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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. Via Twitter: Something Sazabi in the works. Personally I'm thinking it's an RG.
  2. Not to derail the thread too much, but I finally decided to watch Gundam Thunderbolt December Sky in full and I actually really liked it. I forget what the general consensus on Thunderbolt was but I personally didn't like it when the episodes were airing. I think what made the movie work for me was the dub; I tried to watch the individual episodes with subs but watched the full movie with the English dub and the characters were so much more bearable to me in English.
  3. oh, would you look at that, another Dynames Family variant for bandai to not make a toy or kit out of. But hey, there's also another Exia derivative, because we certainly don't have enough of those yet. honestly, I almost like the Exia R4. I love the R3 design, and when the movie first came out I thought it would have looked really cool to stick the Qanta's shield thing on the R3. If only it didn't have the funky mutant left arm. Also, How do you have a Dynames R3 when there wasn't, to my knowledge anyways, a Dynames R2?
  4. honestly, I find the giant ant thing kind of horrifying. I can see why people would want it, but just the idea of giant ants makes my skin crawl.
  5. I thought Teen Titans Go was fun, this looks terrible though.
  6. I think I may have found true love in car form, so obviously there are only 10 of these cars in the world.
  7. I want it. now I need to decide if I should order it through HLJ as an add on, or wait for amazon to get it. decisions, decisions...
  8. It's because the video cuts it off at the knees so you can't see how out of proportion it's thunder thighs are to it's tiny dancer's feet.
  9. If I'm paying that much for a gundam I expect it to have all of it's limbs.
  10. But I Like the Katoki version of nu gundam
  11. I'd rather they do all of Heero's suits next. They did wing zero, now they need to do wing, Epyon, heavyarms (with hidden beam saber arm), Mercurius, Space type Leo, Aries, and Cancer.
  12. We are at the point at which no amount of toy porn could possibly make me care about another version of Strike Gundam.
  13. damn, I wish I could get crap done like that.
  14. Well obviously they could (and most likely will) do the white version of Astraea. Beyond that there is a massive amount of 00 stuff they could do, the only problem is they would have to do something besides Exia family variants. basically what I'm saying is that the world needs an MB dynames. Also more wing suits too please.
  15. I kind of doubt it. I mean, technically, the figurerise line came first.
  16. I very much dislike what I'm seeing here, and I can only partially explain why.
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