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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. can you get that issue in english yet? I really want!
  2. after we find out what happened to Misa/hikaru/minmei If you don't get it now, you never will he's gay?!? Tommy Yune macross 7 is the new macross 7 ok, there's your discussion, now never ask these questions again, EVER. :edit: I had no idea there was a quote limit...
  3. ok, how about this: all of them; sheryl, ranka, klan, even nanase NOT THE VF-2SS, and that all you need to know. NO, REALLY?!? (dammit, where's that Macaulay Culkin pic when you need it) both maybe the Vajra just like looking stylish?
  4. you know now that I think about it, aren't Reaction weapons sort of outmoded now that they've got DE warheads available. they appear to be more powerful and more effective than any other form of warhead/ammunition and can be built at any scale. then again is there any way to produce them other than through Vajra harvested Fold quartz? (I think this is the first time I've brought up any of these things since the end of MacF, odd)
  5. you were saying? better living though science.
  6. but a missile flies a predictable path and can be shot down, in theory a fighter would have a better chance of getting closer since it can maneuver, and then on the last part of it's approach it's got an all over barrier to protect it before detonation. of course if you had a fold bomb...
  7. god damn you, I laughed so hard I fell out of bed, that hurt...
  8. I like to believe that the ROV-20 on the VF-27 is the same as the ROV-20 on the VF-1, it would just be cool to me. but anyways. I'm not going to go into subtle technical details but overall I share this position, a rail gun is good for Long range and high valocity but not high ROF. now for a dedicated sniper rifle it would be good (hence why the VF-25G has one), I just think that if you want High ROF go with something a little different (how about a valk with a caseless revolver cannon?) In Jac's defense, the official term for it is "Quantum Beam Grenade Launcher." I have no idea why it's a grenade when it's clearly a beam, but that's what the official sources (chronicles I believe) call it. but the VF-25G's sniper rifle did have a sniper scope. I'm not sure what function it serves exactly, but it does have a scope, and I can think of a few ways it could work. I don't think that it's that over the top, I kind of like it actually. I still say keep the striker thing and the stealth but ditch the crazy gunpod. I think you should try to narrow down the weapons you have rather than imposing a bunch of restrictions. actually I think it would be cool if you put one more disk on some armor that covers the shield so that you could only that one disk and use it as a directional weapon. you could also use individual disks as a standoff countermeasure system, fire off one disk at a time to deflect/destroy incoming missiles/enemies. I should stop now, I'm going off on a tangent again and I don't want to highjack you're project away from you. let me say that in a way that's more friendly; I like you're design, I really do. it's got some very original ideas going on that I think would be really interesting to see it brought along further. but I think that the overloaded gunpod kind of cheapens a otherwise impressive concept.
  9. Macron Meltrandi wrestling, yum
  10. Thanks a lot, now I have to go out and buy all of outlaw star (I haven't watched that in ages, god that was an awesome show. More awesome SK ship designs.) Seriously though, so far very interesting design you've got going on. You need to get some pics going so we can see what this baby looks like. My only critique would be that I just find issue with you're overall armament list. The gunpod for one is a bit too FZ-1-esk for me. It just seems like having a 2000RPM railgun (seems a bit fast to me) a Quantum beam grenade launcher and a sniper scope all on the same weapon is a bit much for one gun pod. And I think that having the Quantum grenade launcher and the Omni Strike thinggy at the same time as having visual stealth and a full load of conventional valk armaments is a bit much. Its kind of like Pixy's jet at the end of AC Zero where he's got guns, missiles, burst missiles, a laser and an ECM all at once. I like the visual stealth and the omni striker system, they're something that hasn't been done before. I think it would be better if you ditched uber-gunpod and focused on the systems that a unique to your valk. also two little things: I think the claws on the fingers a little silly (the enemy valks in Mac7 had claws, and they were goofy looking things). also, why did you decide to give your valk new model of head lasers (as apposed to using the ROV-217 or ROV-20 like the VF-25/27)?
  11. oh god...
  12. I remember seeing an two-seat SV-51 made form a Hasegawa kit that had a similar configuration some time ago. anyone have a pic of it? I kind of like how this guy did a 2 seat VF-22
  13. I really hope you're just joking...
  14. but that's because star wars, indiana Jones, and THX 1138 are all movies by George Lucas. MacII was production done without any permission or involment by SK. for it to be a purposeful homage it would have to be assumed that SK actually liked MacII enough to want to include a nod to it in his own production (which we have no evidence of.) and even if it is a homage doesn't mean it's a VF-2SS or a YF-2SS or even a VF anything it could just be a space plane that has a couple visual cues from the VF-2SS. so even if it was an intentional homage on the part of SK (big if there) still doesn't mean that it's meant to indicate any attempt on his part to bring MacII into official canon. and just because it happens another 30~40 years after Frontier doesn't mean that MacII can be plugged in to established canon. there are many discrepancies in terms of technological development and implied history that have been discussed before that make MacII not make sence within primary macross cannon. about the only way you could make macII work is if SK and studio Nue were to go and re-edit and re-dub MacII in order to fix/explain all the things that don't make sense. so until that happens MacII isn't canon and that plane isn't related to the VF-2SS.
  15. but why would they have an prototype for a plane series that doesn't exist? (MacII isn't cannon, it never happened in universe, no matter how much you want it to :P )
  16. dammit, no mater how many times you say it, it's never going to be a VF-2SS!
  17. at this point the head is probably the biggest question mark. I think I'm going to stick with the 25F style head for battroid, but when I do the detail drawings I'll be doing a full set of them (A, J, S, recon, trainer, etc. etc.) personally I tend to like the heads on the J/mid-level valks more than I like the S style heads. and as for the long Cowl/Mech Habbit; it's kind of hard to avoid with this design. without it the back of the center fuselage in fighter mode looks stunted, and there really isn't a better place to put it besides on the back of the head.
  18. I was looking at the illustrations of the VF-3000 on the M3 and I realized something; the VF-3000 is actually a 2 seater. if you look really closely, in the 3/4 shot you can see the seat just behind the canopy support, and in the rear view you can see the back seats console and head rest. I'm not sure if that's just a type of jump seat like on the YF-19/VF-25 or if that means that the VF-3000 is meant to be piloted by two people.
  19. all right, the moment you've all (and by all I mean 3 of you) been waiting for: VF-400 battroid. or a rough sketch there of. I'm just figuring out what this thing looks like so It's very rough: and as you can see it still needs much work. first off I've learned never to question the logic of the HFH. the missiles I tried to use ended up looking like ass in battroid mode so I switched them back to the old style bullet shaped missiles. and here's the lineart to reflect the change. I kind of like the look of the old style missiles. I'm also trying to decide if I should get rid of the lower inner leg missiles and and add a pair of beam guns (like the hip guns on the VF-25/27) in the shoulders where the circles are. anyways hope you like and give me some feedback please. next update will (hopefully) be an improved battroid mode, some detailed head designs, and some rough concepts for the heavy attack VF-4 if I have a chance to talk about that with chillyche.
  20. ok, I said the last one was the final version but while I was working on the battroid mode I realized that the missiles looked like ass in battroid mode. So I went back to using the original VF-4 missiles instead. I was kind of hoping that someone could do me a huge favor and color these in a couple of schemes. I'd do it myself but I've got a bunch of other things I'm working on and I'd really appreciate some help with this one. If you're interested let me know and I'll give the details. please.
  21. somewhere between when I finish the battroid mode and the Heavy attack VF-4; and when I get to work the VF-14 GERWALK...
  22. orly? what's wrong with it?
  23. how about neither, if you know what I mean.
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