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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. Zeta is fiddly and delict but the actual build was fine. I also just built up a wing ver ka which i need to decal up so I can start on the Sinanju. Overall though, I think my favorite RG is the Z'Gok, because it's a Z'Gok.
  2. None of the RG kits are actually that hard to build as long as you're not painting them.
  3. What scale is this supposed to be in? 60cm is absolutely massive even at 1/48 scale. ouch. I think the best thing to do if you want to actually get this manufactured and sold would be to simplify the design a bit. if you worked on simplifying some of the mechanisms and ditch some of the extravagant features you could seriously cut the parts count which will drive down the manufacturing costs a lot.
  4. There's quite a few areas of this piece I'd like to critique, but...
  5. At least the regular ones would be fun at parties. although I question why they have a hose running directly from their face to their crotch.
  6. is this thing still a thing?
  7. Really? really?? REALLY??? Also, it's gun looks like a hand-held waffle iron.
  8. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
  9. Super jelly, I missed out on this one completely. Maybe if I end up not digging the Strike Gundam I can do a 1:1 trade for it. more Wing Gundam to make me feel better; also bad photoshop because I don't have any font packs or custom brushes installed on this computer. Zero by Michael Ringot, on Flickr
  10. Nothing new or interesting, I just wanted to vent a little bit. For the first time ever, I'm actually wishing I had ordered a figure from AmiAmi instead of HLJ. I got this figure some 3 months ago and I totally love it https://hlj.com/product/AMXAX-1040 But I just found out that the manufacturer did a run of replacement parts for it that fix my one complaint I have with this figure. I'm only finding out now because someone who got there improved parts posted pictures on flickr. apparently AmiAmi actually contacted all their customers who bought this figure and offered to forward them the new parts. I wasn't bothered the whole time I had the figure but now that I'm aware that a fix is out their I'm super miffed that I don't have those parts.
  11. More of a general retailer question, but does anybody have any recommendations for forwarding services from Japan to the US?
  12. there's an alternate set of stand parts to display the Neo Bird Mode.
  13. but it's so pretty, free it from it's styrofoam prison so it can save the world Wing Zero by Michael Ringot, on Flickr
  14. anime52k8

    Hi-Metal R

    if you look closely, you can see the texture indicative of 3D printing on the base. also everyone keeps doing the launch arm because it's Iconic and cool. And you could totally make a functional launch arm stand, the problem is the toy would have to be designed to work with it, (a backpack that locks in place securely in fighter mode and connection points on the boosters for the claw to engage with) which nobody has done.
  15. Strike is cool and all but Zero is just...
  16. Bandai derives sustenance from your anger and sadness; your tears are so yummy and sweet to them.
  17. I think I shouldn't have dumped the one I got at HLJ. I haven't gotten gotten a bad email about the Aile strike yet, and I haven't heard anything from AmiAmi about the YF-19. :edit: It's just so beautiful and I want it now.
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