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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. actually, TBH it looks even goofier than before...
  2. most of the time a BLCS works by taking pressurized air (usually from the engine) and venting it across the wing in order to increase lift. the important part is that your venting air (and sometimes suck air in) on the surface you're trying to effect. the small intakes just above the main intakes may be used to get air into the system, but they also need some kind of vent/slats or whatever on the wings themselves. and as for the little v shaped lines on the underside of the nose, I think those are part of the hip joint for the transformation
  3. well the Russians are weird when it comes to aviation (there the only country that measures speed and altitude in meters). part of there odd naming convention system is that small fighter/attack aircraft receive odd number designations and bombers/transports and other large aircraft receive even designations. valk designations fallow a US style designation system more than a russian style system, and the US system is about half and half even vs odd.
  4. I think it would better if instead of having the legs end before the engine section starts, the legs should be bigger, run bellow the existing engine, the backpack engine would be smaller in diameter making length less of an issue (it would just be a small engine). you'd no longer have a true single engine valk, you'd actually have three small engines (backpack plus legs) in a tight cluster. you'd still get the interesting look of having a narrow fuselage though it looks a lot like an F-104 but it's not single engine. the red hilighted part is the actual exaust nozzle, and the green highlighted part is the foot.
  5. again, direct linky no worky for us westerners, save the pics and upload them on the board or host them on photobucket/imageshack please.
  6. well the X part implies exparamental, and is a running theme with these designs, and the SU and 37 parts are reference to the real life SU-37 that this is modeled after, and the VF part is for variable fighter. as for the Galland part, I would assume it's a reference to WWII german fighter ace Adolf Galland, that or its named after Antoine Galland who did the first European translation of Arabian knights. (I'm going with the first one)
  7. and you need a Japanese email address
  8. or we can spend the couple dollars extra for the strike cannon, and have the freakin' strike cannon! in fact every set of super/strike parts should come with cannons, and two missile things. then you can do super, strike, and DUAL STRIKE!
  9. Did someone say キラッ☆! From the very beginning I liked Sheryl more than Ranka, but episode 12 was just so damn awesome! I personally love frontier, it's actually tied with Mac+ as my favorite Macross production (with DYRL? a close 3rd). as for Macross 7, I wouldn't say it sucked, I didn't like it, but I wouldn't say it sucked. I get the feeling that with 7 you either love it or hate it. I tried watching it, and I found the premise as ludicrous as zero but without the cool mechs and awesome fight scenes. also 7 had basara *shutters* :edit: by the way, the included pic is the cutest ranka ever
  10. it's not REALLY off topic though, it's a discussion of bandai's history of handling various properties as a means of assessing How bandai may handle the Macross License in the near future. it's a discussion of the company that's producing these toys and speculation relating to this toy line itself so it's perfectly relevant to this thread. so I'm sorry if you find legitimate discussion lame and addressing subjects relating to a product (such as the track record of the manufacturer) doesn't fit you're narrow definition of what's "on topic" but this IS a news AND discussion thread after all.
  11. I'm going with the second one.
  12. well to be fair, amongst all of the Evangelion productions there's only about a dozen or so different mecha as apposed to Gundam which has literally hundreds of mecha (seriously, Gundams are the Pokemon of Giant Robots)
  13. ISTP (Craftsman) Famous ISTPs: Bruce Lee Burt Reynals Chuck Yeager Clint Eastwood Frank Zappa James dean Boba Fett some cool carrier choices, non of which I plan on perusing though. I'm more of an artist than an engineer (an insane right wing artist with a god complex but an artist none the less)
  14. I have the oddest compulsion to import a copy of Idolmaster now.
  15. I don't think I've ever had a problem with hit detection, and if anything I get more headshots in WaW than I did in CoD4. I don't even try for head shots (without skins for the gun's there's not enough motivation to do the expert challenges, so I always go center of mass) and I'm still getting nearly double the headshots. as for the helicopter, it takes about a belt and a quarter to kill it (that's using an M60 with Double tap) if no ones helping and assuming it doesn't kill you first (of course that first condition makes the second condition a little difficult) to me dogs are easy because they don't shoot back. WaW has it's foibles, but CoD4 has them in equal amounts. the only thing I like better in CoD4 is the presence of more dedicated sniping maps (like Bloc and Creek) and the awesomeness of the R700 (I love the R700 in red tiger) and another thing, It's nice that WaW has motivation do to prestige, (though the placement of perk and weapon unlocks amongst the upper levels suck)
  16. pics or it didn't happen. (that you look like focker and that you get all the ladies )
  17. anime52k8

    VF Girls

    with 50 years of time and the Magic of OTech© they could have come up with something that's just as good as the real thing. (dammit, if they can build Giant robots that turn into jets, they can make artificial chick that's superior to a real doll.) ...and I should stop now cause we are WAY off topic.
  18. Never saw Threads, the day after was just depressing, and as for Dr. Strangelove... We must be increasingly on the alert to prevent them from taking over other mineshaft space in order to bread more prodigiously than we do, thus knocking us out through superior numbers when we emerge. Mr. President we must not allow a mine shaft gap! I Have a plan! MEIN FÜHRE! I CAN WALK!
  19. which is a basic rule to military fiction, MAD will never come into play in global conflict because "BOOM! everyone dies in a mushroom cloud!" makes for a lame story.
  20. yeah, I'm like 90% certain that he did that very pinup. I'm also pretty sure they were for the 1/48th GBP-1S armor so I'm not sure if they would fit on the 1/72 model, I totally forget right now what's the best way to get decals from him now though.
  21. I'd say thats of recast and therefor of suspect quality and questionable morality... the little zentradi battle pods are interesting though.
  22. that was... interesting and the fold effect was kind of boring. I voted for the fold gate from MacF, but if you need something faster go with the mac+ version. also I see no problem with consistency in terms of how the fold effects look considering that fold effects have never been consistent between shows.
  23. anime52k8

    VF Girls

    and grace, he never taped that...
  24. I would have liked to have seen it without the nearly 5 strait minutes of ridiculous pan and and zooms
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