty of time to figure out how to build this.
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