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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. I take it you prefer 1/48 scale. me to the need to make the fallowing: VF-4 VF-3000 VF-5000 VA-3
  2. nope, that's where it separates,
  3. 1/10 scale. you could live in it.
  4. ah, I meant that the VB-3000 is a variant of the VF-3000. The VB-3000 is never actually used in anything. I guess I forgot a comma.
  5. I don't get this line. that's the VF-3000. the VB only exists as a few sketches that SK did. VF-3000 VB-3000 (a.k.a. VF-3000B)
  6. I would just like to say that alto is by far the hottest one in that pic..
  7. I just finished this and I figured I'd post it here as well since line arts are relevant to this thread. anyway's here it is.
  8. Oh right, got the lineart in illustrator done and exported it to photoshop so now I can color it. now I need to work on the battroid mode.
  9. wow, I just started downloading this right before I found this thread. perfect timing.
  10. what kind of pics do you want? I could provide many, but I would probably get banned...
  11. vernier thrusters, really strong ones. and for all we know all missiles are radar guided, or home in on radiation or something other than heat.
  12. no way, LARGER=SUPERIOR. double D's, triple D's, G's, OH MY!
  13. screw that, make them 1/60s! agreed
  14. you need to pay for the latest version, but you can get older version for free. they're on version 11 now, and I think you can get version 10 for free.
  15. there were several. I watching one when I was like 12 or 14. the only think I remember was that all the pilots were naked. and one mech had a weapon where if you shoot it at an enemy, the enemy becomes a weapon to use on other enemies and so on and so forth indefinitely or something like that.
  16. dude you avatar is like, seriously creepy.
  17. it is, clearly by the pole the consensus is that the VF-25 would have been better if it had boobies.
  18. so I take it rik is the VF-19, so who is the MAXL?
  19. considering the VF-25 transformation is nothing like the SV-51's, no, I don't think so.
  20. wow... that's just amazing... and scary. you really do some awesome work.
  21. you sir are one lucky man. My VF-19A is missing about 75~80% of the paint on the legs and is a floppy mess with an arm that falls off if you look at it. then there's my VF-1 which had it's backpack snap off, one of the nose gear wheels snapped off while it was just sitting on a table; and did I mention paint chipping? and then there's the fact that the sculpt on these look like ass. if there's one thing I'm glad yamato did was get away form diecast and go to CAD design.
  22. hello? whats this? I haven't noticed anyone mention this but what's with these decals. I can't read japanese so could someone fill me in on where you can get a set of these?
  23. OK, to be more accurate, usable waist swivel. the thing on the nose is useless except as a way to put excess torque on parts of the back plate and chest plate.
  24. I have no idea what you mean. and I like the VA-3, it's got such a cool design.
  25. sounds fine to me,
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