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Everything posted by anime52k8
The Macross Quarter. DX Chogokin
anime52k8 replied to 505thAirborne's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
yeah, although when you put it that way, it is cool when you've got a 1/4 scale figure to loom over you're little 1/8-scale figs. I guess it would be cool to have one 24 inch (or maybe 25 inch ) Macross toy, just to dwarf everything else you own. -
Official Bandai 1/60 Scale DX Toy Thread Ver.3
anime52k8 replied to Graham's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
you mean 1 ghost per set? yeah, I forgot about that. the model gives you 3 ghosts, the Ghost set gives you one ghost and some missiles that presumably attach to the valk even though the wings have no hard points. the ghost isn't listed because it hasn't been released yet. the ghost and the Galia IV sets (the speakers and fold booster used by michel as well as a little ranka figure) were announced around the same time the first RVF-25/-25G prototypes were shown. so far we haven't even seen the actual parts, just CG renderings. pics and info are in this thread around page 63~64 -
The Macross Quarter. DX Chogokin
anime52k8 replied to 505thAirborne's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
a 1/35 battle frontier is going to be just under 140 feet. I like large scale, but not that large. I think everything should be around 14 inches. 14 inches is a good size for a high end collectors toy, big enough to have lots of detail while still being sturdy, but small enough that you can still play with them a little. so a 1/4000 scale battle Frontier, a 1/1200 Macross quarter, and 1/48 for VF's -
Macross variable fighter/mecha pose thread
anime52k8 replied to Wicked Ace's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
did somebody say scantly clad girls? well at the time I testing out her cast-off-ability -
Official Bandai 1/60 Scale DX Toy Thread Ver.3
anime52k8 replied to Graham's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
maybe the sets will come with templates and a little hand drill, and you have to drill holes for the missiles and speakers to mount on yourself the model kit comes with 3 ghost and no armor or stand, the DX comes with armor and a stand but no ghosts. Bandai has a set of 3 ghosts as limited exclusives on there tamashii wep shop. -
The Transformers 2 Thread--A Michael Bay thread
anime52k8 replied to areaseven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
so was it devastator as in all of them together, or is it just one of them and that plus 6 more = devastator. (god that would be massive) -
it's just your imagination. there was no retcon, Macross II isn't going to be made cannon, there is no conspiracy
thats kind of my point. it's totally plausable that you could fit that many people inside the SDF-1, I see nothing wrong with having the ship be 1.2 kilometers, and I don't think having 58,000 civilians and 20,000 military personnel is at all unreasonable. What I mean is that it is completely improbable that the city could be constructed the way it is depicted and still be able to support that many people in the ship. If they were to depict the civilian sections realistically there would be no outdoor stadium, no roads, no parks, it would be more like life on an ocean liner: small apartments and public areas that optimize space. you probably could get away with a small concert hall if you built it more like that, but then you wouldn't have room for mechs to be flying around blowing crap up inside the ship. there's just no way to have the city be that sprawling in the SDF-1. you could most likely get away with such a layout on the SDF-2
is this the 1:144 scale one?
The Xbox 360 Thread Pro Edition
anime52k8 replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I have no idea why no one bothers to make good Vietnam games. there's basically Battlefield: Vietnam, and that's it. shellshock: Nam 67' is getting a sequal that's going to be an FPS, though it's also somehow survival-horror and considering how much shellshock sucked, I doubt it will be good. -
The Xbox 360 Thread Pro Edition
anime52k8 replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
the reson you don't see WWI games is because WWI was REALLY slow. rather than going further back we should look at stuff like korea and Vietnam. make a GOOD Vietnam game, that would be cool. I'd like to see Vietnam or more contemporary stuff. definatly no future stuff (we really don't need to turn CoD into Ghost Recon. -
Medicom/Hot Toys and all 1/6 scale figures
anime52k8 replied to EXO's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
the MkIII's out? My dad pre-ordered one some place but they said they had gotten pushed back? I'm tempted to get the mkII, though I made myself promise I wouldn't get another toy over $100 until the VF-1S max comes out. and a War Monger would be sweet though it would be MASSIVE, like ED-209 massive (which of course they did do) -
of course the original show was awful, it was a stupid campy mess, but it was a stupid campy mess that was fun to watch. it was fun in it's day and it's fun to look back and laugh. It doesn't need to be revisited or updated. by the way, Mad Max was an AWESOME movie. (and it's still the best role Mel Gibson ever played)
the official line is that SDF:M is cannon, and DYRL a movie in universe as well as in the real world. the Designs from DYRL (all the VF's and the SDF-1) are all cannon, but are actually later updates (the VF's in DYRL are block 6's , the VF's in SDF:M are block 1's, and the SDF-1 was rebuilt after kamjin crashed into it hence the new color/details/ARMD arms) that were introduced after the 2012.
Macross variable fighter/mecha pose thread
anime52k8 replied to Wicked Ace's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
ok, so I finaly (after almost 3 weeks) got my Yamato CL Arisa figure and while she's a little too NSFW to post here, I couldn't help but mess around with her bass. "LISTEN TO MY SONG!!!!!! FIAAA BOMBAAAAA!!" (sometimes I really wish I had a YF-19 ) -
except, there wasn't even an attempt at acting stiff or disciplined on sheryl's act. it was more of a "check out the slurmty captain" until she takes even more of here close off. Anyways I still find Sheryl a tiny bit more attractive but the uniform actually increases Misa's hotness, whereas Sheryl's fake captain uniform just looks goofy.
the first number, (1.1 milion people/km2) is based on one layer in one leg. the second (the 276,000 people/km2) is based on 2 layers in both legs. well, that episode that was pointed out indicates more like 3 layers. now just for the benefit of the doubt, they built up city space everywhere they could and they got another leg (with 3 layers of city) worth of space out of that. now you're closer to 127,000 people/km2 which is getting a lot more reasonable, but still sounds a little too cramped compared to how things are depicted. of course, there's a lot of other questions to look at like where rest of the crew is living, and where they're keeping all the mechs and stuff, and what was all that empty space that got turned into city originally used for? I could understand there being so much open space if the ship needed a similar complement before and after rebuild but with the crew being 5 times bigger. I'd wonder why so much of it is unused, though it could be that before the civilians showed up, the military crew had a LOT of space to live/work/store everything (i.e. it was more like being on an airbase rather than a ship), and after the fold they had all the military stuff cramed down to submarine level, and all mecha related material moved to the Daedalus and Prometheus in order to make things comfortable for the civilians. I wonder how that went over with the military personnel when they found out they were going to have to hot bunk so the civilians could build a stadium?
I think we need to worry about more important things tan the color of someones hair, like how Baroness' has a distinct lack of exposed boobage to her outfit. also I'm bothered by the fact Scarlet has a skin tight suit with "armor" conveniently contoured to the shape of her tits, but she doesn't have High heeled boots? fail. I think that this movie will only be good if there's a lot of Cleavage going on that were just not seeing yet.
I watched that during the game today... I died a little bit on the inside when I realized what it was.
no, no it's not. the plot of Mac7 is by far the most ridiculous. the overall message (i.e. that art and culture can inspire positive social change and action; and that differences can be solved through peaceful means) is a valid concept, whether or not you agree with it is a different matter. but those ideas aren't the plot, the plot of Mac7 is basically "J-pop front-man/mecha pilot flies his Guitar controlled super robot into the middle of a combat zone so he can defeat super aliens that feed on people's spiritual energy by using the power of how hard he rocks out." If that sounds good to you thats fine, but that is NOT a realistic plot. personally I Just can't get into mac7 for a number of reasons: first off I have a hard time getting into that kind of story. music and the power of song/culture/love in a space military epic is cool, but leave the singing to the singers and the mech fights to the pilots. beyond that though, I found the mech designs at the time unappealing (bright colored mechs with faces = little to super robot for me) and the actual animation of the show was lacking. the animation was consistent, but it was average, and the action scenes were lacking in action. also I dislike Basra and everyone else just weren't interesting to me. that's not stupid, that's being pragmatic. this isn't some fun-time kiddy happy hour where we all sit around and talk about our feelings, this is war. there's no negotiating or reasoning with each other, the enemy is dead set on wiping every last human out and there not going to stop until either we're all dead or they are. So you can either lay down and die or you can fight with bombs and guns and sharp sticks. NOW COME ON YOU APES! YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER?!? maybe I should put this copy of starship troopers away now.
I remember that big sections of the city could move around and change elevation, and I was never sure if they were rotating to change orientation, or if they are moving because they are located in section of the ship that are changing position. while the gravity control system would be perfectly capable of maintaining the orientation, I think it would make more sence to have the city re-oriented to be in line with earths gravity so that they don't have to keep the gravity system running all the time. that way if they have to take things off line for maintenance or what ever they don't end up having cars and crap falling down a street for several blocks and nailing the sides of buildings. here's another thought: this is the city within the leg of the SDF-1 (DYRL? version) so the city itself is only 350 meters or so long, and (generously) 150 meters wide so that's 52,500 square meters. if that's all there is to the city and there really is 58,000 people on the ship you've got a population density of about 1.1 million people per square kilometer (that's a little less than 1 meter per person) I figure that the city is built in layers and there may even bee another section in the other leg (I totally don't remember if that's a possibility or not). The drawing makes it look like the city has maybe 2 layers, but even with that and a city section in each leg that's still around 276,000 people per square kilometer at the start of the war, (the largest population density I can find is Dhaka, Bangladesh at around 43,000 people/km2) that sounds way more cramped than it ever was in the show.
I personally don't consider dieing to be any kind of disqualifier, especially in cases like Guld and Michel where the weren't bested by a superior adversary but knowingly sacrificed themselves. as for roy, his death is (in SDF:M anyways) a total fluke, very much like Richthofen's death. The damage to Roy's valk was almost trivial, much less savvier than damage that Hikaru's valk has sustained. Roy was just unlucky and happen to take a couple of pieces of flack in the back and bled out before he could be taken to a hospital. (same thing happens to ozma and he lives, is he a better pilot than roy?) anyway's rank and shown kill count tell us very little. Isamu for instance would have been higher rank if he didn't f**k up so much on the ground and when not in combat, he's still a very good fighter pilot. and as for kills, a big factor is again how many opertunities a pilot has for kills. SWI was probebly the single largest conflict in human history, Max and Roy and Hikaru were flying frequent missions with Massive furballs with hundreds of plains on each side. a lot of their kills were scored by cutting though battles blasting enemies who were too busy attacking other people to see them coming. on say frontier, alto was with SMS for less than a year, and probably few fewer combat missions than hikaru in the same amount of time so of course he's going to have fewer kills. and whe have relativally little idea about Isamu or Ozma's military history. we don't know much about Ozma's prior service with the NUNS, nor do we know what combat record Isamu had before the start of Mac+ Roy would have been able to beat hikaru in a fight and seemed to rack up more kills per sortie than hikaru. so roy is still better than hikaru. since we can't make a direct comparison between Gamlin and hikaru/roy since he was around much latter, but since he flew with Max/millia we have a form of a gauge in that we can look at how much better max/millia were compared to roy and compared to Gamlin, and who ever gets blown out of the water less is the superior.
have you tried downloading it with another browser?