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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. man that looks bad, this sucker looks awesome though http://api.ning.com/files/N6d58n31IGT9kDvD.../203214954.jpeg
  2. except the Fokker D.VII wasn't rolled out until some 2 months after Rechthofen death. Fact of the matter was that even when flying in a squadron they were still flying against larger formations, and of the various planes Richthofen flew, He more often than not was engaging enemies who had superior planes. actually Richthofen died because he was shot once in the chest by ground fire. also Richthofen was most likely suffering from a brain injury do to head trauma at the time of his death. still doesn't change the fact that there is greater opportunity for kills. anyways, since Richthofen (and none of the other top WWI aces) ever flew in WWII, we'll never know how well they would have done.
  3. wouldn't you still experience gravity from the planet though though? you'd be accelerating towards the ground and two the side. also if you had a failure of the gravity control system, or had to turn it off for maintenance, that would be a problem. by the way, I wonder what it would be like going from one part of the ship to another when they have different orientations of down.
  4. I think you're missing the important part here, and that is that Rachel Nichols is a babe and if You're looking at here hair long enough to notice that it's dyed...
  5. except that he was an exceptional pilot with the highest number of kills amongst his contemporaries (with the majority of those kill being against numerically and technologically superior enemies.) he may not have been an acrobatic pilot but that in no way diminishes his level of skill. fancy flying is like a trick draw in a gunfight; it may look cool but it's only going to get you killed faster. what makes a combat pilot exceptional is an ability to develop and apply tactics that play their strengths off their opponents weaknesses during the dynamic engagement of a dogfight; and Richthofen did it better than anyone in his day. as for his kill count being surpassed, it has as much to do with changes in technology and time than it does with pilot skill. most of the top scoring aces of WWII few for longer time frames than Richthofen and flew missions more frequently, the also had the advantage of better fighters and superior training (the aces of WWII learned from the lessons that pilots like Richthofen laid down.) Not to mention that by the second world war air power had greatly expanded and there were frankly more people to shoot down. and as for the coment about snipers... I think Carlos hathcock would like to have a word with you.
  6. well mine had a 3 foot long Jeep heavy enough to kill another child with so
  7. I do think he's been a little more whiny than usual. I kinda think someone's been off their medication.
  8. at least they were less obvious about it back then.
  9. back when the made all the movies they're trying to make remakes and sequels of
  10. In the 90's they tried to bring back the old style 12 inch figures. I got into those from my dad who used to own the big ones back in the 60's when he was a kid.
  11. funny thing about that, I wasn't a kid in the 80's. I grew up with the big Joe's.
  12. wow, sad. have we just completely run out of original ideas Hollywood?
  13. this looks even more mind numbing than before... god what does this have to do with anything?
  14. I hate the version of G.I. Joe this film is based on utterly, (seriously, real G.I. Joe's are 12 in F*cking soldiers, not miniature Village people). that said this looks entertaining, and F**K france
  15. tron 2? what the poo is this?!? why?
  16. he got Skull 001's arms blown off right before he goes to rescue Misa. so yeah, he sucks. :edit: now that I think about it, I'd rate Guld and Michael both higher than hikaru.
  17. I really want to buy this, but considering I can't read any Japanese whatsoever it wouldn't do me any good would it?
  18. I find it kind of Ironic how the l last thing in the thread is a discussion of inertial damping in macross and how they're a cop out, considering that's exactly the rout they went with the VF-25
  19. I don't have a copy, and this is the first good shot I've seen. all the other scans I've seen just don't look right to me. (particularly the one I quoted, and the one with her sheryl and ranka.)
  20. I think they can do 1 more WWII game if they use some more obscure places for battlefields: Indochina, Alaska and Italy.
  21. it also sucks since it becomes a pain in the ass to cancel a pre-order if you change you're mind. I prefer using other sites for that reason, changing orders on HLJ is super easy.
  22. :edit: oh wait, this is the 1/48 kakizaki... listen to jenius. I don't think the 1/60 tv kakizaki is exclusive though.
  23. if I had a GPB I would totally try that, but sadly I don't.
  24. keep it AND get the official TV max (you know you want both, and besides, the yamato has anime accurate head and pilot). I think the 1/48 TV was some sort of magazine exclusive only available in japan.
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