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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. OHMYGOD bricks were shat.
  2. my eyes and ears are bleeding just thinking about that. and as for post SWI earth, I kind of have a feeling that it's not a dead wasteland of a planet full of disenfranchised and bitter people. I mean that really doesn't sound like macross to me. Maybe in the 2020's or something when it's eminently after the war and people are still rebuilding, but by the 2050's or so I doubt that would be the case.
  3. first one (blue one) is definitely a valk. I'm 90% sure it's the VF-27 now or it's the VF-19F (I highly doubt this though)
  4. I think it might be the VF-27, the 3 antennas look like the laser and horns on the 27's head and since it has the SMS logo over it I get the feeling it's from frontier.
  5. I doubt it's a Michael valk since they've shown the VF100 DX and Model version multiple times already. I think the first one is going to be a VF-171 and the second either a red Vajra or the VF-27
  6. that's what I just said. I think it's just as likely that they will release a 1/60 scale Koenig Monster update as it is that they will release an SDF-1. we'll just have to weight untill the launch even to find out. (OH SHI- 7 DAYS!)
  7. technically that was the MKII destroid so that wasn't transformable. that would be cool if they resurrected that project and finally produced that MASSIVE 1/60 monster.
  8. so it's a Gnerl, that you stick legs on to make a battlepod, that you stick arms on to make a Glaug? trippy.
  9. two problems with your theory; 1)just because parts are moved around/held together by magnets doesn't meant they're sticking an arm to a random piece of metal. 99% likelihood that the body and arm have brackets that line up to make sure they mate up correctly, including any power/fuel/control lines that run from one part to the other. 2) a cell phone call and a military aircraft are two very different things. if you're cell phone louses it's signal, you miss a call; if a the control's of a plane lose signal YOU F*CKING DIE. Airplanes have tripple/quadruple redundant systems that are EM shielded for a reason, and you think it's a good idea to replace that with a wireless signal which is subject to active jamming, interference, arrant signals and a crap load of other reliability issues that you don't run into with a hard line? they aren't going to use wireless for the simple reason that nobody is going to want to fly in an Valk where the enemy can turn off your gunpod or lock up your arms and legs using a Jamming pod.
  10. ok, devils advocate, they do use magnetism to hold the gunpod down. they still need dedicated hard point even if instead of using a hook/clam they used magnets. you need the dedicated mounting point if for no other reason than that the gunpod would never be aligned properly if it just "stuck" to the side of the plane. If you have an odd shaped metal object and put it near a magnet, the metal object is going to want to have as match surface area in contact with the magnet as possible. they would need to have some kind of mounts to keep the gunpod pointing the right direction, correctly aligned and right side up. you're not going to get that with a gunpod just stuck to the side by a big magnet. and another thing, at leas the main gunpod has to be connected by a physical hard point since it needs some way of being fired by the aircraft.
  11. except weight isn't an issue in terms of mounting an AIM-54. heavy for a A-to-A missile yes. but it's still only 1,000lbs. an F-18 can mount AGM-65's 3 to a hard point and each of them weights an average 500lbs. hell an F/A-18C can heft around a Taurus cruise missile and that weighs in 3 times as much as an AIM-54. the AIM-54 has never ended up on any other plane because of software and the fact no one want's to use it. the AIM-54 costs almost $500,000USD; it's been shot 3 times in combat and hit NOTHING. the F-14 was the ONLY plane to use the AIM-54, the SR-71 is an unarmed spy plane developed form the A-12 and the YF-12 which was an interceptor developed from the A-12 never carried the AIM-54 either; the YF-12 used the AIM-47. the F-111B would have carried it but that got canned in the 1960's hence why we have the F-14 at all.
  12. I have no idea who it's supposed to be but it's great.
  13. oh crap, they dropped those. I saw the flying wing at the lego store outside Disneyland a month ago, should have got it (I was hopping they'd do a last crusade set with a mini-fig Sean Connery)
  14. you can't mask then prime, sorry. if you do the edge will be funny looking. I know of some people who have used flat clear paint as a primer before, but I've never tried it and have no idea how well that would work. for small areas you don't HAVE to prime if you prep the surface well enough it's possible to get a good finish for small areas without primer. some paints need primer though (metal finish paints in particular.)
  15. replace the VF-2SS with the VF-3000 and you have the best list ever. "full transformation Macross product" could mean anything. all we know for sure is it will transform and it will be large. the use of the word new suggests that its not going to be a repaint. it could be an SDF-1. other likely, (and not so likely) candidates include the VF-4, VF-17, VF-5000, VB-6 (1/60?!?) I'd actually rather have a 1/60 VB-6 over a macross. (actually I'd rather have all of those plus a few more things than a SDF-1)
  16. how about some Zeorymer? it's a god mech that's powered by rape.
  17. what trailer are you watching, it didn't say anything about the rating.
  18. If they do something like that, they'd better include Arcadia and Space battleship Yamato arms while they're at it
  19. It would be nice if it had an actual waist joint instead of the mid torso joint that it does have. the one part I really don't like is the way the heat shield kind of sticks out since it's attached to the Chest.
  20. I think those were originally IAD's
  21. I absolutely despised the controls in AC games, I suck so bad at the game but the mecha designs are great. they really should do an armored core movie or OVA. make it look as good as the 4A opening movie and it will be the coolest thing ever.
  22. the F-18 doesn't carry the AIM-54 for a couple of reasons. First of all they don't have the correct mounting points for it. this could be fixed fairly easily (the managed to mount the AIM-54 on an F-15 after all). the Second and bigger issue is that the F-18 lacks the avionics to fire the AIM-54 and hit anything, I believe it's because the F-18 isn't set up to send mid flight updates to the missile before it transitions to on board radar. and even though they could fix both these things so that the AIM-54 could be launched from an F-18, they never bothered because there's no point. the AIM-54 is old, Expensive and limited in it's capabilities to the point that it's practically worthless.
  23. Maybe I'm interpreting the show wrong, but I got the feeling that Grace and the rest of SEELE Galaxy Anon. were all one consciousness by the end of the show. I don't really think there was any coercion or manipulation or Her part of the rest of the Galaxy leadership since their plan from the start was "become one superentity and rule the galaxy/universe." I don't think Leon was ever fully aware what grace was planing to do. Grace probably told him that if he helps her she would help him gain power, conveniently leaving out the part about her becoming God. I don't even think Leon was trying to stop Grace when he tried to kill her. That was Just another Power grab on his part, trying to get her out of the way so he wouldn't have to share power with anyone. Just because SK designed the mecha doesn't make them any less ridiculous looking. it's not even that they're bad, they just look wrong in MACROSS. the valks of Macross 7, especially the Varauta and sound force mechs, look very super robot like. I have a feeling they left fate off Galaxy's City/island section a mystery for a reason (i.e. major role in the movie)
  24. I think this is one of those cases where even when you win you're still a loser.
  25. It's a bit of a stretch to say that because the VF-25 uses electromagnets in its transformation (now or why they use them I don't know or understand), the whole valk and its armor is either A) covered in electromagnets or B) one giant electromagnet. I think a bigger problem than the strength of the surface the gunpod is attaching too is the strength of the electromagnetic field itself. Attaching something as large and heavy as a gunpod to a valk would require a very strong magnetic field that may very well be strong enough to start causing problems like attracting every piece of metal nearby to the airframe. The other big problem with using magnets is how they’re able to get the gunpod perfectly aligned under the valk. Gunpods have irregular surfaces that wouldn't sit cleanly against the surface they’re being mounted to if it was just electromagnets. Unless the area you’re attaching the gunpod to is shaped to match the gunpod, the gun is going to be crooked and misaligned. And if the designed to match the gunpod, that mean you were planning to put the gunpod there from the start and it would probably be easier just to use a mechanical connection. I think the simplest solution is that the VF-25 just has multiple hard points to attach gunpods. It would make since for that to be the case for the fallowing reason: the GU-17 can't be reloaded in combat. The extra mounting points would allow the valk to carry multiple gunpods so that when one ran out they could discard that gunpod and switch to a new one. It's the same idea as on the YF-21/VF-22. Of course, if the VF-25 really dose use magnets then it's fairly safe to assume that the VF-27 uses them as well. If the VF-27 does use magnets than it to could mount any gunpod it wanted too; including the GU-17
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