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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! holly crap, is it really only a couple days from Christmas?!? I've been so busy with school I hardly had time to notice. I don't know if I've gotten any wrapped gifts yet, haven't checked. (tree's in the upstairs room, which is cold as all hell.) I got a copy of adobe CS3 design premium around September and CoD:WaW the week it came out and that counted as my Christmas gift from my parents, also my mom was planing on giving me a few disney pins wrapped on Christmas, but so far my dad's managed to spoil every christmas gift in the house. also I ordered a Queens Blade Nanael figure for myself but considering its been in transit for 3 weeks now from HLJ I'm beginning to think the postal service lost it. if it's not here by the end of the month I'm going to contact them. anyone know how HLJ is about replacing/refunding for lost/damaged goods? :EDIT: lucky me, my figure final arrived today!
  2. I kind of want to point out that none of the official drawings of the VF-4's fighter mode match the way the batroid mode is drawn. spacificaly the portion of the center fuselage just behind the canards. the panel lines don't match up with the corresponding parts on the batroid at all.
  3. oh oh, almost forgot to mention this, the F/A in F/A-18 is an anachronism. the rules of the tri-service system actually says you can't have forward or back slashes in designations only numbers, letters and dashes. the hornet should actually be AF-18. (just like how the electronic warfare varient of the super hornet is the EF-18G growler) an attack aircraft is an aircraft that is designed to engage ground targets, but is smaller than a bomber and typically operates in a close air support role. the VF's are multi-roles, and while attack is in there list of mission profiles, planes that can do swing missions/switch quickly between roles tend to just use the primary mission letter so they don't have ridiculously long designations. also it's not F/A-35, it's just F-35. they dropped the /A just like they dropped the /A on the F-22 the F/A-18 is designed to attack ships, ground targets on land, and to shoot down inferior Com-block aircraft. the AV-8 is designed to take off from small ships and support Marine forces on land. the F-35A is designed to attack land targets and shoot down com-block crap, the F-35C is designed to supliment/ Replace legacy hornets in the same role and the F-35B replaces the AV-8 harrier in the same role. Batroid mode on a valk allows it to engage enemy mecha up close and on the ground. the GERWALK mode lets it act like a helicopter. and valks have the capability to attack ground/naval targets. so you could argue for it being used as an attack aircraft.
  4. not quite. with the US tri-service, letters are added right to left, with the first letter being aircraft type. type would be things like V for VTOL, S for spaceplane, H for helocoptor, etc. etc. the next letter would be the the primary mission: F for fighter, B for bomber, C for cargo, etc. etc. then modified/secondary mission: A for attack, R for reconnaissance, E for electronic warfare etc. etc. then you get the status code: Y for prototype, N for Predominantly modified test aircraft, G for permanently grounded, etc. etc. Now here's the interesting thing, conventional fixed wing aircraft don't have a letter for aircraft type so they just skip strait to the primary mission letter. hence why all the tomcat is just F-14, and the warthog is just A-10 anything that isn't a fixed wing airplane gets a special letter, that's why helicopters have H, and the harrier in the US is AV-8. (odd thing about that, all helicopters are numbered sequentially whether there attack or cargo or transport but fixed wing aircraft get separate numbers for each mission because numbering is based on the right most letter. whats odd is that while the harrier is of the V series it's numbered sequentially from the A series) since the V in VF stands for Variable aircraft (or in the real world VTOL, which does work) the V should come before the F, since F just equals mission. if a plane were to have the designation VF using the Tri-service system, it would be a conventional fixed wing Fighter that has a secondary capability as a staff transport. (interesting combo) um no. Boeing planes are often abbreviated B-(insert number here) in the civilian sector, but in military service the sequential numbers and mission spacific letters just like everything else (the 747 in military service is designated C-18, the 727 is C-22, and the US doesn't operate 737's so there is no designation for them) the only one that uses Boeings' in house numbers is the KC-767, but the first letters still match. also where did you get the part about Boeing produced all but 2 of the USAF's bombers? sure Boeing built most of them but even if you restrict it to operational bombers only, I can still rattle off more than a half dozen off the top of my head: B-24 liberator = Consolidated; B-25 mitchell= North American; B-32 dominator = Consolidated; B-36 peacemaker = Convair; B-57 hustler = Convair; B-1 lancer = Rockwell; B-2 spirit = Northrop Grumman. OK, technically North American and Rockwell were bought out by Boeing, but since all of North American's bombers were retired before that happened, they don't count. the B-1 can go either way. :EDIT: also the YF-19/21 designations are wronge for several reasons. first since it should be FV instead of VF, it should be YV-19 for prototype variable. but because you don't drop the mission letter when naming prototypes (example: YAH-56) it should actually be YFV-19.
  5. more like they used something that SOUNDS like american tri-service system. if they used real nominclature, they all should have been FV's with the FV standing for Fighter VTOL. (since from right to left it goes basic mission (F), then vehicle type (V)) SV-51 would mean anti-submarine warfare VTOL also the YF-19/YF-21 should have been the YFV-19 and YFV-21. and technically, since all valks are space capable the could technically be considered space planes, and therefore should either be FS-1 (for fighter spaceplane) or FVS-1 (for fighter VTOL spaceplane) which means the YF-19 is really the YFVS-19 ok, I think I like SK's system better.
  6. I can't believe they actually included a photo of the little shopping cart wheels on the box.
  7. damnit Jenius, you're making me want buy one. I don't even like robotech or Mospeada, heck I don't even know why I want one of these but I do now... WTF?!?
  8. you call that stealth?!? look at those 90 degree angles, so not stealthy! and where are the chines? you can't have stealth with out chines! seriously though, not to sound rude or cold, but I honestly think Aurelin Hawk needs to grow up. what schizo said and the way he said it came off as rude, sure. but reacting to such critiques by becoming indignant and equally rude, then throwing the internet of equivalent of a hissy fit (deleting all one's post then storming off and swearing to never come back) just because someone voiced there opinions in a lest than tactful way shows a level of immaturity that (if he has any plans of pursuing art seriously or at least making it anything other than a private hobby anyways) he really needs to get past. I'm an artist, I'm studying to become a commercial artist in college right now, and I can say from experience that if you have any plans of showing you're work to other people you have to be able to take harsh criticism. when you put your work out there people are going to tell you what they think and there not always going to be nice about it. you have to learn to take criticism and make something constructive out of it, and you need to learn be the bigger person, and not let someone who's being rude get to you. I'm saying all this not to be mean, I'm saying it because it's a truth I learned the hard way and because I see this kind of stuff all too often. this isn't the first time I've told someone this, and the wurst part is that most people don't listen. the kind of people who need to here this tend to think that I'm just being a jerk like everyone else. hmm... well I'm going to get off my soapbox now and let you all get back to your normal activities.
  9. there's a big difference between writing a letter to the national archives and having them send you photocopies of blueprints that already exist and they've got just sitting around in storage, and contacting a animation studio in another country and asking them to draw up schismatics for a ship from a show they made 25 years ago just so that one person can more accurately finish a model. if you can get a hold kazutaka miyatake and convince him to take a break from whatever real work he's doing to draw up some schetches for the part of the ship that's not shown, or even do a fully detailed schematic, that would be absolutly awesome and probebly the coolest thing ever. but it's not going to happen. :edit: OMG 666 post! this thread is now EVIL... and apparently I'm a bridge bunny now.
  10. oh come on, wing commander wasn't THAT bad.
  11. um, wow... why dose robocop have tits?
  12. I've always wondered, what's the story behind this image? like where did it come from and all that.
  13. MUST RESIST... I'm already committed to the 1S max, I'm seriously considering a DX alto, and OMG that shunya Yamashita figure looks AWESOME. If they end up releasing a VF-11 with the test shots black and white color, I'd be all over that though.
  14. there's a sucker born every minute... was never said by PT Barnum. probably the last thing the man would have said. just saying...
  15. I've had my 360 for over a year now and I haven't had a single problem with it ever, nor have any of my friends. and as for what games are available for which console, the library on the 360 beats everything else. frankly I hate the Wii, and the PS3 has all of 2/3 games exclusive to it that I even want (resistance 1 and 2, and GT5. metal gear sucks) just saying...
  16. can we please just give this a rest already, Macross II was never cannon and never will. and you'll never be able to shoehorn it into official continuity unless you go in and hack up the original footage, re-dub it with all new dialog, and probably edit in some new/borrowed footage until it's a completely different movie. hmm... wait, where have I heard all this before?
  17. omg so bought... I'm must be the only one who's glad that they're coming out with a max 1S rather than a 1A. I love the max scheme, but always thought it looked kind of meh on the -1A.
  18. having just seen the traitor for the new terminator movie, I have to say that sound's like an awful idea. also If I had the money he had to blow on building a robot, I'd make a robot motorcycle.
  19. I'm not a fan of robotech or mospeada, but I gotta say that these pics are making me tempted to get one. (must resist, I've got other things to buy)
  20. I always felt it was the other way around. he wanted to be able to die so that he could be human, not be human so he could die. the whole thing was that he wanted to be a human, and being one meant that he had to have a finite life.
  21. how could you not like chunky misa? dyrl? style face on that would be awsome.
  22. damn, I can't be a equal opportunity hater?
  23. funny thing about that, the only damaged hinges on mine are on the shoulders (largest joint on the thing) and even though both are cracked, they're perfectly fine. in fact if it wasn't for the fact one has a larger gap than the other, you'd think that's how they were supposed to be.
  24. I would just like to say that I've been consistently b*tching about how inaccurate and ass ugly both look (that's right, I said it, the VF-11 Fails too, and so does the YF-19 )
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